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差差差 -千個差 ! 唔明點解重會有人去食嘢 ! 以為一個差 第二個高級d都係咁差!我complain 嗰個士仔兩次不秋不睬咁行走咗 完全冇反應 重要落錯單 ! 點知第二行埋嚟重衰 ,我講梗第一個點差 佢竟然叫我冷靜先同我落單,我話而家咪落囉,佢拒絕幫我落 因為我未冷靜! 真好笑, I m making a complain , he asked me to shut up , otherwise don’t take my order ! What the hell !!! I said ok , I leave then , n he said never mind !!!! I have never been to a restaurant with this kind of super worst attitudes!! Can’t believe this happened in a restaurant in a big city like hk !!