288 瀏覽
服務態度超級惡劣,特別係個男老闆!!! (我估佢應該係老闆或者經理) ,啲嘢難食,仲話做街坊生意但係又加上咁惡劣嘅服務態度,一定唔會再有下次。 永久 blacklist。 一定唔會推薦畀啲 friend ,除非想線啲 friend。 貼錢買難受 。其實想比零分,一粒星都唔想畀佢,但係可惜冇呢個選擇,被迫只可以揀一粒星。如果可以揀,真係會俾零粒星做 rating!!! Very poor service with a very bad attitude, especially the male manager who is very rude and impolite. Not recommended this cafe to anyone unless you want to revenge on your "friends". Want to give a ZERO star for the rating, unfortunately there is no such option and I have to give a 1 star for the rating.
Very poor service with a very bad attitude, especially the male manager who is very rude and impolite. Not recommended this cafe to anyone unless you want to revenge on your "friends". Want to give a ZERO star for the rating, unfortunately there is no such option and I have to give a 1 star for the rating.