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在威爾斯醫院工作之前, 喜歡到附近的第一城商場喝杯咖啡, 吃一個All Day Breakfast, 雖然說只是一個住宅區, 但商場內的咖啡店也不算少, 除了連鎖集團外, 也有兩三間獨立經營的, 比起油塘不知多了多少倍, 因為嚴格而言油塘是沒有咖啡店的. Reactor Coffee本身在這裏和紅磡也有營業, 但後來就留守在這裏, 咖啡正常, 味道帶點酸但加了奶就OK, 而且Latte Art也算是做得不錯, 奶泡口感順滑, 作為早餐的咖啡已經合格. All Day Breakfast有點驚喜, 無論是厚切煙肉的口感不會太乾, 還是炒蛋的順滑, 還有附上的奶油蔬菜撻比一般的麵包內的有心思的表現, 為我差足電, 然後迎來另一個忙碌的工作天.Before working at the Prince of Wales Hospital, I enjoyed going to the nearby First City Mall for a coffee and an All Day Breakfast. Although it’s just a residential area, there
Before working at the Prince of Wales Hospital, I enjoyed going to the nearby First City Mall for a coffee and an All Day Breakfast. Although it’s just a residential area, there are quite a few coffee shops in the mall, including a couple of independent ones. Reactor Coffee operates here and in Hung Hom but has remained here. The coffee is decent, slightly acidic but fine with milk, and the latte art is impressive. The All Day Breakfast surprised me with its juicy thick-cut bacon, smooth scrambled eggs, and thoughtful vegetable tart. Then I powered up for another busy workday.