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嗌咗個海南雞飯有異味唔新鮮仲要呢係冇其他飲品選擇50蚊都覺得佢好貴啲飯又硬又冇油香味冇椰香味大不幸之選,仲要啲員工態度極差講收工講你走一粒飯都未食就話要趕你走!!??廚房好dirty 唔知以為去左地盤食野!!果碟野其到唔知食唔食得 for the Hainanese chicken, the meat is not all cooked, so it is difficult to bite off, so I don’t want to think about the meat, so let’s bury the Hainan chicken Is there any oily aroma? I eat more like a white chicken. The rice is completely rotten. seems not cooked
for the Hainanese chicken, the meat is not all cooked, so it is difficult to bite off, so I don’t want to think about the meat, so let’s bury the Hainan chicken Is there any oily aroma? I eat more like a white chicken. The rice is completely rotten. seems not cooked