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其實自己一直冇寫食評嘅習慣,但係近排遇到一家極度無禮同令我失望嘅餐廳體驗之後,覺得有良心嘅餐廳係好難能可貴,所以希望寫食評推廣一啲食物好味,服務又貼心嘅餐廳,希望多啲人會認識。呢一間餐廳嘅天婦羅非常之好食,用嘅食材新鮮,就算係用天婦羅嘅煮法,都食得出出食材嘅鮮味。而且佢用嘅粉係好薄,同埋食完之後唔會覺得熱氣同埋口渴。師傅亦都好貼心,會講解每一道食材,亦都會同客人傾偈。係非常之有心嘅餐廳。I am not used to writing reviews, but a recent bad encounter and disappointing experience with another very popular tempura restaurant motives me to start writing reviews so restaurants with genuinely good food and service will get recognised and appreciated, which Tenshu is definitely one which worth me
I am not used to writing reviews, but a recent bad encounter and disappointing experience with another very popular tempura restaurant motives me to start writing reviews so restaurants with genuinely good food and service will get recognised and appreciated, which Tenshu is definitely one which worth mentioning! This is certainly one of the best tempura restaurants in Hong Kong! Their ingredients were fresh. You could taste the freshness of the seafood which was not overdone and covered by the batter. The batter itself was nicely done, thin and crispy. You won’t feel thirsty after the food, which is a plus for tempura which is obviously a fried dish. The chef was attentive to their guests and explained every dish well, I really appreciate the chit chat with the chef, which offered a relaxing atmosphere, and an overall enjoyable experience of great food and service.
我係食佢嘅lunch set,價錢大約$600一位,佢更加有平啲嘅選擇,唔算貴,食物非常之豐富,我覺得物超所值。大滿足嘅一餐!
The lunch was around $600 per person, they offered cheaper choices too which make it flexible for every budget. The food quality was great and it was truly value for money for such reasonable price tag. I had a wonderful and satisfying meal!
One of the best dishes of the day was the abalone, it was soft and tender, with intense flavour but not too salty. This came as a pleasant surprise, given the price I didn’t expect such luxurious ingredient. In addition, I find the prawn to be fresh and delicious and fish was also very nicely done.
Overall I really enjoyed the food, the vibe and everything. Highly recommend this place! A must go if you are a fan of tempura! Even if you are not a fan, I am sure you will change your mind about tempura after trying it at this restaurant! I am already craving for the tempura there and will be back for dinner real soon!
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