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同事話要飲野傾心事,即刻係Openrice 揀左間人氣高既Bar &Restaurant~ 基本Menu 頭兩頁全部都IGable🤭📸 特別Cocktail 係12星座命名, 仲有d 飲品係恆星名🌚🌗Signature Cocktail - J.Moon"I will fly you to the moon agian"底色係紫灰色, 好似月球表面顏色, 店員會幫加個波波 配合主題, 飲唔慣酒既會稍微覺得入口有d 嗆Aquarius "Save you tears and sip up the drinks until your tears dry up"身為水瓶座既小妹緊係要點番佢~ 冧酒做底, 再加蘋果檸檬乳酪mix, 完全唔覺飲左酒🍸私心覺得依杯最好Libra "This is perfectly balanced.Just like you"打卡💯 ~ 用個球狀器皿掛係個支架上~ Gin 酒加柚子蘋果再帶微酸 ,再加埋紫羅蘭既香氣, 幾特別Leo"There you are. The brightness of your passion made me put on my s
Signature Cocktail - J.Moon
"I will fly you to the moon agian"
底色係紫灰色, 好似月球表面顏色, 店員會幫加個波波 配合主題, 飲唔慣酒既會稍微覺得入口有d 嗆
"Save you tears and sip up the drinks until your tears dry up"
身為水瓶座既小妹緊係要點番佢~ 冧酒做底, 再加蘋果檸檬乳酪mix, 完全唔覺飲左酒🍸私心覺得依杯最好
"This is perfectly balanced.Just like you"
打卡💯 ~ 用個球狀器皿掛係個支架上~ Gin 酒加柚子蘋果再帶微酸 ,再加埋紫羅蘭既香氣, 幾特別
"There you are. The brightness of your passion made me put on my sunglasses."
冧酒加Gingerbeer, 再帶點菠蘿汁, 但飲落去竟然有番石榴味😂
"the craziness and perfection will definitely fit in with you"
以少女體態的高腳杯, 配Gin 帶少少茉莉花香,又帶少少莓的酸微微~
其實除左飲酒, 9半前佢地都有d 主食pasta 叫的~可以食完個晚飯再同朋友仔飲番杯🤭
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