2022-08-11 93 瀏覽
九龍城嘅茶餐廳、cafe、粉麵舖就見得多,估唔到會搵到高級嘅西餐廳🤩 Chaplin喺半年前開業,裡面嘅傢俬同裝潢都走英倫風🇬🇧 仲會長期播住依家好hit個英文歌,真係好似身處喺外國咁🥹A high class restaurant like Chaplin is a rare find within the KLC district. It opened half a year ago and hopes to bring the taste of UK back to HK. 廚師沙律 $90Chef’s Salad沙律有唔同嘅份量比你揀,今次得兩個人食就要細size🤏🏼 沙律配料有雞胸、牛肉同埋煙三文魚,多到見唔到底下嘅沙律菜,可想而知有幾足料🥰 雞胸肉質鮮嫩,煙三文魚鹹香味十足,半熟嘅牛肉片帶有煙燻味,加上清甜嘅沙律非常醒胃🤰🏻Even though we chose the small size, there were still lots of toppings. The chicken breast was tender, smoked salmon was savour
九龍城嘅茶餐廳、cafe、粉麵舖就見得多,估唔到會搵到高級嘅西餐廳🤩 Chaplin喺半年前開業,裡面嘅傢俬同裝潢都走英倫風🇬🇧 仲會長期播住依家好hit個英文歌,真係好似身處喺外國咁🥹
A high class restaurant like Chaplin is a rare find within the KLC district. It opened half a year ago and hopes to bring the taste of UK back to HK.
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廚師沙律 $90
Chef’s Salad
沙律有唔同嘅份量比你揀,今次得兩個人食就要細size🤏🏼 沙律配料有雞胸、牛肉同埋煙三文魚,多到見唔到底下嘅沙律菜,可想而知有幾足料🥰 雞胸肉質鮮嫩,煙三文魚鹹香味十足,半熟嘅牛肉片帶有煙燻味,加上清甜嘅沙律非常醒胃🤰🏻
Even though we chose the small size, there were still lots of toppings. The chicken breast was tender, smoked salmon was savoury and fresh and the beef was house smoked, enhancing the sweet and juicy flavours.
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時蘿煙三文魚卷 $85
Smoked Salmon Roulade
「Roulade」喺法文代表「卷」嘅意思,捲到好似玫瑰花咁嘅煙三文魚賣相精緻🌹 裡面有香軟嘅忌廉芝士同清新嘅沙律菜,成啖咁食無論係味道定口感都好豐富😚
The salmon was slathered with cream cheese, rolled up into a rose with some salad leaves in the middle to give it some texture and freshness.
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美國安格斯封門柳 $295
U.S Angus Beef Hanging Tender
封門柳喺每隻牛裡面只有一條,而且係肉味最濃嘅部位🐂 今次叫做五成熟,火候掌握得唔錯,牛柳外層焦脆,中間色澤紅潤😍 雖然油花唔多,但入口依然幼嫩多汁,加埋黑椒蘑菇醬就更滋味🤤 配菜可以揀薯條或者自家製酸菜,我地揀左後者😗 將紫甘藍切絲後醃製,味道酸酸甜甜,解膩一流👍🏼
Hanging tender was perfectly medium rare, crispy and brown on the outside but red and moist on the inside. It had a soft bite and could be teared apart easily, which went well with the housemade pickled cabbage.
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最後叫左杯泡沫咖啡 ($35),咖啡味醇香,完美咁配合濃郁綿滑的鮮奶泡沫☕️
Cappuccino was smooth and the aroma of fresh milk was heavier than the coffee, which I didn’t mind.
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