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長洲的「三:三」咖啡店是一間充滿人情味的簡約小店,悠閑的氛圍,讓你能舒適地品嚐他們的招牌 紫薯芋泥肉鬆吐司,肉鬆和芋泥份量十足,芋泥口感綿密,甜甜鹹鹹的滋味,讓人回味無窮,享受 3:15 PM 的下午茶時光。Teatime 3:3 at Cheung Chau is a cozy spot where you can indulge in their signature sweet potato & pork floss toast. The generous portions of pork floss and mashed sweet potato create a delightful combination, with a sweet-savory flavor that leaves you wanting more.
Teatime 3:3 at Cheung Chau is a cozy spot where you can indulge in their signature sweet potato & pork floss toast. The generous portions of pork floss and mashed sweet potato create a delightful combination, with a sweet-savory flavor that leaves you wanting more.