390 瀏覽
┌iii┐開心果 $38開頭食都幾有驚喜 開心果味夠香濃 而且口感幼滑🤍 但都後期就有啲甜膩感 唔夠輕盈☁️ 不過呢個價錢做到咁既質素已經唔錯😌Surprisingly, it had a strong pistachio taste and smooth texture😍 Although it’s a bit sugary, the quality was satisfying for this friendly price😎評分: 7/10🌟┌iii┐伯爵茶 $38伯爵茶茶味較淡、奶味比較突出💥 而且忌廉既份量頗多🥛 整體食落比較膩 比想到中遜色少少🥺Mouthwatering presentation of the Earl Grey Mille Crepe Cake was milky & creamy🧁 while the blandness earl grey flavour🫖 was really disappointing🥲 Better to share it with your friends as it’s quite heavy😟評分: 7/10🌟┌iii┐泰式
開頭食都幾有驚喜 開心果味夠香濃 而且口感幼滑🤍 但都後期就有啲甜膩感 唔夠輕盈☁️ 不過呢個價錢做到咁既質素已經唔錯😌
Surprisingly, it had a strong pistachio taste and smooth texture😍 Although it’s a bit sugary, the quality was satisfying for this friendly price😎
評分: 7/10🌟
┌iii┐伯爵茶 $38
伯爵茶茶味較淡、奶味比較突出💥 而且忌廉既份量頗多🥛 整體食落比較膩 比想到中遜色少少🥺
Mouthwatering presentation of the Earl Grey Mille Crepe Cake was milky & creamy🧁 while the blandness earl grey flavour🫖 was really disappointing🥲 Better to share it with your friends as it’s quite heavy😟
評分: 7/10🌟
┌iii┐泰式奶茶 $38
本身覺得泰茶好吸引 可惜食落冇乜泰茶既味道同特色 整體甜度唔算太高但有種食到一般唔想再食既感覺 睇黎係唔啱我口味😵💫
Limited Thai Tea flavour sounded mouthwatering but it lacked in feature🫠 It was not too sweet but this combination was unimpressive, not a must have item😮💨
評分: 6/10🌟
┌iii┐抹茶流心 $38
入口茶味濃郁帶淡淡奶香 回甘在後調慢慢散發出來🍵 千層皮厚薄均勻 加上特濃既抹茶流心醬令整體味道非常平衡😚 略厭抹茶流心唔夠澎湃 如果呈液體狀會更出色🥰
It was slightly milky🍼, rich in matcha flavour and had a sweet aftertaste🍃 Balancing the whole flavour with the deluxe matcha jam💚, with a hints of thickness uniformity of crepes🍰 while more matcha lava jam will have a better effect🥹
評分: 8/10🌟
┌iii┐抹茶麻糬 $38
另一款抹茶同樣茶味濃郁 甜度適中 而且忌廉既份量剛好👌🏻 個人認為加咗麻糬令口感有所提升得黎又唔會太膩 值得一試🤤✨
Aromatic Matcha with the accurate sweetness level & suitable portion of cream was just right😋 There’s a elevation to the next level 💫 with adding mochi inside and not heavy yet, worth a try🤩
評分: 8.5/10🌟
Holam Bakery (觀塘)
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