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食評 (49)
橙,我和隊長是因為一顆橙而認識,這次來到 Soho 區以 Orange Tree 為名的餐廳,兩口子都會心微笑。每次我都喜歡吃 bread tank,至少也得來點餐包讓我可以沾牛油吧。怎麼只有一片「大」麵包?味道來得相當驚喜!內裡是溫熱柔軟的棉花糖,外層烤得乾身香脆,還有濃濃的麥香!我已經忘記平時擔當重要角色的牛油。(牛油也很軟滑)沒吃過如此有水準的麵包很久了,相信咀叼的法國人也會愛上它。我幾乎想只吃鬆脆的麥香外層,最飽肚的內層都遞給隊長 (喂~)見他也吃得津津有味,而且也讚外層超水準,就讓他好好享用這片麵包吧。只有一片,而且是超水準級數,份量實在不夠滿足我對餐包的慾望。Lamb Fillets and Eggplant baked in Puff PastryOn creamed Leeks and Rosemary Jus $268我的主菜點了羊柳卷,是 Orange Tree 推介主菜之一。很多人不吃羊肉,是基於抗拒羊肉的羶味。這道果然是店家的重點推介,羊柳柔嫩多汁,零羶味,散發著牛油香的酥皮把羊柳卷起,封著肉汁,而且沒有骨頭,世上有牛柳,原來也有叫羊柳的美食。羊柳下是烤茄子,吸收了羊柳的肉汁,感覺不像吃茄子,盡是羊汁的精華。配合與奶油煮為一體的韭蔥,口感香滑。一切都來得太驚喜,迷迭香汁相對顯得平傭。Premium 150 days Grain fed Australian Rib Eye Steak (8 oz) $268點了 medium 剛好沒有血水,而且散發肉香,肉質柔軟富彈性,有嚼勁,肉味香濃,相比之下,還是羊柳較突出有驚喜。另外,我們點了盤 Side dish: “Hutspot” mash potatoes就是薯蓉混合紅蘿蔔和洋蔥。廚子應該很喜歡迷迭香吧,每道菜也灑上迷迭香,或配以其醬汁。吃完了薯蓉也有飽肚感了。每次飯後,隊長都會問我:這次最好吃是什麼?「餐包」「我都是」❤❤❤❤❤ 繼續閱讀
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I heard that this was the only Dutch bistro thats really owned by a Dutch. (Btw the chef really talks in Dutch in the kitchen)I booked a table for two a day before i went with my mom. When we went in at 6:30, the place was empty. But when its getting around 7:30-8:00, people started coming in and it became quite noisy and crowded. Though if u come in earlier, its very relaxing and romantic.We had1. "Garnaaltjes" shrimps with toast and saladIt was served in a very small potion, since its an appetizer. I recommend you eating it with the toast and side salad if you want to order this dish. It tastes not bad but no wow factor, however quite special.2. Pan fried whole dover sole with side veggiesIt was grilled perfectly, no sight of undercook or overcook. However its quite dry and tasteless, i tried squeezing as much of juice from the lemons but its useless, maybe im just not a big fan of grilled food.3. Lamb fillets and eggplant baked in puff pastry Now i see why this dish is greatly recommended by lots of people. this dish is perfect, the sauce goes perfect with the lamb fillet and the eggplant. Theres a wow factor in it, i can still see smoke coming out of it when its served, its amazingEven if you dont like lamb meat or eggplant, you should def order this if youre visiting this place!!! 4. Poffertjes with vanilla ice creamI wasnt planning to order this because i already had ice cream earlier, but then at the end i did. And i have to say I AM SO GRATEFUL I DID! This is one of their best dishes indeed, special and tasty. The first bite of the poffertjes wowed me, it was warm and eggy and very tummy satisfied. The vanilla ice cream wasnt cheap at all, you know its european ice cream by the texture and taste of it.* I also ordered a glass of French Rose Wine, its a pretty velvet color. It tastes okay Id still choose champagne over wineI recommend this bistro if you want to try Dutch food, the service wasnt as bad as the others had said and if you pick the right dishes, you would have a wonderful time there 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2014-08-06
1564 瀏覽
When people pay big money on a meal, they tend to say the best about it, because no one wants to look like a schmuck that pays over $1000 for a piece of dogsh!t on a rock. But maybe it's time to put down the arrogance,  try not to out-smart the truth, and admit it's a mistake. I did. Yes Orange Tree is expensive, but the food certainly doesn't live up to it's price. Here I'm talking about the quality as well as the fantastically small portion that finds a hard time satisfying even a toddler. It's ok if you are on diet or one of the good-food-must comes-a-small-portion crowd. When we pay we don't just pay for the food but also the service, and thats the main problem about this place. We ordered the main course and side dishes, no drinks, we ain't drinkers, and from then on the waitresses put on a face of 'go to Cafe De Coral next time' to us, up until we walked out the door. Try to avoid this place if you don't wanna take that sh!t. But I have to say the location is ok, up in the mountain, a bit away from the Soho crowd. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-03-12
1624 瀏覽
Walked pass this restaurant the other day at Soho after work, I only ordered a main dish because I wasn’t that hungry at all but knew I had to stuff something down my stomach so I ordered this….Steak Tartar “Orange Tree Style”Served with a mixed salad and French Fries $228-The texture of the tartar was mushy and raw, it was kind of weird at first but when I spread on some baguette toasts the texture became much better. I liked the mayonnaise dipping sauce for the fries; I actually enjoyed the fries more than the tartar itself… The mixed salad was fresh and the pickles on the side were there just right because whenever my tasting palette went bland from too much raw steak I munched a piece of pickle and it would balance out the taste of raw meat in my mouth.Overall an average restaurant I came across randomly at Soho place, might give it another shot and tryout other cooked dishes if I get the chance to, maybe the cooked dishes doesn’t taste that weird after all? 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-02-13
999 瀏覽
半山唔太就腳。。平時好少去。。不過今日食pre-Valentine's day dinner。。就即管試下新野。。餐廳細細間。。可能係平日。。冇坐滿。。燈光較暗。。情調都啱傾計談情。。佢地嘅餐前麵包幾重麥味。。入面軟熟。。出面有少少脆。。不錯。。頭盤我地揀左青口。。數量比想像中多。。超過20隻。。不過size細左啲。。啲湯好鮮甜。。如果唔係怕失禮。。差啲想飲埋 主菜我地揀左海鮮扁意粉。。幾足料。。但係味道冇乜驚喜。。似一般西餐廳貨。。另外我地仲叫左個beef tenderloin。。medium。。叫個侍應推介sauce。。佢話紅酒汁。。磨菇汁同truffle jus都幾好。。。我地就揀左少啲見嘅truffle jus。。塊扒邊位有少少燒到乾左。。不過整體都幾juicy同淋。。同好香嘅truffle jus非常夾。。真係好介紹。。而配菜嘅薯仔都幾香滑。。本來我地仲想試下荷蘭式甜品。。不過飽啦。。下次再試 到想埋單果陣。。啲侍應唔見晒人。。唔知係咪因為檯檯都上晒菜呢??搞到要特登行入去叫埋單 繼續閱讀
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