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食評 (12)
等級4 2024-12-31
879 瀏覽
This famous Cantonese restaurant has been in business for over 70 years and has been awarded Michelin 1-star. Today we come to their branch outlet in Kowloon Bay, located in Kingston International Centre.The design here is more modernized compared with their Wanchai flagship, with bright light and high ceiling. The main dining area is spacious and can accommodate a lot of tables, but it is very quiet on this Saturday evening, with only two groups. Most customers in fact are seated inside the various VIP rooms on the sides.  I have a bottle of Paul Pernot Bourgogne Cote d’Or Chardonnay 2021 ($760) to pair with the food. A simple Burgundy white, it has nice acidity, crisp and easy to drink, and goes well with the various dishes we have ordered.For starter we have Deep-fried Frog’s Legs with Spicy Salt ($360). The portion size is surprisingly large, which looks more like a main dish than an appetizer. The frog’s legs are deep-fried perfectly, crispy on the surface while not drying out the flesh, with the spicy salt spot on, not overly salty or spicy. Excellent.From the staff recommendation we also order Braised Garoupa with Thousand Layer Tofu ($1,280). The fish is the day’s special, meaty but not rough in texture, braised together with tofu, roasted pork, and mushroom. Again, the seasoning is spot on, bringing forth the flavours of the ingredients nicely while not excessively salty. Another excellent dish.The other main dish we have is Sauteed Fillet of Pigeon with Caramelized Jinhua Ham ($380). The pigeon breast is rich in taste, stir-fried perfectly to cook through but still maintain the tenderness. The Chinese ham has been sliced thinly, with its savoury taste a good complement with the pigeon meat. Even though we are quite full by now we finish every single piece of the dish. Excellent.A specialty of the winter season is Claypot Rice with Cured Meat ($360 for two). The rice picks up the fragrance from the cured meat, wonderfully delicious. The Chinese sausages and cured meats are also of good quality. A highly recommend dish. If you like the cured duck leg, there is also the option to add one too.There is complimentary dessert provided, including Sesame Rolls and Sachima. Both are tasty and adjusted to reduced sweetness, to cater for the modern palate. The fluffy sachima has an amazing texture, while the sesame rolls have intense sesame flavours. I would be happy to order them even if we need to pay for it.My wife has Sweetened Red Bean Soup with Lotus Seed ($60), with plenty of red beans and more ‘solid’ which is to her liking. It is sweet but not excessive, delicious and satisfying. I go for Sweetened Almond Soup with Egg White ($60), with the delicate almond taste and sweetness providing an elegant finale for a wonderful meal.Service is good, with the manager very professional and well-trained. We can see how she focuses on the details and keeps reminding the more junior staff how things should be handled. The bill on the night is $3,699 and the restaurant does live up to the reputation of its Wanchai counterpart. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2025-02-16
328 瀏覽
與客戶午聚,先參考OpenRice 食評,看到九龍灣同區中菜餐廳服務不佳,就決定訂座福臨門,當然是貪其氣派、食物質素及服務水平氣派-還好吧 坐廂房 環境-九龍灣也算是新店吧門已經極不順暢極難關上食物-點心 毫無印象 -紅燒魚翅 -燉湯內的花膠要用牙大力撕開並極難咀嚼 清湯無鮮味 -欖菜蒸斑多骨魚滑魚肉無味 欖菜太搶 -炸子雞最正常 -瑤柱扒豆苗 豆苗爛蓉蓉 -荷葉飯又濕又霉服務-上菜無節奏 不會觀察客人用餐是否完畢 已上其他2道菜,趕收工嗎? -侍應不專業又不得體可以說接近酒樓遮遮水準衛生-碟上有塵 都重用來分餸菜 嘔心太多中菜餐廳比福臨門好食,尤其龍皇,超值有驚喜合共消費7千多呢! 總結不值一試 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2025-01-14
1035 瀏覽
有事到附近處理,喜見這兒有福臨門,順道到此飲茶。新嘗試的芝士蝦球,蝦味強勁,表面的麵包粒脆而不油,跟配酸甜醬,相得益彰。韭菜蟹盒未食入口已嗅到豐濃的韭菜香,一咬之下果然非凡,蟹肉是一絲絲的,超推介!蒸點當中最出色的乃是棉花雞,雞肉滑溜有汁,魚肚索盡雞汁,十分滋味。灌湯餃向來都有水準,今次亦不例外,清湯中的肉餃軟滑無比,最利害的是那一梳梳的魚翅,好富貴!楊洲炒飯炒得好香,飯粒顆顆分明,配料是大量的叉燒、蛋絲、蔥粒,還有大大隻的蝦,食完也不會一口的油,是個高水準的炒飯!應該是新的分店,仍能保持聲譽。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-11-08
1722 瀏覽
今個星期又去飲茶,叫咗5款點心。鮮蝦腐皮卷,皮脆蝦肉彈餡料豐富。臘腸卷,軟熟皮包住多汁臘腸。牛肉腸粉,又薄又滑的腸粉皮包住足料的牛肉。XO醬鳳爪醬汁味道及濃稠度剛剛好。粉粿,餡料滿滿,伙記主動俾碟潮式辣椒油點嚟食,十分惹味。總括嚟講呢幾款點心都好有水準。比較起上星期去咗中環士丹利街的老牌茶樓,這裡雖然相對比較貴,但食物及服務都優勝,就算是茶都比較好飲,這裡的鐵觀音有回甘香味,中環的老牌樓收$42位茶同是鐵觀音,無茶味。伙記們都十分有禮貌,招呼到位。枱與枱的距離不太近,絕對唔會感覺迫刧。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-02-13
5512 瀏覽
今日真係好開心 大年初四約埋親戚一齊去試吓呢間福臨門 之前我Tony哥去開灣仔果間 因我跑馬地過灣仔揸桇麥拿倫都5洗10分鐘就到 今次去開九龍灣就直接去呢間食飯因為仲放緊假所以walk in大把位仲包12人房 我地叫咗好多野食 我Tony哥持別介紹乳豬全體$1900 超級好食 蜜汁叉燒又係一絕 我會登相比各位食神試吓 食到9:30差唔多客人走哂 我都拎張AE黑咭埋單!今晚超抵食 只係$12828 十分好意頭 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)