港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
於2009年開業至今,以法國著名開胃酒命名的正宗法國小酒館,經典菜式包括鵝肝醬及法式烤雞等,亦有一系列法國餐酒配菜。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 02:00
11:00 - 00:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (36)
等級4 2024-07-07
271 瀏覽
中環嘅Wyndham Street一帶有唔少酒吧林立🥂最近發掘到呢間法式小酒館💫酒吧門外有唔少企喺度chill drink嘅吧枱 帶有homie嘅感覺🏡星期五嘅晚上嚟到氛圍好愉悅放鬆😚音樂亦都係好輕快嘅jazz/pop song🎵而餐牌上有唔少經典嘅法式菜色 今次就點咗幾道菜醫醫肚🇫🇷✨️Grilled Bone Marrow $138先點咗一份bone marrow作為餐前小菜🤌但其實份量一啲都唔少 而且賣相都十分吸引😛牛骨髓上鋪咗滿滿嘅蕃茜同百里香🌿連同牛骨髓一齊放喺香脆嘅多士上進食🍞牛油香氣嘅襯托令香氣更加突出🧈但整體嘅味道略嫌偏酸咗少少 不過都不失為一道香口開胃嘅小菜🤏✨️Ravioles|Truffle Sauce $168Ravioles嘅奶油香味超級濃郁 一上菜就聞到🤩松露奶油醬汁包裹住每一粒ravioles🥟內餡係菠菜芝士 有淡淡嘅清香☺️食落膩感唔會太重🥛但松露嘅味道就唔算突出 被芝士同奶油香蓋過🧀✨️Beef Tartare|Fries & Salad $228Beef Tartare基本係我每次到法式酒館都會嗌嘅菜色😋餐廳選用嘅牛肉肉質唔錯 食落嫩滑無筋🍖而比較特別嘅係放得比較多Dijon Mustard/蛋黃醬 取代生蛋黃🫗整體色調偏白 同埋醬汁多啲🤌但食落味道十分不錯 酸度適中😳配上無限任添嘅面包 令我地食得好滋味🥖✨️Orange Juice $40✨️Peppermint Tea $40一間隱藏於酒吧後嘅高質餐廳⭐️酒吧餐廳本身嘅氛圍感帶濃厚嘅法式風情🇫🇷輕快而chill嘅音樂 吸引唔少外國臉孔嘅客人🥂而店員態度亦都頗熱情😉餐廳食物嘅出品都令我覺得一啲驚喜 水準十分不錯☺️價格喺中環嚟講都位於合理水平💰回頭率幾高 不論happy hour定晚餐都值得一試💖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-06-21
303 瀏覽
Last night, I experienced an issue where I was charged twice on my credit card for dinner at their establishment. Today, I returned to the restaurant in the afternoon to resolve this matter, only to be told that the staff member responsible was unavailable and that I should come back after 5:00 pm. This response left me perplexed—is it their policy to address financial discrepancies only after business hours? The cashier was present; a simple check could have resolved the issue on the spot.I agreed to leave and then remembered that I had another commitment in the evening, making a return visit impossible. I inquired about alternative timeslots via telephone. The restaurant informed me that the earliest they could assist me was tomorrow, Saturday, after 6:00 pm, which unfortunately, did not work for my schedule.The conversation took a turn when they began to display impolite behavior, suggesting that they will contact me via WhatsApp after 5:00 pm today. I requested that they send a WhatsApp message immediately for record purposes. Upon hearing this, they abruptly ended the call.Subsequent attempts to reach out were met with the same disregard, as they refused to answer my calls for five more tries. It was only on the sixth call that they finally picked up and reiterated their earlier stance about contacting me via WhatsApp after business hours.I agreed, albeit with reservations, as it's clear they were unwilling to provide immediate written confirmation. I will wait to see if they follow through tonight at 5:00 pm. If they see this review on Google and promptly address the issue, that would be acceptable.However, if they fail to resolve this situation, I would advise against patronizing this restaurant. The lack of immediate action and the dismissive attitude are indicative of a service experience that falls short of expectations. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-09-19
603 瀏覽
Weekend同朋友去中環消遣,一定要揀有氣氛嘅酒吧,喺雲街嘅呢間法式酒吧,就係推介之一👍酒吧地方雖然吾算好大,但勝在係路邊,音樂好聽,夠哂氣氛每次經過都會見到好多食客酒客,喺餐廳門口傾計跳舞,非常開心。我同朋友weekend都會成日嚟happy hour,除咗氣氛好之外,餐廳嘅員工非常有禮貌,每次都好熱情招待。我地今晚叫左啤酒紅酒,主菜叫左羊脾,同芝士拼盤, 一路食住唔同味道嘅芝士,再加紅酒,夠chill又夠relax, 真係人生一大樂事❤️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-01-20
906 瀏覽
Ordered their daily special fish with mashed potato and veggies! The fish tastes so good, it’s kinda crispy on the outside but so soft inside The truffle mac and cheese with ham was so good😍 Can’t go wrong with truffle sauce right hehe 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-11-06
1067 瀏覽
🇭🇰Patis Bistro Francais·呢間法式既bistro我喺OpenRice見到評價都唔錯 所以我地就嚟咗試啦😌佢成間餐廳個裝修都真係好有法國街頭小酒館嘅感覺 而且真係超多外國人幫襯 嘢食質素同埋氣氛都唔錯🇫🇷·Chill Eats Dinner Menu $318由11月1號到30號 大家仲可以book由DiningCity舉辦既「Chill 住食」活動 咁就可以低至7折食多過200間餐廳既精選套餐啦😍😍呢間餐廳個精選套餐就係有3道菜嘅 而且每人仲有一杯白酒或者紅酒添 超級chill😎·Burgundy snails w/ garlic butter sauce佢呢個法式田螺我哋超級鍾意😍😍佢田螺個質感整得好好 而且佢個蒜蓉牛油係超級惹味 佢蒜蓉超級多 而且仲焗到面頭有啲焦焦地咁樣 就咁食已經好好食🤤而且佢個baguette好正 佢係真係外脆內軟 質感好好 我哋最後係好似餓鬼咁refill左3籃麵包點曬所有蒜蓉汁🧄😈😈·Steak tartare w/ fries & salad l Pan fried salmon之後佢個牛肉他他都做得幾好食 佢牛肉質感好好 而且調味都唔錯 不過佢呢個真係超大個 我哋最後都食淨左半個🫢🐮我哋另外仲叫咗個三文魚 佢呢個都幾肥美 而且最驚喜係佢個魚皮煎到好脆 係脆到好似炸魚皮咁 超正🐟·Crème burlee l Chocolate mousse反而佢哋嘅甜品我自己就覺得一般般啲啦 佢個chocolate mousse第一啖食落幾濃嘅 但係我自己覺得佢海鹽嘅比例有啲太多 所以食到最後會有少少鹹🤣🤣另外個crème burlee食落蛋味好重既 不過我自己覺得佢cream嘅比例比較少 所以有啲太燉蛋🍮😂😂·#rbyeat#rby西餐#rby中環·📍中環雲咸街65號地下 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)