港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (4)
等級4 2016-01-01
4719 瀏覽
於中環上班,午餐往往走到上環,為的只是更多選擇,更大眾化的價錢。年尾飯局、消費特別多,所以午飯還是節省一點好了,同事提議到ZOO,說價錢合理,質素不俗。沿住蘇杭街走進去,差點過門而不入,原來ZOO是一間酒吧(我以為是餐廳)😅晚上的酒吧,下午搖身一變提供午市套餐,所以店內都是高桌座椅,燈光幽暗。店家提供set lunch,有三款可供選擇,分別是白汁長通粉/肉醬意粉/意大利飯,再選配料,價錢按其而訂。清淡的話有沙律可供選擇。set lunch 配有飲料/餐湯,亦可加錢轉酒類。 天氣冷,選了餐湯,是日餐湯是薯仔湯,味道略鹹,不太特別,但薯仔煮得夠軟身。一向鍾情意大利飯的我,主菜選了 mushroom risotto + 香煎雞腿。risotto 份量頗多,醬汁味道濃郁,亦帶有雜菌香味,但質地偏濕,米亦偏硬。反而煎雞帶有驚喜,一來份量,不是只有三數塊,只是一大堆。雞腿即叫即煎,煎得非常可口,雞皮香脆的同時保留了肉汁。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
My colleague and I planned to lunch at Pizzahut as my friend wanted to have some sea food, but had to wait for table. So we were wandering around to see if there were other options. And the orange lanterns in the front door caught our attention. Guess they are doing halloween promo with blue girl.Of course we were not at all stunned to see the all dark and black environment, given that it's a bar anyways. The lunch menu to be honest was a bit hard to understand on how to order, as no clear instructions were shown and we felt there were too many options or combinations but in fact it was either salad with protein or pasta/risotto with protein.I ordered Grilled Corn Risotto with Garden Steak, which was chicken steak to be accurate. And my friend ordered Penne with Scallops.The risotto was too large the portion, so it very quickly made me feel a little greasy. Or perhaps they should serve more chicken to balance the risotto or cut back the risotto; I'd suggest the former hahah. The chicken was very good, chewy, juciy, and grilled to the very right level. What made it even better was that they put wine in it while cooking the chicken. The wine effused slowly as I masticated the meat, somehow encouraging my appetite and soothing my stress from work. I tasted my friend's penne, and suddenly I regret not ordering this. The sauce was perfect for me, and the penne was not soft in texture which was my favourate way of cooking penne. I'll definitely try penne with chicken next time.Overall, this is a great dining place worth visiting for lunch for the second time, even though it's a bar. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2015-01-22
1538 瀏覽
晚上的ZOO是上環區著名的酒吧,而午膳時間則提供set lunch。餐廳內的座位全都是高座位設計,環境偏暗,四周的設備都是暗黑為主,有一種神秘的感覺。set lunch先選擇扁意粉/長通粉/燴飯。三款各有特色,我選了海鮮忌廉汁長通粉,配煙鴨胸。煙鴨胸不是只有兩、三塊的,這裡暗黑中還是看到有7-8塊之多,足料,絕不欺場。味道是有點濃味的,煎得香口。長通粉煮得不會太硬身/軟身,適中。海鮮忌廉汁自家製的,但味道相比煙鴨胸就屬於淡味了,滿口都是香口煙鴨胸的味道,忌廉汁就不太配合。這個是雜菜湯,與一般羅宋湯很不一樣。這個是清淡很多的,飲不出有肉味,純粹青豆,粟米,菜粒,而整體是稀的,有如中湯的質感,多一點黑胡椒。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-06-27
1205 瀏覽
上環區食肆林立, 但對附近上班族, 選擇永不會慊多. 位於蘇杭街的酒吧老闆籍此發現商機, 在酒吧開設午市套餐.一個星期五, 天氣酷熱, 卻難得忙裡偷閑, 食個長lunch. 經過這熟識的酒吧, 有午餐供應, 決意一試.於上環吃午飯, 等候時間往往比進食時間長, 上班族都 ’被’ 習慣了速食文化, 況且地方淺窄, 完事就閃. 難得此所飯堂坐位寬敞, 燈光柔和, 單以環境已別附近食肆. 午餐主要以pasta 為主, 亦有Caesar salad 給健康一族. 所有pasta汁料皆自家製, 看來款式會隨季節改變.我選了白酒蘑菇汁帶子伴螺旋粉, 加side salad, 再加錢將餐茶升級做餐酒. 天氣炎炎, 一口白酒, 解暑一流. 環顧四周, 廚師就是酒吧老闆, 事事親力親為, 雖然只是在酒吧上搭建的煮食台, 卻一應俱全.午餐到, 賣相不錯, 有親和力, 用rustic來形容最適合不過. 材料選用新鮮雜菌, 菌香撲鼻. 帶子鮮嫩, 唯只得兩顆, 有點意猶未盡. 不得不提那片伴碟的crostini, 鬆脆香口, 如果有得散叫, 我一定會停不了. 整碟pasta看似輕量級, 實際份量不少. 整體味道有水準, 唯獨蘑菇汁較稀, 未能黏上pasta上, 導致偶爾淡而無味. 價錢相宜, $100 有pasta , salad, 飲wine, 在上環一帶並無他選. 加上服務員態度有善, 食完仲可以坐陣, 在上班區食肆實在難求. 下次在上環區辦事, 有時間歇一歇, 鬆一鬆, 食個lunch, 此處是必然之選. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)