Spiaggia,供應的食物較為兩極化,既有亞洲菜如印度薄餅、冬蔭功、芒果糯米飯,又有沙律、Pizza等意菜,皆因主廚本身是印度人,已有22年入廚經驗,故東、西兩地的菜式都做得正宗。 繼續閱讀
09:00 - 02:00
09:00 - 02:00
Visa Master 現金
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Yam Ta Lay 泰式海鮮沙律 三文魚扒 香煎吞拿魚伴香蒜黑橄欖及燒薯 泰式芒果咖喱大蝦 龍蝦汁大蝦青口意粉
食評 (64)
等級2 2023-06-07
653 瀏覽
My friend and I wanted to start off the beautiful sunny Saturday morning in Stanley. We arrived there at around 10:30am. My friend parked his car along the Stanley Main Street where most of the restaurants are located. We were a bit disappointed when we noticed many restaurants have not yet opened or only getting ready to be opened for business. So we only had a few options, either McDonald's, Pizza Express or this Spiaggia.  It would idiotic to choose McDonald's after purposely driving to Stanley from Kowloon for a "nice" breakfast. Pizza Express was still getting ready. We saw many diners in Spiaggia, and the staff kept on waving us in with a friendly smile. Once we've sat down, we pretty much had no time to glance at the menu since there was ONLY ONE breakfast meal set for the price of $128. That same staff became for pushy and kept asking us what we want for starters and for drinks which come with the meal. We were told him to give us a minute, at least for us to have a look at the menu. Yet soon enough he came back with a more forceful tone. That moment, I actually wanted to leave. I didn't feel comfortable with someone acting like that especially in the morning!My friend answered him and chose orange juice; whereas for me, I chose honeydew. In my mind, I thought it was fresh honeydew juice. (Didn't have enough time to read the menu)Then, it came- A big slice of honeydew.  WHAT?!!!  Then our "All-day Breakfast" came. WHAT?!!! It looked like some overnight leftovers gathered at a buffet in an inn. The days-old bread and croissants were put onto one plate. At least, each of our eggs, bacon, sausages, hashbrown and tomatoes were thrown together onto two separate plates...Both of us could only laugh at what we have in front of us. Speechless.  We were expecting to have a lovely, tasty breakfast with a nice view. But reality showed us the opposite. Hahaha.The most acceptable part of this meal was that small cup of black coffee.The lesson from this dining experience is to not dine in this restaurant if you have other choices. Or not to come to Stanley before 11am if you want to have a nice meal.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-10-17
715 瀏覽
走入赤柱,去咗Spiaggia餐廳。坐係個露天座位。點咗個素食餐。點咗個烤餅,芬達橙汁加意大利雲吞。加一服務費$262。個烤餅好重意大利風味。加點甜酸醬,好滋味。杯芬達橙汁涼透心。好飲。個素意大利雲吞,夠份量,美味。個人推介給素食者。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2022-10-03
431 瀏覽
呢間餐廳真係好厲害,我作為openrice既會員咁耐,從來都只係睇食評,呢間餐廳難接受既程度認真逼到我要寫個食評去告誡下大家千祈唔好去首先我地夜晚去到坐底,由於我地有朋友未到,我地先到既朋友就叫住野飲同小食,已經同侍應講我地等埋朋友黎先再叫,點知幾個侍應就黑曬面咁輪住黎問我地叫野食未,好似要趕住我地快啲食完做另一轉生意咁,但係好笑地間餐廳又唔係full house,起碼有三分一座位冇人坐,唔知點解要咁趕間餐廳位同位已經好貼,坐得唔舒服,冷氣又細,根本都唔會想坐得耐之後我地朋友黎到再叫野食,食物質素其實我冇咩期望,但係認真冇期望下都要講聲好難食,唔怪之得喺我成餐晚餐既時間,見到大部分人都只係點一杯野飲,我就明白點解之後我入openrice睇下大家既comment,原來有好多人都有咁差既體驗,怪自己冇做到資料搜集就入左黎呢間餐廳其實我明白而家既時勢生意難做,所以如無必要我都唔會想咁樣講一間商家既不是,但係呢間餐廳我見到由老闆到侍應都係一副唔憂做既樣,對住班外籍客人好殷勤,對住本地客人就另一副嘴臉,呢間餐廳服務極差,食物難食,環境惡劣,真心赤柱有好多其他好餐廳,就算唔去其他餐廳,我建議大家寧願去七仔買個杯麵,好過去呢間餐廳貼錢買難受 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2022-08-24
316 瀏覽
赤柱野食通常都係價錢比平常餐廳貴少少今次就試左呢間嘅青醬意粉 同埋炸魚薯條自己覺得質素係好味正常 但係價錢偏貴炸魚薯條大大份 炸粉薄 熱辣辣嘅而意粉方面唔會太膩 蒜味幾香 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-03-19
509 瀏覽
黎到赤柱大街好多西餐廳 因為2:30pm食lunch 周圍都要等位 有啲餐廳仲好串好似唔休做你生意咁見呢間服務好似幾好 咁就入去試吓Lunch menu選擇多 多數意大利嘢▶️香煎吞拿魚 ($158)以為係一大舊吞拿魚扒 旁邊少少沙律菜薯菜點知原來係一大堆沙律菜配幾舊仔吞拿魚🙁味道方面 佢落得好重醋 所以食落超酸沙律菜有生菜 火箭菜 豆豆 車厘茄 🥗吞拿魚肉質就ok既 味道唔腥 算鮮嫩🐟做到半生熟 入面紅卜卜咁 然後落咗黑椒 所以唔錯 只不過太少🥔薯仔有啲太腍 烤得唔香脆 唔太好食成碟最唔掂係佢落得太多太多橄欖油🫒基本上成碟都油淋淋-明明係主菜 點解可以成個前菜咁 食完都唔飽 但係咁就$174…吞拿魚係唔差嘅 但係太多醬油🤭而且好唔抵食服務ok啦 環境有啲逼同感覺污漕少少所以不太建議大家黎食🙅🏻‍♀️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)