• Pets are unfortunately not allowed inside the premise
11:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
*Weekdays Lunch: 11:30am–4pm Bar: 4pm–6pm Dinner: 6pm–10pm (kitchen last order: 9pm) Weekends & Public Holidays Lunch: 11am–4pm Snack & Bar: 4pm–5:30pm Dinner: 5:30pm–10pm (kitchen last order: 9pm)
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食評 (56)
等級2 2024-12-26
162 瀏覽
On Christmas Day, we drove to Repulse Bay to have dinner by recommendation. It has been a long while that I have not been here and it’s even my first time to come here at night. Very good vibe with the lights. Though it was Christmas Day, it was very spacious. At 7pm, it was not even half full. We ordered three tacos. Beef, fish and shrimps. Food is nice, served quickly. Well decorated. However there were not many choices on the menu. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-10-22
419 瀏覽
放假黎清水灣逃脫一下感覺真係唔錯!今次試黎間餐廳係淺水灣海灘旁邊,主打南美菜嘅西餐廳!餐廳裝修非常有渡假風,望住海灘真係非常寫意,有去左外國旅行嘅感覺🤣 食物方面都相當唔錯,一開始試左個salmon ceviche,味道清新,入面有好多三文魚粒、牛油果粒、蕃茄仔等等!作為開胃小食一流🥗 去嘅時候適逢taco Tuesday 當然要試下taco🌮 taco 選擇有好多$165 就可以任選2款taco,性價比超高!今次試左beef brisket taco 同埋halloumi taco,beef brisket 一絲絲咁口感鬆軟,一咬落去非常多汁,好好食😋 另外作為芝士控真係好鍾意halloumi!係香港真係好少食到所以一見到就即刻叫!口感彈牙,帶有淡淡芝士香氣,味道一流🧀 套餐加$60 仲可以有飲品,要左杯margarita,味道都唔錯,容易入口🍸 甜品方面就要左churros😍 新鮮炸嘅churros 真係非常香脆,面頭撲滿肉桂粉同埋砂糖邪惡得來又好好食🤣 重口味嘅朋友仲可以點埋salted caramel sauce!另外churros 仲配搭椰子雪糕,味道濃郁清甜,加埋churros 一齊食可以減低油膩感🥥 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-07-14
552 瀏覽
放假最好就係去陽光與海灘叉吓電,早排我去咗淺水灣嘆下午茶,試咗間餐廳聽講主打美式風味,但係又加咗啲創意元素,令到我都入去食住嘢chill吓。😌**Pulled Beef Brisket**一上枱就聞到陣陣香氣,真係令人食指大動。牛肉炆得夠淋,一拉就散,而且肉汁豐富,唔會乾巴巴,配埋酸酸甜甜嘅芒果粒,中和咗牛肉嘅肥膩,真係絕配!Sauce嘅味道就比較濃郁,帶有少少煙燻味,同牛肉嘅味道互相輝映,令整體味道更上一層樓。🐮**Pork Neck**呢度嘅做法就真係別具一格,豬頸肉炆得夠腍,而且肉味濃郁,唔會太肥,配埋酸甜醬汁,真係令人胃口大開。青瓜沙律就清新爽口,可以中和醬汁嘅濃郁,令整體味道更加平衡。🐷Limewood (淺水灣)淺水灣海灘道28號The Pulse L1樓103-104號舖 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-19
629 瀏覽
Limewood@repulse bay🌟今日就同咗隻狗過嚟呢一邊,順便同朋友happy hour下,我就揀咗意大利啤酒,佢就揀咗白酒,意大利啤酒係draft beer, 炎炎夏日夠晒凍,而且麥味非常香濃,入口亦都唔會太苦,我都幾鍾意呢一隻啤酒嘅味道,朋友嘅白酒就比較甜,坐喺沙灘吹住海風飲下酒,不知幾舒服,餐廳嘅環境chill, 適合朋友聚會。好飲程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟抵飲程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟位置 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟服務態度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟衞生程度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-27
794 瀏覽
A sparrow wanted to join us!What we ordered:1. BABY GEM salad $135Grilled lettuce, smoked salmon dressing, salmon roe, shaved ricotta salataThis Baby Gem salad was very attractive. We didn’t expect such presentation. The salmon roe really looked like gems.2. LIMEWOOD GUACAMOLE (V) SERVED WITH CORN TORTILLA CHIPS $95 Fresh avocado, coriander, red onion, lime juice (Photo 8️⃣).The corn tortilla chips were full of vibrant colours. Love them! The avocado mix for dipping was a bit too cold. Seems it has been placed in their fridge for a very long time. 3. FRIED CALAMARI $175Mango-curry mayoFried calamari that looked like naan bread, probably due to the outer surface. We added a bit of salt to have flavour. 4. Fish burger $180, a burger special for the day, together with fries It’s similar to the fish in fish & chips. This showed a cut version.5. SUSTAINABLE SPANISH SEARED TUNA $350, with very sweet chopped mangoes on top. Yummy!6. Young coconut $55 and 2 teasOther than the fried calamari that we had to add salt to have flavour, the rest were good, especially the main, in the ‘from the sea’ section, SUSTAINABLE SPANISH SEARED TUNA. 繼續閱讀
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