港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 22:00
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食評 (52)
等級2 2015-01-12
1990 瀏覽
對我而言,每天生活,沒有甚麼重要得過早、午兩餐所以,每個星六日的早上、中午都早早排滿了要試新餐廳是日和 Man 小姐的試菜目標 : 士丹頓街的La Marmite Bistrot Francais – Cozy Lunch + Girl Talk位置很好找,基本上扶手電梯一到士丹頓街向右一直行到尾便是粉綠色 ( 對,我認為這種是粉綠色 ) 門面那種法國風格老遠就確認到我們挑選了左上角的梳化位置原以為可以靜靜談心但和鄰桌之間的近距離和音樂聲量度 ( 輕鬆快歌主打 ),唯有鬥嘈、鬥大聲講野不過,其他座位的闊落度是正常的,所以請自行對號入座由於 Man 小姐性格屬大膽、試新型基本上每次點菜我倆都是冒死試 Openrice 食評推介以外的東東( 同性格者可繼續追隨我打後的Post )試前食評功課普遍一致推薦 CEufs au plat 鵝肝多士 + Florentine / Benedicte / Royale 三種 Benedict Eggs不過我地揀既係餐牌裡的樓上和對家:Le petit Panier 麵包籃 + CEuf poche 磨菇班尼迪蛋 + 橙汁咖啡 ( 無睇錯,的確一人兩杯 )沒有等很久,食物都差不多時間上一籃子麵包有: 牛角包 + 提子酥 X 2 + 朱古力粒酥條基本上三者口感一樣 — 夠鬆化,提子酥甜度已很足夠,不需要再加 Jam n Butter朱古力粒酥條甜度比提子酥低一點、而且中心帶點軟,最好食係佢CEuf poche 磨菇班尼迪蛋:白汁不是濃的那種,較液體,口感亦較薄,不過味道夠 Creamy 和磨菇好夾蛋屬 S Size 很新鮮,整體不錯薯條好老實,味道真係似 M 記,比 M 記優勝既係炸得唔油較乾身,感覺卡路里無咁邪惡最後追加了一項甜品Tarte Tatin, pomme et calvados…省略 ( 點解個名可以咁長 ),簡單而言即係蘋果撻加舊雪糕味道同街邊甜品鋪食既味道一樣,無甚特別我的 Hot Cappuccino 水準正常,而 Man 小姐稱她的 Ice Coffee 是 Pacific Coffee Level總結: 此餐廳歸類為 — 食唔飽但坐足三個鐘唔會趕你走之列食物佈碟賣相吸引,適合女仔相機食先外藉員工能度友善、洗手間在二樓很企理完 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-11-10
2342 瀏覽
We started with a glass of my favourite (Veuve Cliquot Champagne) which, through the course of the evening turned into a bottle, because we loved the atmosphere of this place and had such a great time.As we were a little late, we omitted the appetizers and went straight for the main course, which wasn't on the menu any more, but the friendly staff said they would be happy to oblige our craving for "Moules Frites" (mussels with French fries).The presentations was really cute - the fries came in a little basket that looks just like the frying baskets you see in restaurants in France...The Moules were just perfect: They served the really small mussels that you usually only get in Europe (very sweet and aromatic flesh; must more intense than the usual fare). The Moules were just right, tender but not overcooked and with a generous juis and pretty little gem-like nuggets of lemon that added the zesty flair to the amazing aroma. I dare say these were the best Moules I've had outside of Europe so far. The French fries were golden and had a nice crunch to them while retaining a fluffy texture on the inside - just how we like them.We were offered second helpings of fries, but instead of giving in to our inner pig we indulged in our inner hog and ordered some delicious desserts.My chocoholic friend ordered a rather devilish cocolate cake that was filled with hot chocolate "lava" like a fondant and came topped with a very nice icecream and a dollop of praline. It didn't last long on his plate so I think it is safe to say that it was excellent.I went for the Paris-Brest, one of my favourite desserts at La Marmite and while it was very yummy, I was a little disappointed that it came with pistaccios than with the usual almonds that I love so much. Still, it was rather delicious and I didn't leave a morsel.Overall, a successful dinner. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful and we really enjoyed the relaxed unpretentious atmosphere and the nice background music. It felt just like dining in Paris. We'll be back for sure! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-10-25
2333 瀏覽
I was sceptical after reading some of the reviews but we decided to give it a go anyway. We found the service to be excellent and the food was good too. We shared the charcuterie to start and had the small portion. This was ample for 2 of us and was a generous sized portion. The accompanying bread was delicious. My husband had the beef shin which really was outstanding. Cooked to perfection, really tender and presented beautifully. It cam with dauphinoise potatoes which were a tad underdone. I had the pumpkin risotto which was a bit too salty for my tastebuds but nontheless tasty. I would definitely return, probably when I am in the mood for a steak so I can have the beef shin. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-10-24
1729 瀏覽
15.7.2014不知何解, 總覺得法國有一種吸引力, 於是在大學時期, 就算在最忙碌的semester, 也要修讀一科法文. 不讀由自可, 讀了更對它愛不釋手.在中環士丹頓街內, 以西方菜式為主的餐廳, 琳琅滿目, La Marmite Bistrot Francais 就是其中一間. 餐廳內昏暗的燈光, 純白的檯布, 整齊的餐具, 都為這頓晚餐作準備.這晚的三道菜晚餐($300), 我揀了餐湯, 羊架, 及芝士作為甜品. 侍應先送來餐前麵包. 餐前包是法包, 包身比較硬, 點些蒜味蛋黃醬之後, 令麵包更為可口.吃著麵包時, 侍應再送上雪葩White crab meat with bloody mary sorbet and coriander. 此球粉紅色的雪葩, 以白色的蟹肉墊底. 鮮味的蟹肉配上帶點辛口的Bloody Mary雪葩, 立時為味蕾增添刺激.餐湯為洋蔥湯Traditional French baked onion soup with a melted Gruyere cheese croute. 它的質地濃稠, 每啖湯都散發著洋蔥味, 但不會濃到搶喉. 至於Gruyere cheese, 雖然被湯浸淋了, 但仍帶有超濃芝士味哩. 五成熟的羊架, Pan roasted Lamb rack with cumin ratatouille and dauphinois gratin, 幸好, 羊膻味並不算過份強烈, 質感嫩滑非常. 沒有水長流的血水, 卻從彈牙的羊肉中滲出肉汁, 很出色的羊架! 墊在羊架下的菜和焗薯仔, 也不求祈. 菜是十分嫩滑, 而焗薯仔就充滿奶滑, 夠香甜. 我也吃了些友人的意粉. 看這碟綠色的Tagliatelle pasta with pistou sauce, fresh parmesan and garlic baguette, 都因為醬汁極之creamy的原故, 令每條麵條都黏在一起了. 雖然如此, 其煙韌度卻強勁, 於是我把蒜蓉包和它一併咀嚼, 效果很特別.吃完主菜, 怎會少得甜品? 我的甜品為Cheese of the day with truffle honey and candied Grenoble walnuts. 這是集柔軟的芝士, 甜脆的合桃和黑松露蜂蜜於一身的甜品. 原來, 把合桃和芝士置於多士之上, 再沾上黑松露蜂蜜, 會感到軟滑加香脆, 就成了一個多重口感的甜品.友人的甜品是Vanilla mousse and macerated berries mille-feuille. Mille-feuille是又薄又脆卜卜, 但別忘記要連同夾在其中的紅莓一起吃. 事關紅莓太酸了, 和脆餅同吃才可減低酸度.法國菜一向給予人價錢高昂的感覺, 但這裡卻價錢親民, 質素高, 真的tres bien(very good)! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-09-24
1359 瀏覽
朋友生日, 想係soho搵間餐廳慶祝下,見食評推介呢間餐廳,又想食法國菜, 一於trytry。環境比想像失望了一點, 可能是燈光問題,個人覺得燈光暗一點會更好。食物方面, 叫了頭盤,2個主菜....頭盤,都ok, 有炸了波波的goat cheese, normal goat cheese, 幾特別, 份量雖少,但食已經有點漏... main course 的慢煮豬, 味道唔錯, 有驚喜意大利飯最失色, 南瓜係淡果都ok接受到,但加入雪青豆就扣晒分, 係法國菜食到青豆味的飯, 有點茶記feel.....本來想叫個dessert 吹下candle, 但因為意大利飯太失望的關係,轉場地食dessert算了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)