港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
極上豪華鐵板燒餐廳 Crown Super Deluxe。鐵板燒1945年誕於神戶,因深受日本美國兩地影響,又有「第三文化」之稱。Crown Super Deluxe 融會箇中精髓與華麗感,加入傳奇人物青木廣彰的美國夢作點綴。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 AE 銀聯 微信支付
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食評 (48)
食物環境都可以嘅~純粹講師傅D功夫(刀功/鏟功)非常唔俐落,上碟嘅時候經常甩甩漏漏,分贓唔勻,又要返刀,睇住D食物一仆一碌…..最失敗就係輔助師傅手邊嘅毛巾,通常抹鐵板及鐵鏟的,抹鐵板時毛巾喺食物之間游走時,把食物都碰到移位,又真係不能接受吧…..The food and environment are okay~Just want to talk about the skill of the chefs. When serving the dishes, he was very uncertain and made many mistakes, the foods were not evenly divided. The most failure was that the assistant chef had a towel on hand which was usually used for wiping the iron plate and the spatula. When he used the towel for wiping, the towel touched the foods many times. This was really unacceptable…. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-26
188 瀏覽
👨🏻‍🍳Crown Super Deluxe (中環)📍中環雲咸街33號LKF Tower M樓「暫時top 1 teppanyaki🫶🏻」慶祝Daddy生日,bk左呢間豪華鐵板燒😝揀左👍🏻🍽️Deluxe set $1488/person🥗Mizuna Salad🍣Assorted Toyosu Market Sashimi🍅Tokushima Fruit Tomato🍽️Teppan Spiny Lobster in Coral Butter🍽️Foie Gras🍽️Grilled Seasonal Vegetables🍽️A5 Kagoshima Wagyu Tenderloin 120g and
🍽️A5 Kagoshima Wagyu Sirloin 140g🍽️Wagyu Garlic Fried Rice🍽️Pickles🍽️Lobster Miso Soup👍🏻🥗Mizuna Salad時令?水菜定 芥菜,口感清爽,營養豐富,配上菇菌同?甘荀蓉,調味和配搭剛好,前菜酸甜開胃🤤🍣Assorted Toyosu Market Sashimi雜錦豐州市場刺身三文魚、油甘魚、拖羅,厚切,肉質鮮甜👍🏻👍🏻🍅Tokushima Fruit Tomato德島溫室蕃茄,未試過咁甜既鮮蕃茄🙈Chef話每棵凈系種2粒,吸收所有養分🙈配的不是糖,是粗鹽 (個人覺得就咁食就好🤤)👍🏻🍽️Teppan Spiny Lobster in Coral Butter龍蝦好生猛😆Daddy最中意生猛海鮮,出去食飯都要自己揀,呢個佢好滿意🤣龍蝦鐵板燒大約七八成熟😻之前食過幾間都整到好熟,呢個保留住龍蝦既鮮味同口感👍🏻凈系牛油、龍蝦膏,就已經super yum!!仲有蒜蓉包😋吾會好重味,脆邊香口,好夾!!😆😆👍🏻🍽️Foie Gras有個Staff話系佢至愛🤣同出面食既鵝肝唔同,呢個加左麵豉去中和鵝肝,會無咁油膩🤤而且煎得好香口,配上多士,醉了🤤好enjoy鵝肝留系齒頰既香味🤤🍽️Grilled Seasonal Vegetables今晚時令蔬菜系甘荀、雞髀菇、菠菜,各有各醬汁🤤不過得雞髀菇前面個醬汁夾🙈甘筍偏生🙈菠菜還好🙈👍🏻🍽️A5 Kagoshima Wagyu Tenderloin 120g and/or
👍🏻🍽️A5 Kagoshima Wagyu Sirloin 140g鹿兒島和牛𥚃肌肉同西冷🔥小心火焰🔥😆Chef好好,比我地mixed,份量都吾會少😝medium rare,岩岩好!!真正好睇又好食🙈牛既油花、肉質,除左眼睇到,舌尖都感受到🤤本身有少少咸味,牛味濃、香,都吾使再蘸鹽、wasabi。👍🏻另外值得一提 : 蒜片系當面炒😝👍🏻其他餐廳都系預先準備好。👍🏻🍽️Wagyu Garlic Fried Rice with 🍽️PicklesFull都要食既和牛炒飯😆Super yum🥹🥹用頭先和牛既油脂,慢慢煎,飯微軟,粒粒分明,再加入蔥花、蛋花,正🥹 🍽️Pickles日本成日都出現既醃菜/漬🙈個人麻麻🙈太咸不過系正宗既👍🏻👍🏻🍽️Lobster Miso Soup龍蝦麵豉湯最後用龍蝦頭熬製而成,一個部位都不浪費🤤超鮮甜,好好飲🤤🤤 中間仲有一個👍🏻🍽️茶碗蒸,應該用左上湯,蛋超嫩滑!!暖身一流。最後仲有個?🍧柚子雪葩🤤解膩一流!!😝 有個小小⚠️位 : 圍裙既味道太大,抱歉我地take it off🙈🙏🏻因為book枱有remarks Daddy birthday,到最後所有staffs都唱生日歌,系後面出黎🙈當日既客人都好熱情,一齊唱🙈Many thanks!!仲幫我地影左相,整左張卡🥹🫶🏻好nice!!Must encore!!😘 #crownsuperdeluxe #hongkongteppanyanki #香港鐵板燒推薦 #香港鐵板燒餐廳 #香港鐵板燒 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-17
166 瀏覽
第一個感覺的很蘭桂坊,環境富情調。有裝修、有音樂、有服務,重點係椅子很舒服寬敞,肥肥外藉人士都坐得舒服。今晚點了deluxe $1488 個set, 很多食物,份量大,食完絕對吾使食宵夜!哈 (沙律和湯沒有拍照) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Indulge in the fusion of Japanese and American cultures at Crown Super Deluxe, which is elegant and stylish. The seating arrangement is spacious and comfortable. Guests can enjoy a pre-dining experience, with each chef responsible for one to two tables of guests. The chef and staff are professional and enthusiastic when introducing the menu, ensuring a smooth flow throughout the meal.Highlighted dishes: Mizuna Salad 日本芥菜沙律A combination of Japanese mushrooms and mustard greens, topped with carrot puree, resulting in a slightly tangy and sweet flavour that is appetizing.Hokkaido Scallop 北海道帶子Cooked with butter and homemade seafood soy sauce, the scallops are seared to a golden brown on both sides, resulting in a juicy dish.Teriyaki US Prime Tenderloin (150g)  照燒美國頂級牛柳Although tenderloin is a lean cut of meat with less fat, it has a rich flavour. The tenderloin is pan-seared to medium-rare, resulting in a tender and succulent texture.Garlic Fried Rice 蒜香炒飯 + Pickles 日式漬物The rice in the fried rice dish is cooked to perfection, with each grain distinct and not overly greasy.---Grilled Seasonal Vegetables 燒時令蔬菜 (芽菜)Miso Soup  味噌湯Dark Chocolate Mousse Cake 黑朱古力慕絲蛋糕Black Series Dinner $588 per guest📍Crown Super Deluxe (Central)M/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham Street, Central🥞 (8/10) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-06-04
2117 瀏覽
蘭桂坊呢一間鐵板燒,店舖環境好高級,非常之適合慶祝特別日子🥂早前朋友生日,我地就去左中環呢間食,仲叫左佢地既super set,因為呢個set有和牛同埋龍蝦🦞我地對着鐵板坐,而個晚係由一個日本廚師即席為我地烹調🍳當佢煮牛嘅時候,就可以近距離打卡加影埋火焰🔥影出嚟好震撼🔥龍蝦佢Default係半生熟,如果想食全熟,可以叫佢煮耐啲🍖成個set好豐富,飽到上心口唯一唔好嘅地方係煮菜嘅時候佢會落好多油,令啲菜唔黐底,但係呢啲都係鐵板燒嘅通病 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)