餐廳: | CHICKEN FACTORY (新都城中心三期) |
資訊: |
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
今晚心血來潮想試下寶琳新都城嘅chicken factory🐔之前食過佢嘅燒雞,幾好食的於是就用手機app 落單送遞✨升級大原隻烤雞二人餐落單後都要啲時間先送到拆開逐樣望下先✨樽裝烏龍冷泡茶🧋✨樽裝洛神花冷泡茶🧋✨磨菇飯🍚正常發揮,略帶少少香草味✨油飯🍚油飯食落好香飯煲到好淋,但仲可以見到一粒粒,好食✨焗薯,烤菜🫛🥦🥬蔬菜調味剛剛好有鹹味黑椒味醃望食落唔會霉,蔬菜仲好有咬口份量亦好多,滿滿的烤菜✨升級大烤雞🐔🍖🍗主菜嘅烤雞好大隻,又好重手戴對手套將佢拆件隻雞好moist 好多汁雞皮好薄,中間冇咩肥膏食落真係啖啖肉而且仲醃得好香好好食烤雞送達時溫度仲好高🔥拆件時好辣手兩個人其實食唔哂呢個價錢有咁嘅質素性價比高👍🏻推薦比想食原隻烤雞人🥳🥳會繼續幫襯
成日諗唔到食咩chicken factory 就係一個買外賣嘅好選擇🤣🤣🤣重量級12隻大烤難+配菜+飲品 $68呢個套餐包咗重量級12隻大烤難+2種配菜仲要包免費飲品,超高性價比啊!一個人食半隻雞超滿足,而且肉質都算嫩滑,唔會好乾而且唔會好重冰鮮嘅雪味🤩配上牛肝菌汁增加味道層次,配菜方面最鍾意就係焗薯仔,焗薯仔配上咗牛油超香口好好食,不過有時個質素有啲唔穩定,有時覺得唔夠熟個薯仔會好硬🤣🤣🤣
Chicken Factory has been growing rapidly recently , with branches popping out everywhere across Hong Kong ! I decided to try for myself, whether it was tasty or not that it became so popular ! The branch I went to was quite hidden, with a small doorway inside of another restaurant of which I assume is owned by the same company (the same company owns this place as Cafe 100% with the disappointing mixian ...), quite hard to find !I ordered a tea set with a Deep-fried Chicken Leg, Roasted Vegetables and a drink, which I chose Soybean Milk.The Chicken Leg came in deep fried with spices put inside a paper bag . The outside crust of the chicken was quite flavourful with the spices and crunchy too , though the meat inside was quite dry and tasted like refrigerated meat , not the best experience... As I didn't want to directly use my hands to eat, I asked some staff for some utensils .The Roasted Vegetables might have actually been the best dish ! They were roasted quite even with some spices and butter . All of the vegetables were quite crunchy and tangy , which was quite a special taste and texture for vegetables ! One downside, though, was that they were quite dry after roasting , but the taste and texture had definitely made up for it !The Soybean Milk came in a bottle with a cap , which is quite wasteful and bad for the environment; I would have preferred non-one-time use cups . The Soybean Milk was quite rich in soybean flavour and thick , though it felt kind of too sweet . One thing that disgusted me a bit though, was the opening of the bottle where you drink from; I found a fingerprint ! I would have thought they would wear gloves to produce food at a restaurant ? It was quite unhygienic and I drank from the other side .In conclusion, it was a tea meal of average quality, and the food was definitely not too fresh , although I would have expected frozen food when I ate at a fast food place outside . The fingerprint was not acceptable, showing the hygiene level of this restaurant is not high ! The food made me feel a bit queasy too , after eating, which I suppose they added plenty of MSG ! I don't think I'll be coming back anytime soon .