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食評 (5)
這是一間由一位荷蘭人經營的芝士店。原本以為店舖細小就芝士選擇唔多,但入到去睇到所有雪櫃和店裏面有個雪櫃房放滿由世界各地出產的芝士,真係好唔簡單!🧀☕️ Cheesyccino (HK$55). 這杯不只是拿鐵,因為店主會即場刨超多棕芝士絲 (gjesto cheese),令拿鐵可以𢳂嚟食,多了微甜的焦糖味道,感覺好特別呀!🧀🥪 Grilled Blue Cheese Sandwich (HK$75). 烤得熱烘烘的,但出奇哋不會辣手. 脆口的酸種麵包,來自 @maisonkayserhongkong,唔怪之得咁好味. 三文治餡料有車厘茄和蘋果糖漿醬(dutch appelstroop),所以食到甜嘅味道. 最出色當然係牛奶做嘅藍芝士 (cow's milk blue cheese),鹹香得來又有香滑奶味,熱溶質但不會辣口,食完一件食第二件嘅時候,芝士嘅溫度仍是熱的,好正👍🏼 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-05-24
217 瀏覽
Recently I discovered this hidden jewel in quiet area of Sai Kung. I had very enjoyable lunch with my husband. Something what was planned as just quick “grab and go” sort of thing turned into unexpected romantic lunch and unique vacation feel. I loved everything: top quality of ingredients, unique combination of flavours and complicated recipes of sandwiches, best quality coffee especially one with grated Norwegian cheese on the top, very neat and nicely decorated table by the window, flowers, nice chat with owners, quiet atmosphere, the way how we were welcomed. It was true surprise when routine and tiring “husband-wife” grumpy weekend shopping suddenly turned into exclusive almost romantic type of dining. We forgot about all our previous shopping dramas and left this place in good mood, rested, inspired and happy! Looking forward to coming back and check on 8 more recipes of sandwiches next time! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-02-28
341 瀏覽
西貢市中心橫街窄巷內,經過見到玻璃窗入邊有好多林林總總嘅芝士,身為芝士控嘅我忍唔住行咗入去,原來係一位由荷蘭人打理嘅一間芝士店,入邊除咗可以外賣芝士、臘肉、火腿,麵包、紅白酒外,仲會有Cheese platter 俾客人坐低慢慢享用。店員首先會問你有邊種芝士比較喜愛,會根據你嘅口味挑選唔同種類嘅芝士放落platter到,價錢每人$250不包含飲品,我同男朋友就偏愛松露味同較硬嘅芝士,要求唔要偏軟身或偏cream狀嘅口味。留意製作需時,建議預留時間等待同享受,感受一下慢活嘅感覺。店內有提供咖啡、杯裝或支裝紅白酒選擇,我地就選擇咗兩杯白酒($55杯;$320一支),好smooth易入口得黎同芝士好夾。芝士盤一上,老闆會親自介紹每款芝士,碟上除咗芝士仲會有時令生果同乾果,今次有青提子、紅莓乾、合桃、杏仁等乾果,另外仲會配上脆片面包等等配芝士食。其中一隻芝士特別深刻,名為「Gjetost」嘅brown cheese ,挪威出產,用牛奶同羊奶製作而成,味道同口感都好似焦糖拖肥糖,好特別 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-11-12
346 瀏覽
It moved to this small alley in Sai Kung old town before Covid. And this is one of my favourite small restaurants in local community. Lots of cheese from all over the world. Shop owner Ronald is an expert and you could ask him whatever related to the cheese and wine. And one thing you should not miss is their cheese platter. Perfect to enjoy it at home with friends or you bring up to the country side with a bottle of wine. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-05-17
204 瀏覽
Surprise me in a small little store, they have so many different cheese and good price! Cozy with chill decorations. Good place to hang with friends.好多款式,老闆好細心介紹,可以order一份cheese platter逐一試,法國紅酒白酒配搭,嘆咖啡以外嘅芝士風情,門口位最正,舒服透明玻璃,小店經營,值得花一個下午去坐下。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)