餐廳: Cafe 330



港鐵香港大學站 A1 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (5)
Cafe 330為新生精神康復會屬下社會企業, 提供簡約及健康的早餐、午餐、下午茶及晚餐。以令人心情愉快及健康的食物為主。選用有機蔬菜及其他有機食材, 新鮮沖調優質咖啡、健康小食及飲品。 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 21:00
07:30 - 21:00
現金 八達通
支持減塑 詳細介紹
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食評 (20)
等級2 2023-05-19
1098 瀏覽
一個禮拜每日唔同嘢食好鍾意佢嘅New York Cheesecake 🤤🤤每到lunch time 就會去睇下今日食咩咁見到係魚都想試下冇expect會好好食因為佢啲搭配有時好特別但其實食落味道又唔差😋分量都夠,汁都夠,所以唔會乾超送飯🥰雖然依日冇Cheesecake🥺但佢其他蛋糕都好味,可以試下🤤 繼續閱讀
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【 🍽羅勒醬雜菌素牛丸有機意粉 】---💰價錢:$41~~~📍評分:9.5/10~~~⏩ 又黎又黎港大校園覓食系列😝,呢間cafe其實食過唔少次,覺得唔同既set lunch都幾好食bor👻,每一日都有唔同指定既lunch set!而且主打健康環保理念💚,話說今次終於得閒留返篇食評😹!~~~係滿滿既忌廉汁啊🤩,超濃厚既奶香味🍶,口感好濃稠好creamy🤤!素牛肉丸有好香腐竹味🤔,雖然口感冇平時既牛丸咁彈牙,但口感都唔差都紥實👌🏻,自己就覺得都幾好食,而且素牛丸有好多粒足料足料👅!意粉沾滿忌廉汁食jenggg最鍾意啦😈,當邪惡既忌廉遇上健康既配料,仲唔係perfect match🤣!配料又係超豐富🥗,七彩顏色,營養滿分‼️有野菌、車厘茄、豆角、豆苗、粟米粒、紅蘿蔔等等,亦有好多羅勒增添香味🌿,以呢個價錢食到呢個份量同質素,都算係性價比好高😛!~~~✅ 整體黎講,係會繼續encore既一間cafe😂!想講其實素食都真係可以好好食🙈,真係唔應該有素食無味呢d刻板印象🫠,而且又可以好好愛下愛我地既地球🌍,對環境、對自己都有好處!有時食下素,何樂而不為呢⁉️~~~性價比:4.5/5回頭度:5/5賣相:4.5/5環境衛生:4/5服務態度:4/5 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-10-31
706 瀏覽
🍰有機豆腐芝士蛋糕💰23 有點驚喜~蛋糕有四層,cream->蛋糕->cream->蛋糕,cream比想像中輕盈,是雲呢拿味,海綿蛋糕不會很乾,而蛋糕尾部的cream則豆腐味更突出,整體是健康而好吃的味道🤍當然以那裡三文治$15來說,$23偏貴🥲但自己覺得偶爾過過口癮也不錯🤣 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-10-01
757 瀏覽
今日食咗莊月明文娛中心嘅Cafe 330我食咗A餐 檸檬芝士雜菌意粉首先我哋睇吓呢個檸檬芝士雜菌意粉佢嘅賣相係可以話幾吸引嘅意粉上面有雜菌同埋比較多種類嘅蔬菜但係佢同我想像中係有啲唔同我想像中嘅檸檬芝士雜菌意粉應該有好多芝士然後可能至少會有一塊芝士喺上面而且佢落啲芝士應該係會多到可以拉絲但係佢呢一個意粉嘅芝士比較少反而多係比較稀嘅白汁雖然芝士味都食到少少但係成件事更加似白汁意粉呢一個就係我認為比較失望嘅地方講完芝士 我想講吓佢嘅檸檬成個意粉都有淡淡嘅檸檬味呢個我都覺得非常之滿意另外呢個意粉有唔同嘅蔬菜佢有蘿蔔、青豆、粟米、車厘茄同埋蘑菇等等嘅蔬菜除咗非常之營養同健康亦都增加咗口感嘅層次我覺得呢個唔錯 蔬菜嘅份量可以再多啲我嘅意思係佢嘅種類非常多 但係份量可以再多啲例如車厘茄佢淨係俾咗半粒 粟米剩係俾咗少少以$41嘅價錢來講 呢個算係可以進步嘅地方總括而言 我認為呢個意粉係可以接受嘅但係未至於話非常之非常之好食Today, I ate at Cafe 330 of Chong Yuet Ming Civic CentreI had the A-meal spaghetti with lemon and cheeseFirst of all, we saw the spaghetti with lemon and cheeseIts appearance is very attractiveThe pasta was topped with mushrooms and a variety of vegetablesBut it is a bit different from my imaginationThe lemon cheese spaghetti I imagined should have a lot of cheeseAnd then there might be at least one piece of cheese on topAnd there should be so much cheese that it can be shreddedBut this spaghetti has less cheeseInstead, it is more of a thin white sauceAlthough the taste of cheese is littleBut it is more like white sauce spaghettiThis one is what I think is more disappointingAfter talking about the cheese, I would like to talk about the lemonAll spaghetti has a slight lemon flavorI feel very satisfied with thisBesides, this pasta has different vegetablesIt has radish, green beans, corn, tomatoesand mushrooms, etc.It is very nutritious and healthyIt also enhances the taste levelI think it's not bad. The amount of vegetables can be moreI mean it has a lot of varieties But the quantity can be moreFor example, it has half a grain of Cheddar Corn is a little bit left overFor the price of $41, this is something that can be improvedAll in all, I think this pasta is acceptable.今日食咗莊月明文娛中心嘅Cafe 330除咗意粉 我亦都飲咗烤杏仁朱古力沙冰呢一杯沙冰係幾有杏仁味嘅實在係非常之難得我認為烤杏仁味嘅沙冰係非常之少有因為我哋喺大部份嘅Cafe 都唔會見到杏仁味嘅沙冰背後的原因可能係 因為烤杏仁嘅味道非常之難複製出嚟同時間用真嘅杏仁味去做沙冰嘅話成本會幾貴因為我哋需要好多杏仁 先至打到一杯沙冰另外我認為沙冰嘅朱古力味都可以接受但係如果你係期待非常之濃朱古力味嘅話呢一杯我就唔會推薦你試啦因為佢嘅濃度只係普通另外如果講口感嘅話 佢始終係差少少同Starbucks嘅Chocolate Chip Frappe比佢嘅口感係比較單一 因為佢係冇任何朱古力碎或者杏仁碎嘅我覺得一個可以進步嘅地方就係可以學下Starbucks咁打爛啲朱古力碎 然後加喺飲品裏面咁樣個口感就會更加多元化Today I ate at Cafe 330 of Chong Yuet Ming Civic Centre.Apart from spaghetti, I also had a baked almond chocolate smoothieThis smoothie is quite almond flavoredIt's really rareI think roasted almond flavored smoothies are very rareBecause we don't see almond flavored smoothies in most of the cafesThe reason behind this is that it is very difficult to reproduce the taste of roasted almondsAnd if you use real almond flavor to make a smoothieThe cost is quite highBecause we need a lot of almonds to make a smoothieAlso I think the chocolate flavor of the smoothie is acceptableBut if you are expecting a very strong chocolate flavorI wouldn't recommend you to try this oneBecause its consistency is only normalBesides, if we talk about the taste, it is not as good after allCompared to Starbucks' Chocolate Chip FrappeIts taste is more simple Because it does not have any chocolate chips or almond chipsI think one thing that can be improved isWe can learn from StarbucksBreak the chocolate and add it to the drinkThen the taste will be more diversified 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2021-06-07
1657 瀏覽
I said in my last review that I would come back for another review and here I am keeping my promise!  I searched through all the nooks and crannies in the fridge for a salad box that appeals to my eye and there I found the salmon salad box. Out of the salmon boxes I’ve tried from different places, this not only had adequate slices of salmon, the display of salmon and vegetables were also pleasing to see. The veggies were definitely fresh and unearthly and the packing was kept to standard. I consider that a wholesome and well-served lunch. 繼續閱讀
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