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呢個蛋撻係我食過其中一個最好味嘅牛油皮蛋撻!雖然啱啱食完炸雞好飽,但係由於佢啱啱出爐,所以都買左一個😂😂😂 好多時候晏晝五六點經過都冇得買,好難得食飯時間經過啱啱出爐😂😂😂 出面嘅牛油皮好似曲奇餅咁樣好鬆脆!但一啲都唔油!裏面亦都唔會畀蛋漿浸到濕曬🖒🖒🖒入面嘅蛋好滑唔會過甜!One of the best HK style egg tarts i hv ever had in HK! The tart crust is so buttery but not soggy or oily at all! The filing is not overly sweet, and is silky and smooth! Can't help to have one after lunch!Rating: 8.5/10
雖然啱啱食完炸雞好飽,但係由於佢啱啱出爐,所以都買左一個😂😂😂 好多時候晏晝五六點經過都冇得買,好難得食飯時間經過啱啱出爐😂😂😂 出面嘅牛油皮好似曲奇餅咁樣好鬆脆!但一啲都唔油!裏面亦都唔會畀蛋漿浸到濕曬🖒🖒🖒入面嘅蛋好滑唔會過甜!
One of the best HK style egg tarts i hv ever had in HK! The tart crust is so buttery but not soggy or oily at all! The filing is not overly sweet, and is silky and smooth! Can't help to have one after lunch!
Rating: 8.5/10
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