港鐵油麻地站 A1 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳環境寬敞舒適,主打經典上海菜,亦有不少四川菜、北京菜,選擇多元。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 Apple Pay Google Pay 微信支付
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (163)
I recently had the opportunity to have a lunch at Pu Dong Xiao Guan (Nathan Road), a Shanghai cuisine restaurant that has been generating some buzz. However, my overall experience left me feeling disappointed and questioning the value of this establishment. From the exorbitant prices to the lackluster service and subpar hygiene, there were several aspects that fell short of my expectations.To begin with, I found the restaurant to be overpriced. The dishes did not justify the high costs, and I left feeling that I had not received good value for my money. Additionally, the staff's attitude was only average, and the presence of 10% service charge further added to my dissatisfaction. The lack of exceptional service compounded with the already high prices left me feeling underwhelmed.Moreover, the restaurant's hygiene left much to be desired. The floor was visibly covered in oil, which not only created an unpleasant environment but also raised concerns about cleanliness and food safety. Such poor hygiene practices are unacceptable and reflect poorly on the overall dining experience.On to the food itself, I ordered a variety of dishes, but none stood out as exceptional. The vegetable and meat dumpling noodles were just average in taste, failing to leave a lasting impression. The Pork Dandan Noodles with Spare Ribs was a complete disappointment. The pork lacked any discernible flavor, with no salt or curing evident. Despite reporting this issue to the staff, they did not respond or take any further action. Furthermore, the noodles were overly spicy, making it difficult to enjoy the dish.The Cold Noodles  with Sesame Sauce were also mediocre, lacking the desired flavors and textures that would elevate the dish. The only saving grace was the fresh meat soup dumplings, which were the only dish that met my expectations in terms of taste and quality.In conclusion, my experience at Pu Dong Xiao Guan (Nathan Road) was disappointing. The high prices, unsatisfactory service, and poor hygiene overshadowed the few redeeming qualities of the food. I cannot recommend this restaurant, especially considering the reported contract termination on 26/11/2023. Hong Kong diners can bid farewell to this subpar establishment and seek better dining options that offer superior quality, service, and hygiene. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-09-24
419 瀏覽
今日係油麻地呢間小店買兩個茶餐外賣,竟然收咗$7 外賣盒錢,每樣嘢收$1,即2個麪+1個分餸+1個分湯+1個小食同2杯豆漿,而我亦無特別要求分湯分餸,都未食就已經不是味意,食咗就更加可以肯定無下次。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-09-20
428 瀏覽
話說帶小朋友去油麻地食下午茶,小籠包個皮有啲厚,酸辣湯麵,除咗大碗比較抵,個酸辣湯底好淡,洗手間喺上一層好唔方便,可能帶住小朋友,一入去睇到已經一般,後來落錯單態度不友善,總括嚟講,我唔會再幫襯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-09-20
360 瀏覽
我同女朋友二人於18.9.23大約下午17:50到該店入坐(下午茶時間14:00-18:00)我地前後腳入女友17:58落好單食下午茶我一坐低女朋友同我講其穿白色衫的姐姐(成間野得佢一個著白衫 其他待應有制服著)在其落單時表示下午茶就嚟完 當時其態度好差 言語上有些不滿意我女朋友 但白衫姐姐仍替我地落單!在我哋等食期間 我留意到白色衫的姐姐對我隔離的枱客人講要求對方埋單 其理由係因為他們食下午茶 而下午茶時間已過 當然我唔知對方坐左幾耐!我哋野食到就開始食 之後我又聽到白色衫的姐姐又對另一張枱的客人講 要求對方埋單 理由又係一樣 客人當時反問佢可以坐幾耐 佢就話而家係晚市 要對方埋單!當然我唔知佢哋又坐左幾耐!因為佢要求人埋單的客 距離我好近 我聽得好清楚!我當然都望下其實當時仲有好多位剩!而門口冇人等!我哋靜靜地食….好啦 action!到我地出場做主角 我哋17:58落單 就當野食超快速十五分鐘送齊上枱 請問係咪都要時間放落肚 同樣我地被白衫的姐姐要求我地埋單走 當時我向佢表示 野食上左幾耐 ?我地仲食緊佢又係話晚市要我地埋單「走」!係冇聽錯 佢要我哋「走」!我地冇理佢繼續食 其他待應聽到都行開 !到18:48我就埋單走 我立即影低現場環境 大把位剩門口冇人等 我只想靜靜地享受我倆的晚餐而矣 但門口的單張寫明用餐時間係1小時30分鐘 又到減數時間 請問大家我哋用餐時間有幾耐?我地矇查查參加左考考eq限時競食大賽而不自知!當然贏左都要比錢 正所謂有圖有真相 比大家參考下先 有冇其他曾經參加過的參賽者比下面留下言🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-08-22
491 瀏覽
位於油麻地地鐵站 人來人往的彌敦道上 位置很方便的小店雖然座位比較迫 但香港租金昂貴 為了多做點生意也無可厚非午市自選套餐很超值 由58-118 包括涼菜或點心和飯麵 飲品我今天要了一份酸菜魚 蒜泥白肉及酸梅湯 另菜肉餛飩麵 上海春卷 酸梅湯 蟹粉小籠包味道不錯 魚片很滑 春卷是即炸的 份量很足 我見附近兩位客人 都吃不下 有剩菜 包括我呢每位收5元茶位費 但不收加一兩點後還有下午茶 更加超值呢 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)