港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 B2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (67)
等級4 2024-07-06
1817 瀏覽
🇹🇭 Recently, I saw this newly opened Thai restaurant online, so I came here for dinner with a friend. This restaurant has great value, with generous portions and ample ingredients in each dish, and the taste is also good. We ordered:🥭 Mango and Minced Pork Rice Paper Rolls 芒果扎肉米紙卷 $88The combination of juicy mango and savory minced pork wrapped in delicate rice paper is a delightful contrast of flavors and textures.🍲 Thai Coconut Chicken Soup 泰式椰子雞湯 $98This fragrant Thai coconut chicken soup is a comforting and nourishing dish, featuring tender chicken in a rich, creamy broth.🥬 Baby Kale 椰菜苗 $98The fresh, crisp baby kale is a simple yet satisfying side dish, showcasing the natural sweetness and vibrant green color of this nutritious leafy green.🍚 Fried Rice Thai Style with Pork 火車炒飯 $118This Thai-style fried rice is a delightful blend of fluffy rice, succulent pork, and a harmony of aromatic spices and flavors.🦐 Green Curry Seafood in Handheld Pancake 青咖喱海鮮配手抓餅 $168The fresh and aromatic green curry sauce is the star of this dish, complementing the generous portion of seafood. Served alongside are soft, handheld pancakes that can be enjoyed as an accompaniment, adding a delightful textural contrast to the curry.‼️‼️For dinner here, get a complimentary Flaming Thai-style Roasted Spring Chicken when you spend $300 or more for 2 people‼️‼️💰 Total: $627 for 2 (including 10% service charge). 繼續閱讀
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📣又有筍野同大家分享啦,只要2人同行👭即送火焰🔥泰式燒春雞🐔😋,邊到噤筍❓🤔就係位於尖沙咀H8嘅❣︎胡蝶.泰❣︎餐廳裝修舒適,座位座得寬闊,呢度嘅侍應招呼好好👍🏻好有禮貌,最緊要呢到嘅泰菜做得唔錯架👍🏻大家都快啲訂位試下啦🏃🏻‍♀️❣︎火焰🔥燒春雞❣︎(贈送)🌟必食推介😋上枱時侍應會即場點埋火🔥好似玩魔術🪄噤,好岩打卡呃like😜燒春雞皮香肉嫩,肉汁豐富,呢套仲比埋手套🧤你撕來食,相當貼心💓記得沾埋佢跟嘅醬汁,好食到不得了,簡直將隻雞提升到另一個層次🤤👍🏻❣︎冬蔭明爐海爐魚❣︎$208冬蔭湯另上,盤底用蠟燭🕯️興住,保持熱辣辣👍🏻湯底酸酸辣辣好醒胃😋配料好豐富,爐魚好嫩滑👍🏻索晒啲湯汁,入口更加鮮味。❣︎泰式鮮蝦金邊粉❣︎$118呢到啲擺盤全部都好靚,就算一碟金邊粉都擺到成盤花噤靚😍師父將啲配料擺喺碟旁邊等你地自己撈,金邊粉有蛋網包住,炒得夠乾身,鮮蝦彈牙,口味偏甜。❣︎炭燒豬頸肉❣︎$98豬頸肉惹味焦香,爽滑彈牙。❣︎椰青❣︎$48食泰式野一定要飲椰青😋味道清甜又夠凍🤤爽爆。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-27
2276 瀏覽
今日和朋友喺尖沙咀想食泰菜,發現厚福街H8開咗一間叫「胡蝶 • 泰」嘅泰國菜餐廳,適逢新開張仲有特別推廣,只要兩個人消費滿$150即送泰皇火焰燒雞 ,真心超級抵,餐牌上款式眾多,泰國菜應該有嘅食物基本上都有齊,而且價錢相宜,性價比高,即刻要幫襯👍🏻▪️泰皇火焰燒雞 (二人同行消費滿 $ 150免費贈送)燒雞熱辣辣出場,店員會在客人面前即時點火,為燒雞再增添香脆感,有得睇又有得食,燒雞細細隻,二人前最啱,雞皮香脆,而雞肉香滑幾入味,充滿香料香,而且可以自行用手撕方法食雞,別有一番風味▪️泰式地道豐盛盤 $ 188拼盤食材豐富,應有盡有,一次過能品嚐多款傳統泰式小食,炸雞棗,炸蝦餅,香辣魚餅,沙爹牛肉串,香草豬肉腸,香茅豬頸肉,泰式無骨鳳爪,全部新鮮整起熱辣辣,沾上泰式甜辣醬,夠晒惹味▪️馬拉盞椰菜苗 $ 88食泰國菜最鍾意食椰菜苗,配合馬拉盞醬鹹鹹香香,菜苗炒得爽口,這裏更採用泰國傳統香料南疆,更加香口▪️蒜蓉包 $ 22蒜蓉包即點即烘,好香脆而且充滿蒜蓉牛油香,無論就咁食或者點咖喱都咁好食▪️芒果椰汁黑白糯米飯配雪糕 $ 88甜品時間,芒果超級香甜,糯米飯有普通糯米飯及紫糯米,上枱時仍然暖暖地好軟糯,加埋香甜嘅椰漿和椰子雪糕,超級豐盛,必食推介飲品方便我哋點咗清熱解渴新鮮椰青和泰國傳統風味嘅龍眼冰,清甜可口▪️椰青 $ 48▪️班蘭龍眼冰 $ 38 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-11-01
143 瀏覽
Considering the quality of the food and the great service, we thought they deserved more likes.I came across this restaurant on OpenRice, seeing that it was in a convenient location, so decided to try it out. We only ordered two dishes as my friend and I weren’t big eaters. We ordered one of the chef’s recommendations together with another dish. The flaming roasted spring chicken was a lot bigger than we expected, and a lot juicier than many other roasted spring chickens we’ve tried at other restaurants in the past. The sauce it came with was slightly spicy, but enhanced the flavour of the spring chicken, which ended up being a perfect match! We also ordered the lamb in yellow curry, and it came with either flaky pancake or garlic bread. Originally we were going to order the flaky pancake, but the waiter recommended the garlic bread, so we changed our mind. I was so surprised they actually put lamb rack into the curry instead of the usual lamb belly. The lamb rack was very tender and juicy, the taste of the curry just right, and the potatoes inside were soft but not mushy. As we were eating, the waiter came by to pass us some wet tissues, which we thought was really considerate!We visited on a Friday evening and it was rather quiet, although both private rooms were booked out. Considering the quality of the food and the great service, we thought they deserved more likes. We would definitely recommend this restaurant to our friends!! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-10-23
199 瀏覽
我哋嗌咗芒果扎肉米紙卷($88)、醉貓炒河粉($118)、馬拉盞椰菜苗($98)、鮮芒果沙冰($48)同埋泰式奶茶($38)咁首先講咗醉貓炒河粉先啦我覺得呢個河粉食落去真係幾有鑊氣🔥🔥同埋豬肉食落去都幾有口感不過如果份量可以再多啲嘅話就會更加好之後就講吓芒果扎肉米紙卷/馬拉盞椰菜苗啦前者食落去幾開胃😚😚芒果食落去都唔會覺得好酸配埋嗰個醬汁一齊食都幾特別😯😯跟住嗰個椰菜苗就炒得幾香最後就講埋我哋揀嘅嘢飲啦芒果沙冰飲落去幾鮮甜🥰🥰而且味道真係幾濃郁Thai Milk Tea嘅甜度都幾啱啱好‼️‼️食Dinner嘅話2人同行消費滿$300即送火焰泰式燒春雞‼️‼️ 繼續閱讀
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