新年不外乎吃吃吃,今年一家四口也一樣,在家的日子幾乎都是咀巴沒有停過,特別是甜食,朱古力、曲奇、西餅吃過不停,不過過年嘛始終甜魔媽媽最喜歡吃紅噹噹又甜蜜蜜的年糕,好吃又有意頭!!早前甜魔家就收到悅來酒店送來的殷悅年糕,也是趁新年打開來吃了。說起來,收到年糕的那晚,又是囝囝最興奮,當然啦,盒面有兩隻可愛的大熊貓,叻叻豬一見到就大叫「panda, one panda, two panda...」隔了一會,又突然指著盒面「this is Matthew panda, this is Chloe panda~」牙牙學語又滿有創意的可愛極了!!! 其實為食豬當晚已經很想直接咬來吃了,但還不行啦!! 年糕是要煮熱才好吃的... 結果還是到新年大年初一才有時間打開來,慢慢煮慢慢吃,然後是一吃愛上!!!其實年糕就是最簡單的紅糖年糕,不過甜魔媽媽愛極了那sticky、軟稔又富有一定彈性的質感,煎的一刻比較論盡,但吃起來口感與滋味實在一流;年糕的甜度也很理想,香甜蜜潤,在新的一年帶來甜蜜幸福感,但並不會太膩,配以蘿蔔糕同吃十分合襯又美味。當然如果大家問我,甜魔媽媽絕對是支持煎的糕,比蒸的口感香脆豐富,美味
早前甜魔家就收到悅來酒店送來的殷悅年糕,也是趁新年打開來吃了。說起來,收到年糕的那晚,又是囝囝最興奮,當然啦,盒面有兩隻可愛的大熊貓,叻叻豬一見到就大叫「panda, one panda, two panda...」隔了一會,又突然指著盒面「this is Matthew panda, this is Chloe panda~」牙牙學語又滿有創意的可愛極了!!!
這「杞子圓肉奶凍」其實即是西式的「意式奶凍」 Panna Cotta,但吳師傅加入了中式的元素,以杞子與龍眼肉作為點綴,雖然以裝飾作用為主,對食味影響不大,不過中西合璧的意念仍然值得欣賞,而且這奶凍做得香甜膩滑,味道,口感俱佳,不單只我,就連在座的各位相熟食友,也把它吃得一乾二淨,以行動表示這「杞子圓肉奶凍」確是水準甚佳。
Going to a restaurant, the first impression always from the services not the food. May be my expectation of a "hotel" is too high this time...
Since we have a bunch of people going to yum cha together, I made reservation online 2 days before to avoid waiting, but thing not going as expected...
When we arrived, there were a lot of people waiting at the front desk. The waitress at the front desk was busing running here and there. I finally got a chance to let her know my reservation and she asked me to wait around after having a glance at the computer. I thought she was well noted but I found that I was wrong after waiting for 20 min and had to "remind" her about my booking... I arrived 10 min earlier than my reservation so I was prepared to wait, just I didn't expect for 20 min, excluded my 10 min early arrival. During this 20 min, I saw a lady arrived later than me, but after she gave a red pocket to the waitress, she got her table before me!! I don't know if this lady made reservation or not, but this 20 min wait makes me believe the red pocket did mean something!!!
Finally, we got our table, however, there was something you don't expect in a restaurant in a "hotel"... a dirty table cloth (see pic1 above)
At this moment, I am not interested in the food anymore. However, with friends, let's enjoy~~
We ordered around 10 dim sum and a plate of steamed rice. (See picture above)
Pic 2 - Deep fried squid: Fair, I had a better one at Palace Wedding Banquet before.
Pic 3 - This one is interesting, the wrapper is chewy which is different from normal fried dumplings. Also the shrimps are very big~~ Good choice!!
Pic 4 - Steamed shrimp dumplings: Though only 3 pieces, but the dumplings were big and tasty~~
Pic 5 - The rice is very wet, like risotto ...
Pic 6 - Menu: for reference only~~
整體嚟講,嘢食唔算差,都算足料,不過服務水準就好難以「酒店」嚟形容囉... 待應雖然反應唔快,但係都算係有禮貌,不過個知客同埋個帶位嘅阿姐(似manager grade)就實在係... 知客唔再提嘞,嗰位阿姐嘅變臉技,勁過國寶級大師,呢頭四萬咁嘅口望住啲客話:呢邊請,一秒後黑口黑面到好似見到殺父仇人咁...勁!
In short, the food quality & quantity are good. The only problem is the services. Though the waiters and waitresses were not very responsive, they were quite polite. However, the waitress at the front desk and the manager-like person who lead customers to their seats are quite rude. The manager-like person changed her face from big smile (while she was asking customers to follow her to their table) to super long face (right after she finish "please come with me...") in ONE SECOND!!!
Not sure if I will visit again...