2014-06-18 3548 瀏覽
和朋友補祝生日,由於好友在中環上班,便選擇到朋友推介的little bao用聲。本來以為要等很久的,怎料不用半小時已收到電話說有位了,可能這天是平日吧,還不是太多人。餐廳坐位不多,一邊是面向牆壁的,一邊是面向開放式廚房。場內播放着音樂,聲音頗大,要提高聲聲才能跟友人對話。第一次來到,點了很多人推介的mac n cheese,pork belly bao和lb ice cream sandwich。友人選的是special of the day:spicy fried chicken bao先來的是mac n cheese,食物還算來得挺快的。mac n cheese 是沐浴在芝士中的腸粉,醬汁非常濃郁,不會太咸,十份好吃!個人認為搭配年糕效果更佳,可能因為我不太喜歡腸粉的質感吧,總覺得配搭有點奇怪。mac n cheese 還未吃完 bao bao便到了。兩個bao的賣相都很吸引~Pork belly bao 的豬肉十分肥美,包是選用中式包點的那種包,搭配洋蔥及醬汁味道更是一流!Spicy fried chicken bao 是雞扒搭配辣的醬汁,辣味剛好,喜歡吃辣的可以一試。甜品是lb
和朋友補祝生日,由於好友在中環上班,便選擇到朋友推介的little bao用聲。本來以為要等很久的,怎料不用半小時已收到電話說有位了,可能這天是平日吧,還不是太多人。
第一次來到,點了很多人推介的mac n cheese,pork belly bao和lb ice cream sandwich。友人選的是special of the day:spicy fried chicken bao

先來的是mac n cheese,食物還算來得挺快的。
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mac n cheese 是沐浴在芝士中的腸粉,醬汁非常濃郁,不會太咸,十份好吃!個人認為搭配年糕效果更佳,可能因為我不太喜歡腸粉的質感吧,總覺得配搭有點奇怪。

mac n cheese 還未吃完 bao bao便到了。兩個bao的賣相都很吸引~
Pork belly bao 的豬肉十分肥美,包是選用中式包點的那種包,搭配洋蔥及醬汁味道更是一流
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Spicy fried chicken bao 是雞扒搭配辣的醬汁,辣味剛好,喜歡吃辣的可以一試
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甜品是lb ice cream sandwich,本身相叫兩個同款的,但店員推介我們可點兩個不同味道。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
25 分鐘 (堂食)
$180 (晚餐)
  • lb ice cream sandwich
  • pork belly bao
日子久了,朋友也因為環境,工作變得少見面,以前差不多每天見面聯絡,但漸漸到一個月見面一次,到三個月,半年,甚至一年,甚至不再聯絡,一些無法挽回的友情也讓我醒覺,叫我更珍惜現有或與剛認識的朋友。在短短的七個月的工作內,既是同事的關係,也建立到一份真摯的友誼。 有人說朋友永遠也是一對對的,若三人行的話,必有一個是較為疏遠的,但我們這段三人的友誼反而讓我們有更多的歡樂。 今天約了以前的同事到Little Bao一聚。曾經打算到Little Bao吃午餐,可是他們只做晚市生意,撲空一場。所以,今次我們的聚會就落在期待以久的Little Bao了。 放工後,走上「奪命」的斜路,經過PMQ元創方,Little Bao門外已有很多人在等候,先報上人數和電話號碼,店員說可能要等大概一小時,話明是期待已久,不成功便成仁,我們決定等!!!! (已經盡我所能了,但是燈光問題,還是未能把Little Bao門面拍得漂亮!)幸好旁邊有PMQ我們都未去過,所以決定在PMQ逛逛消磨時間,那一小時的等候時間很快便過去。突然收到不知來電的電話,原來是Little Bao打來跟我們說已經準備好位置了。 興高采烈的我們立刻
在短短的七個月的工作內,既是同事的關係,也建立到一份真摯的友誼。 有人說朋友永遠也是一對對的,若三人行的話,必有一個是較為疏遠的,但我們這段三人的友誼反而讓我們有更多的歡樂。 今天約了以前的同事到Little Bao一聚。
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曾經打算到Little Bao吃午餐,可是他們只做晚市生意,撲空一場。所以,今次我們的聚會就落在期待以久的Little Bao了。 放工後,走上「奪命」的斜路,經過PMQ元創方,Little Bao門外已有很多人在等候,先報上人數和電話號碼,店員說可能要等大概一小時,話明是期待已久,不成功便成仁,我們決定等!!!! (已經盡我所能了,但是燈光問題,還是未能把Little Bao門面拍得漂亮!)
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幸好旁邊有PMQ我們都未去過,所以決定在PMQ逛逛消磨時間,那一小時的等候時間很快便過去。突然收到不知來電的電話,原來是Little Bao打來跟我們說已經準備好位置了。 興高采烈的我們立刻飛奔過去,一開門已經有熱鬧的音樂聲歡迎我們,坐下後店員都遞上drink menu和加水。
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墊枱紙是food menu,食物的種類一目瞭然,大概分為"For sharing"和"Bao"兩種,選擇困難症令我們三個進入手所無措的局面,在短短的五分鐘,店員也走過來兩次問問我們準備好點菜未。他的禮貌很好但自身的感覺他在催促我們似的。唔知係佢不耐煩還是看到我們手足無措的樣子前來幫助呢? 不論是怎樣,我們也打開與店員交談的匣子,我們三人都不太餓,因此叫她介紹兩款For sharing的食物。(等一下再作介紹)然後,她也建議我們先點甜品,以免包包售完,甜點可以在吃完所有食物才上碟。這個安排我們都十分滿意。
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西式簡單的設計和中式的木筷子,不知道Little Bao會帶來怎樣的Fusion呢?
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店舖不大,沒有卡位,而座位全都是並排的,一就是對牆的,「面壁思過」類型,另一款的則是對著open kitchen的位置,我們被安排到面壁思過的位置,所以open kitchen在做什麼,我們也只能從人群中的空隙偷看。
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製作食物也需時間,大概十五分鐘食物就送到了。聊天的過程很愉快,但也很辛苦,除左有著其他食客的聊天歡談的聲音外,也因為Little Bao調到音樂的聲音很大,我們就算坐很近,嗌出來對方才聽到你說什麼,播放著美國的重金屬音樂,加上強大,「𠾐嗞𠾐嗞」的音浪,有如致身於Disco般,對我來說有點受不了吧。


Short-Rib Pan Fried Dumpling ($128): 兩樣For Sharing的食物都是由店員介紹,他建議加上辣醬,然後把餃子和底下的沙律一併放進口中,會更好味!
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餃子的料選用牛肋骨的肉,所以比平常吃的牛肉鮮嫩,而且絕不減料,咬入去啖啖都是Short-rib,十分Juicy!Little Bao的餃子用煎的方式把餃子製成,表面的皮煎成金黃色,加上微微的燒焦更可口呢!很多時候因為時間不夠,廚師把餃子只顧及餃子金黃色的賣相,卻忽略了餃子熟的程度,但是Little Bao的餃子絕對不會偷工減料,不但食到Short-rib的鮮嫩,更帶有餃子皮的香脆!
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Mag & Cheese ($108): 芝士焗明太子腸粉。我相信喜愛芝士一定會鍾情這一碟菜,因為入面的芝士雖然很多和很有味,但絕不有Heavy的感覺,厚厚的芝士層沾滿整個碟,每一啖都享受著濃郁的芝士香味!
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$108的腸粉確是有點貴,而且只得八條腸粉,我們三人大概只吃到兩條腸粉,若比起街市的腸粉檔真係貴到離晒譜。我自己是個喜愛試新東西的人,雖然Little Bao的食物貴,但我也樂於嘗試,落在菜式上的創意,帶出無窮的驚喜,芝士與中式的腸粉作搭配,確是十分特別!

LB ICe Cream Sandwich ($48): 最後登場也是我期待以久的Ice Cream Sandwich,雖然有焦糖和綠茶兩種口味,但偏愛綠茶味的我們決定全點綠茶味。
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Ice Cream Sandwich的大小大概是一個女生的手心咁大(記住是不包括手指的),所以不要打算與朋友Share食,因為.. 一定不夠食!
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以Little Bao的墊紙墊著Ice Cream Sandwich,原來Little Bao的中文名字叫小包包.. 都幾俗氣,還是叫回英文罷了!哈哈..
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三個Ice Cream Sandwich 的照片可其壯觀呢!用竹籤把兩塊包和中間的雪糕連繫一起,事不宜遲要馬上開動了!
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吃下去,中間的雪糕有淡淡的綠茶味道,綠茶味不濃的它並沒有令這Ice Cream Sandwich失色,反而恰到好處,因為兩塊包包是中式的炸饅頭,炸饅頭配上煉奶, 而在包包與雪糕的接觸面上加上煉奶,使這Ice Cream Sandwich的味道昇華。香脆的炸饅頭、消暑的雪糕、甜甜的煉奶製作而成的Ice Cream Sandwich使我們這一餐變得完整。
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結帳時,沒有徵收任何服務費,大家可以就著店員的服務隨意付些,而且附送Little Bao公仔的貼紙兩張,今天的晚餐$380,每人大概$120。
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Little Bao很好食,而且有著中西式的Fusion合併,有時Fusion會被人覺得「九唔搭八」,只是將不同國家的食物、煮法結合,可以叫十分簡單,但是要做得好,做得有特色卻是難度所在,Little Bao的食物匯合創意的Fusion,今天讓我大開眼界呢。
另外音響太大聲也令我很頭痛,跟朋友甚至要嗌出來先聽到對方說什麼,可能是為了迎合旁邊蘇豪區的感覺吧,若想跟朋友來聊天聚一聚,Little Bao未必是個聊天好地方!
可是食物的價格確有點貴,大家去的時候要衡量一下吧!創意絕對100分,絕對值得一試,但是不太飽肚,總括而言我這餐吃了一隻餃子、兩條腸粉和一個Ice Cream Sandwich,不要說男生了,女生像我也不能填滿肚子,作為晚餐的話卻不太合適了,但作飯前飯後的小食地點,我絕對推介Little Bao,而要我再光臨的話可能只會為Ice Cream Sandwich而來吧!(太鍾情了!)
題外話 有很多人都因為Ice Cream Sandwich慕名而來,也有很多人點Ice Cream Sandwich的外賣,若只對Ice Cream Sandwich感興趣,點個外賣也可以呀!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
60 分鐘 (堂食)
2014-06-02 5520 瀏覽
Little Bao has been making a very awesome name for itself. I've heard both good and bad things about this eatery. But the long wait has dissuaded me to go try it...until NOW. We had a plan to get there early: so at 6:20pm I staggered hungrily to Little Bao...hoping to get one of the seats!!! But lo and behold- they were completely full and already having a wait list!!!! They reassured me it would be about 30-45 minutes and I hustled to Yardbird first to grab a drink, stay away from the heat and
Little Bao has been making a very awesome name for itself. I've heard both good and bad things about this eatery. But the long wait has dissuaded me to go try it...until NOW. We had a plan to get there early: so at 6:20pm I staggered hungrily to Little Bao...hoping to get one of the seats!!! But lo and behold- they were completely full and already having a wait list!!!! They reassured me it would be about 30-45 minutes and I hustled to Yardbird first to grab a drink, stay away from the heat and wait for a seat!
Fish Tempura Bao in my hands!
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LITTLE BAO-ing it!! (Well...before this happens...) OH! Btw...we had 3 of their Little Baos....this one is the Fish Tempura one...which I accidentally deleted on my phone! :/
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About 45 minutes...we were seated against the bar. The space is small....And we started with Yuzu Leaf: Bourbon, yuzu, maple and lemon ($82)..the drink was nice and refreshing! A great precursor to the rest of the night!...Deliciousness up ahead. I oohed and ahhed at the menu...before finally anxiously awaiting for our Bao-licious dishes. And don't be alarmed...because they do have things other than baos! Just wait and see/read!
Clams, Bacon, Potato
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Clams, Bacon, Potato: White Pepper Miso Broth, Cilantro, Toasted Miso-Butter Baos ($128)...I don't know if its because I was really hungry or what? But these baby clams were delicious! The soup broth was soooo flavourful. I didn't want to be rude...But I definitely could have slurped EVERYTHING UP...in the end, I decided against doing that....but did use their toasted miso-butter baos to quench the soup base as well as the empty clam shells!
Orange Chicken
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Orange Chicken: Fried Running Chicken, Salty Egg Yolk, Honey Glaze, Orange Zest ($98)....OMG...I LOVED THIS!....the fried outer coating was a delicious salty egg yolk and honey sauce batter and then drizzled with orange zest! It was amazing. I loved the crispy yet juicy sweet and salty coating. Everything about this dish was perfection!! Hot, moist, saucy, flavoursome and deep fried! YUM
Mac N Cheese
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"Mac & Cheese" Steamed Rice Rolls, Menataiko Cheese Sauce ($108)....Wow...I just realized I found a new sauce that I really like. Had noooo idea I liked this cheesy menataiko sauce- its slightly sweet yet sharp and blended in perfectly blanketing the smooth steamed rice rolls. WE gobbled this up...at this point, my stomach was filling up....but I knew we had the signatures for last....THE BAOS!!!!!
We had 3 salty Baos, 2 sweet baos! But I mistakenly deleted the fish tempura bao picture fresh market fish, tamarind palm sugar glaze, pickled lemongrass fennel salad ($78). Alright lets get to the baos!.... DROOL WORTHY Baos! Remember Little Bao has a strict 'No Bao Cutting' Rule...so go with someone(s) you don't mind sharing with OR...just eat the whole thing......;) Whatever you fancy.
Fried Chicken Bao
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Fried Chicken Bao: Tartar sauce, with a juicy crispy fried chicken filet ($78)...Okay...so this fried chicken is off menu...and I know why it was...It was amazing. Super juicy, crispy and the meat stayed succulent and intact the entire way!
Pork Belly Bao
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Pork Belly Bao: Slow braised pork belly, leak and shiso red onion salad, sesame dressing, hoisin, ketchup ($78)...the pork belly had the best mix of fatty pork and lean pork, drenched in a gorgeous sweet sesame dressing and a salty hoisin sauce, topped with leeks, and a bit of that shisho red onion salad mix. I loveeeeeed this. I had the majority of this one. Thank you...for letting me be greedy! Cause I realllllllly like pork belly! And this little bao was sublime.
Salted Caramel Ice Cream Sandwich
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Little Bao Ice Cream Sandwich: Deep Fried Bao, Salted Caramel.... ($48) A lot of people told me they loveeeed this one! But for me, I preferred their original sweet bao. Perhaps I was also ridiculously full at this point....but don't get wrong. Its worth a try!
Green Tea Ice Cream Sandwich
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Little Bao Ice Cream Sandwich: Deep Fried Bao, Green Tea Ice Cream, Condensed Milk ($48)....NOM NOM NOM!! Sometimes, you just need a sweet ending. I was beyond full at this point...but the glistening deep fried sugared bao and sweet cold green tea ice cream....was beyond resisting. I devoured it all. Wishing I didn't waste all that dripping condensed milk...PS: Use the paper wrap they give you with it...I didn't (hehe) and my hands were a mess!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
45 分鐘 (堂食)
$450 (晚餐)
Clams, Bacon, Potato
Orange Chicken
Mac N Cheese
Pork Belly Bao
Green Tea Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Clams Bacon Potato
2014-05-28 3305 瀏覽
假日最喜歡的節目就是跟相公亂逛~ 這天來到PMQ湊湊熱鬧~逛畢, 抬頭一看, 就是on the list的little bao~! 雖然已是8時多, 但長龍依然~ 店員告知要等60-90分鐘....幸好可以留下電話, 不用呆站~9時多收到電話..店員說我必需於5分鐘內到達...oh well...第一次吃, 例行動作是看看openrice上的食評及推介~ 不消一會, 就給催下單.. oh well...至於食物嘛~相公點了chicken bao...有點麻辣感覺~ 好味!   我點了pork belly bao...醬料很香~ 也很好味~   而最推介的是這個mac and cheese..用明太子做的sauce配腸粉, 非常cheesy!    甜品LB Ice Cream Sandwich也是很推介! 這個包應是炸過吧? 非常香口~   可是, 別給相中的大close up騙到...每個包的size大概只有3吋...對於我就剛好..但對於相公...他說像是沒吃過東西...^^"店內環境...open kitchen的方式..吃畢..滿身都是油煙味...    另外, 她們是不收加
假日最喜歡的節目就是跟相公亂逛~ 這天來到PMQ湊湊熱鬧~
逛畢, 抬頭一看, 就是on the list的little bao~! 

雖然已是8時多, 但長龍依然~ 店員告知要等60-90分鐘....
幸好可以留下電話, 不用呆站~

9時多收到電話..店員說我必需於5分鐘內到達...oh well...

第一次吃, 例行動作是看看openrice上的食評及推介~ 不消一會, 就給催下單.. oh well...


相公點了chicken bao...有點麻辣感覺~ 好味!
Chicken Bao
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我點了pork belly bao...醬料很香~ 也很好味~
Pork Belly Bao
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而最推介的是這個mac and cheese..用明太子做的sauce配腸粉, 非常cheesy! 
Mac and Cheese
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甜品LB Ice Cream Sandwich也是很推介! 這個包應是炸過吧? 非常香口~
LB Ice Cream Sandwich
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可是, 別給相中的大close up騙到...每個包的size大概只有3吋...

店內環境...open kitchen的方式..吃畢..滿身都是油煙味...
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另外, 她們是不收加一的, 鼓勵顧客因應服務質素tips
對於她們"唔休做", "催下單", "要水無水" 的服務, 我在tips這個部份反映了最明確的評語...

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
60 分鐘 (堂食)
$200 (晚餐)
Chicken Bao
Pork Belly Bao
Mac and Cheese
LB Ice Cream Sandwich
2014-05-15 4783 瀏覽
I have waited for 1.5 hour for the meal I have tried pork belly bao. ($78)It was good but it was so small. I guessed a man could at least eat 4 baos. The pork belly and the taste were tasty. There were onions inside.Truffle fries(abt$100)It was also a small portion but it was good too. The sauce was mixed with some truffle oil or porcini I guessed. There were Chinese mushrooms and chickpeas inside. Although the portion was small but it was enough got girls and u couldn't eat much since it was qu
I have waited for 1.5 hour for the meal

I have tried pork belly bao. ($78)It was good but it was so small. I guessed a man could at least eat 4 baos. The pork belly and the taste were tasty. There were onions inside.

Truffle fries(abt$100)
It was also a small portion but it was good too. The sauce was mixed with some truffle oil or porcini I guessed. There were Chinese mushrooms and chickpeas inside. Although the portion was small but it was enough got girls and u couldn't eat much since it was quite heavy.....

Fried bao with green tea ice cream?($48?)
It was the best dessert , according to my cousin. It is now smaller than before. I thought I could make it at home haha . The bao was crispy and the green tea ice cream was refreshing. It was so cold to bite the bao hahahahah.

Overall, it was quite expensive with these tiny bao. But I won't wait for so long and pay so much in there again.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
90 分鐘 (堂食)
2014-05-13 2670 瀏覽
知道LITTLE BAO 好耐,一直都好想試, 特別係佢個DESSERT-GREEN TEA BAO 終於了左個心願!!! 其實都OK, 價錢唔係好值,不過中環食野價錢就好難會勁抵, 就當試唔同既野囉我都朋友佢食完都情願行落去食牛腩麵 我地6點半左右到都FULL左,要等一陣。之後仲愈來愈多人排隊.....呢度勝在全部都即叫即整~黑啤, 唔係飲開中藥真係唔好試....太重口味MUST try , 紫蘇葉頗香, 香口即炸即係好味版既魚柳包 豬肉涵口似湯渣(個人不太愛此口感), 煎得好香脆, 配生蔥都幾好味很讚~包炸得剛好,可以再多少少煉奶
知道LITTLE BAO 好耐,一直都好想試, 特別係佢個DESSERT-GREEN TEA BAO 終於了左個心願!!!

其實都OK, 價錢唔係好值,不過中環食野價錢就好難會勁抵, 就當試唔同既野囉


Drinks of the day
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黑啤, 唔係飲開中藥真係唔好試....太重口味
Eggplant & Shiso Pork Tempura
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MUST try , 紫蘇葉頗香, 香口即炸
Fish Tempura BAOS
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Short-rib pan-fried Dumpling
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 豬肉涵口似湯渣(個人不太愛此口感), 煎得好香脆, 配生蔥都幾好味
LB Ice Cream Sandwich
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
45 分鐘 (堂食)
$150 (晚餐)
Eggplant & Shiso Pork Tempura
LB Ice Cream Sandwich
2014-04-29 2581 瀏覽
六時去到, 已經有人龍, 等了大概15分鐘. 室內環境幾簡約, 枱同坐椅用料同design都係好普通, (有d失望, 本來以為間嘢幾型), 同埋地方比想像中細, 好逼. Pork bao : 個bao真係好little, 但都幾cute, 味道一般, 有點中弍煮法, 肉不夠"林".蛋黃雞 :  即係我地中菜既黃金蛋黃蝦, 不過係雞. 用比肉, 味道都ok.Clams : 汁好味, 但clams size太細.總括: 味道係完全合格, 但就無驚喜, 地方又太細. 見到 企門戶個server 建議d客外賣, 唔好等, 可能真係一個good idea黎.
六時去到, 已經有人龍, 等了大概15分鐘. 室內環境幾簡約, 枱同坐椅用料同design都係好普通, (有d失望, 本來以為間嘢幾型), 同埋地方比想像中細, 好逼. 
Pork bao : 個bao真係好little, 但都幾cute, 味道一般, 有點中弍煮法, 肉不夠"林".
蛋黃雞 :  即係我地中菜既黃金蛋黃蝦, 不過係雞. 用比肉, 味道都ok.
Clams : 汁好味, 但clams size太細.
總括: 味道係完全合格, 但就無驚喜, 地方又太細. 見到 企門戶個server 建議d客外賣, 唔好等, 可能真係一個good idea黎.

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Pork belly bao
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
15 分鐘 (堂食)
2014-04-27 4256 瀏覽
Little Bao is somewhat a refreshing change from the western scene in SoHo. I said 'somewhat' is because while the root of its signature pork belly bao is certainly Chinese, its recipe, along with that of other food on the menu have been subtly tweaked to suit the western palate although I have to give them credit for honestly flagging the fact in their descriptive here on Openrice.On Easter Monday, my girlfriend and I wanted to stroll around PMQ on Aberdeen Street and have a taste of the baos th
Little Bao is somewhat a refreshing change from the western scene in SoHo. I said 'somewhat' is because while the root of its signature pork belly bao is certainly Chinese, its recipe, along with that of other food on the menu have been subtly tweaked to suit the western palate although I have to give them credit for honestly flagging the fact in their descriptive here on Openrice.

On Easter Monday, my girlfriend and I wanted to stroll around PMQ on Aberdeen Street and have a taste of the baos that have become the hottest buns in town lately. We checked Openrice before visiting (we were suprised that Little Bao only opens from Monday to Saturday from 1800 till 2300 - such short operation hours?!), and decided to check in just before 1800 before the restaurant is opened to avoid having to dreadfully wait for a table. In the end we arrived at quarter to, only to find a long queue had already been formed outside the restaurant. The restaurant only has a capacity of around 12. The lady at the door was busy steering traffic and in my opinion, smartly tried to divert alleged non-high spenders (for example the pair of school girls-looking youngsters lining in front of us) to buy takeaways instead of dine in. We got our names down on the waiting list, and were told to go back in 30-45 mins. When we went back after more strolling at the PMQ, we had to wait for another 30 mins before we could be seated.

In the meantime while waiting to be seated, we had 2 cocktails Yuzu Leave which is a blend of Bourbon whisky, Yuzu juice, Shiso and soda. Both of us found it too sour. After being seated, we ordered 4 dishes to be shared. The 2 of us literally licked each plate clean, one of the reasons is the food was indeed very tasty, the other was because the size of the dishes is small, and I mean very small for the price they are charging.
Yuzu Leaf
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The signature Pork Belly Bao (it was stated on the menu that no bao cutting will be entertained, and we were being double reminded of the house rule as we indicated that we wished to share the dish) had very a very tender peice of pork belly in it and the baos were soft. However, I could just take a bite of it as personally I am not a big fan of shallots and onions, and there was way too much of that stuff in the bao.
Pork Belly Bao
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The clams in a miso based broth blended with cilantro were fresh. The broth was a delicate balance of Japanese miso and fresh herbs. It came with 3 peices of toasted bao, just good to fill our stomachs which were not very full even after finishing all our ordered dishes.
Clams in miso broth
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The fries with Japanese mayo/ Indonesian Sambal dip is very reflective of the international cuisine they said to carry. The dip is a very creative combination. The fries are very different from any normal fries - they are sweet. At first I thought they used sweet potatoes, but I think they dressed the potatoe fries with syrup or honey before/after deep frying.
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The chicken coated with a light salted egg batter was very tasty. The chicken was not dried out after the deep frying although I can't say it was juicy.
Salted egg chicken
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We finished off the meal with an off-the-menu dessert - salt ice cream with caramel sauce sandwiched between 2 pieces of deep fried baos. The sweetness was just right but the deep fried baos tasted a bit too oily for me.
Salt ice cream
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All in all, I found the food tasty; however given the environment (very little moving space and the open kitchen had me turned into a piece of walking fritter after eating) and the not-so-comfy seating (only benches and stools are avilable and over the course of the meal, I was being hit numerous times by the elbow of the guy sitting next to me, and vice versa), I think it is rather pricey.

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
60 分鐘 (堂食)
$300 (晚餐)
2014-04-18 2429 瀏覽
最近這家店很火熱!有一次星期五晚上9點多來到,店家說要至少等兩個小時!(驚!)這次為了要吃到,我們星期六下午5:40(這店晚上6時開門)就在門口等,所以成功一試這熱店!(Yeah!)先來一個"Mac & Cheese"。好特別呀!其實是明太子芝士醬焗豬腸粉。芝士醬好濃味,和豬腸粉出奇地配!䍈面是脆脆bread crumb。雖然$108八條豬腸粉有點貴,但這麼特別的fusion food,值得試呀!然後,我們要了兩個 bao。一個 Chicken(左),一個是素的Sloppy Chan(右)。兩個包最好吃的都是它們的醬!雞的那個(左),是微辣四川沙律醬,配著脆煎雞和椰菜絲沙律(coleslaw),好吃!素的那個(右),是松露沙律醬,配的是台灣躁肉味的香菇,還有醃蘿蔔,驚喜!包是軟綿綿的饅頭包,但份量有點小就是了。最後最後是「冇得輸」之LB ice cream sandwiches。炸饅頭夾綠茶雪糕和煉奶!名乎其實的「冇得輸」!正!炸包放涼了一陣,雪糕雪得很硬,所以吃的時候雪糕不會很快溶!食物是有特色好吃的!但店的環境一般,bar枱高櫈坐得不舒服,另外店子小、人很多、音節放得很大聲,很吵。



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先來一個"Mac & Cheese"。好特別呀!

其實是明太子芝士醬焗豬腸粉。芝士醬好濃味,和豬腸粉出奇地配!䍈面是脆脆bread crumb。雖然$108八條豬腸粉有點貴,但這麼特別的fusion food,值得試呀!

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然後,我們要了兩個 bao。一個 Chicken(左),一個是素的Sloppy Chan(右)。

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最後最後是「冇得輸」之LB ice cream sandwiches。炸饅頭夾綠茶雪糕和煉奶!名乎其實的「冇得輸」!正!炸包放涼了一陣,雪糕雪得很硬,所以吃的時候雪糕不會很快溶!


(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
20 分鐘 (堂食)
$160 (晚餐)
  • lb ice cream sandwich
2014-04-08 2412 瀏覽
小小的中式饅頭或台式刈包到底有多大的魅力?走到Little Bao的門口問問排隊的人龍你便會知道!自從數年前一對台灣人兄弟在美國紐約市開設了一家全新概念的台式刈包專門店,把華人的傳統小食重新包裝成fusion菜後大受歡迎,這股小包熱潮也席捲全球!在Little Bao的門口,你就會看到有有個非常醒目的Little Bao霓虹燈頭像。店內的裝修十分新潮,一排Fine Dinning的格局:環境幽暗,鋪上了黑白色地磚,播放著強勁節拍音樂;可以靠牆坐在高枱上,或坐在開放式的廚房旁看著店員在預備食物。今次就只小試了最吸引人的LB Icecream Sanwich,選上了最愛的綠茶雪糕!LB Icecream Sanwich其實就是在一個炸得金黃香脆的饅頭中夾著了圓柱形狀的綠茶雪糕,伴上點點的煉奶,邪惡又迷人!金黃的饅頭熱騰騰,夾著的冰冷的綠茶雪糕,吃起來冰火交融有趣好味!喜歡甜點的你們不要錯過喔!
121 瀏覽
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小小的中式饅頭或台式刈包到底有多大的魅力?走到Little Bao的門口問問排隊的人龍你便會知道!自從數年前一對台灣人兄弟在美國紐約市開設了一家全新概念的台式刈包專門店,把華人的傳統小食重新包裝成fusion菜後大受歡迎,這股小包熱潮也席捲全球!
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88 瀏覽
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在Little Bao的門口,你就會看到有有個非常醒目的Little Bao霓虹燈頭像。店內的裝修十分新潮,一排Fine Dinning的格局:環境幽暗,鋪上了黑白色地磚,播放著強勁節拍音樂;可以靠牆坐在高枱上,或坐在開放式的廚房旁看著店員在預備食物。
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今次就只小試了最吸引人的LB Icecream Sanwich,選上了最愛的綠茶雪糕!LB Icecream Sanwich其實就是在一個炸得金黃香脆的饅頭中夾著了圓柱形狀的綠茶雪糕,伴上點點的煉奶,邪惡又迷人!金黃的饅頭熱騰騰,夾著的冰冷的綠茶雪糕,吃起來冰火交融有趣好味!
LB Icecream Sanwich
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
LB Icecream Sanwich
2014-04-01 4403 瀏覽
"Exciting", "vibrant", "hip" -- these are some of the words I'd expect people would use to describe Little Bao. I'd say it's all these things, but more importantly, it's unique. And that's rare in HK nowadays, when so many restaurants are increasingly owned and managed by groups. Of course, groups also run specialty restaurants, but at least for me, I still feel these small-scale establisments are particularly special. Oh, and also, the food is pretty awesome. As the name suggests, Little Bao sp
"Exciting", "vibrant", "hip" -- these are some of the words I'd expect people would use to describe Little Bao. I'd say it's all these things, but more importantly, it's unique. And that's rare in HK nowadays, when so many restaurants are increasingly owned and managed by groups. Of course, groups also run specialty restaurants, but at least for me, I still feel these small-scale establisments are particularly special. Oh, and also, the food is pretty awesome. 

As the name suggests, Little Bao specialises in "baos" -- Chinese steamed buns, modified into burgers which sandwich various fusion-inspired fillings, including pork belly, fish tempura and chicken.

The buns were great, but personally, I enjoyed some of their other dishes more. These included the Orange Chicken which is basically pieces of fried running chicken covered with salty egg yolk, honey glaze and orange zest. The flavours of saltiness and sweetness are very well balanced, and the chicken is crispy but moist inside. 
Orange Chicken
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Another favourite was the Short-Rib Pan Fried Dumplings, which are filled with slow-braised organic OBE beef short rib, and served on a bed of celeriac coleslaw. The dumplings are pan-fried till crisp on the outside and the beef filling is juicy and tender. The coleslaw also adds an extra layer of texture, adding crunch, and tones down some of the more intense flavours of the beef. I particularly liked the fact that the beef is organic - it's always nice to know we are putting quality ingredients into our bodies.
Short-Rib Pan Fried Dumplings
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For my mandatory vegetable intake, I also liked the Brussel Sprouts which are flavoured with fish sauce, caramel, chili and lime. Like the Orange Chicken, this was another dish which married the flavours of savoury and sweet very well. 
Brussel Sprouts
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Finally, the one dessert on the menu (at least at my time of visiting) is a must try. The first time I visited, I shared this and (we both) quickly regretted it -- the second time, we had a whole one each. In short, it's a deep fried mini bao, with green tea ice cream sandwiched in between. This is then topped with condensed milk. The end result delivers a variety of sensations in regards to texture, temperature and flavours - all of which work remarkably well together to produce a crave-worthy item.
LB Ice Cream Sandwich
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Service at little bao is also friendly and efficient.

The one "downside" I suppose is how difficult it is to get seats. From my experience, it's best to arrive at 6pm (which is when they open) on weekends, if you want to make the first round. It might seem like a bit of a sacrifice having to line up and wait around -- but it's definitely one worth making.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Orange Chicken
Short-Rib Pan Fried Dumplings
Brussel Sprouts
LB Ice Cream Sandwich
2014-03-24 4163 瀏覽
Little bao is worth trying for those who love savory BAOs and BUNs!! For savory ones, I personally like the pork belly bao the most because the mix of the shallots, dressing and the pork belly is brilliant and extremely delicious. The fish fillet bao instead is not as suprising, when it arrives, it's a bit cold and the skin of the fillet is not crispy enough. Nothing special with the sauce either, just regular mayonnaise. The bone marrow gyoza is suprisingly good, I always like this size of gyoz
Little bao is worth trying for those who love savory BAOs and BUNs!!

For savory ones, I personally like the pork belly bao the most because the mix of the shallots, dressing and the pork belly is brilliant and extremely delicious. The fish fillet bao instead is not as suprising, when it arrives, it's a bit cold and the skin of the fillet is not crispy enough. Nothing special with the sauce either, just regular mayonnaise.

The bone marrow gyoza is suprisingly good, I always like this size of gyoza. It goes perfect with the sauce and the green onions! It's a must try dish!

And then comes the highlight of the dinner, which is the sweet bao, the GREEN TEA ICECREAM w/ CONDENSED MILK bao!! maybe cuz I like 炸饅頭 so much that this really is one of the best matcha dishes I ever had! It's refreshing when you get to taste a mixture of hot and cold at the 1st bite, at first I thought the condensed milk would make it taste a bit too sweet, but I was so wrong... it's a perfect "add-on". Well I guess the only disappointment with this bao is the size! Would be a lot better if it were the size of the savory baos! 
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$200 (晚餐)
2014-03-08 5282 瀏覽
When Hong Kongers like something, we tend to go a bit crazy on it, and currently there is certainly a city-wide obsession with baos. Gua baos originated in Taiwan, where tasty ingredients are stuffed into a folded steamed bun. These gua baos then became mainstream in the Western society with the help of renowned restaurants such as Momofuku in New York.Little Bao is a small, intimate restaurant opened by a sophisticated, immensely hip lady called May. It is the first restaurant in Hong Kong that
When Hong Kongers like something, we tend to go a bit crazy on it, and currently there is certainly a city-wide obsession with baos. Gua baos originated in Taiwan, where tasty ingredients are stuffed into a folded steamed bun. These gua baos then became mainstream in the Western society with the help of renowned restaurants such as Momofuku in New York.

Little Bao is a small, intimate restaurant opened by a sophisticated, immensely hip lady called May. It is the first restaurant in Hong Kong that specialises in baos, but note that this is not the first restaurant which became famous for its baos - before Little Bao opened, Ippudo was the first restaurant in Hong Kong which served a famously alluring pork belly bun!

There are a few things you need to know about Little Bao - firstly, it doesn't take reservations and you will easily have to wait for one to two hours (unless you come at 6pm or on a rainy day); secondly, the prices are not cheap at all for their portions; and thirdly, their baos are super tasty!
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(1) We ordered a Gin & Juice ($78), made with cucumber, gin, lime and ginger, and it was incredibly delicious! The cucumber and lime offered light, refreshing notes, while the ginger and gin gave this drink an awesome kick.
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(2) The Yuzu Leaf ($82) was completely enjoyable too. Made with Bourbon, yuzu, maple and lemon, this drink was very alcoholic but also easy to drink at the same time, and the strong taste of whiskey was sheer pleasure.
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(3) We ordered a "Mac & Cheese" ($108), which was steamed rice rolls baked in a mentaiko cheese sauce. I was very surprised by how tasty their cocktails were, and this appetiser surprised me once more as it was utterly scrumptious! The rice rolls were soft and supple, the cheese sauce was thick and rich and the top layer was pleasantly crispy.
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(4) We ordered a portion of Truffle Fries ($98), which was not on the regular menu. The fries were magnificently crunchy and the truffle mayo tasted fine and distinctive, but there was a tad too much going on in this dish, and I found the pickled daikon a particularly distracting addition.
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(5) The long-awaited Pork Belly Bao ($78) finally arrived, and it was definitely worth the hype! The slow-braised pork belly, leek & shiso red onion salad, sesame dressing and hoisin ketchip interacted perfectly, forming a symphony of well-balanced, gorgeous flavours in the mouth. It is worth noting that Little Bao does a sandwich version of baos, which is slightly different from the typical Taiwanese gua baos where the buns are folded.
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(6) The Fish Tempura Bao ($78) was also delightful - the tempura fish was fresh, tender and beautifully fried, and the tamarind sugar glaze and pickled lemongrass fennel salad were a sophisticated match with the fish.
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(7) The LB Ice Cream Sandwich ($48) has gone viral on Instragram, and has justifiably done so. A piece of mouthwatering green tea ice cream is sandwiched between crispy, deep fried baos and drizzled in condensed milk. This sounds addictive? It surely was! The size of this ice cream sandwich was a bit small though, which is hard to tell from the photo below.
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(8) The Ice Cream Bao ($48) was another item which was off the regular menu. Hardened salt ice cream was drizzled in caramel sauce in this bao. While the sweet and salty sensation was interesting, it was overall not sweet enough for me as a dessert.
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Before I came to Little Bao, I wondered if this small restaurant was worth the hype, and after my visit I was simply wow-ed by the high quality of their cocktails, snacks and baos. You may not like the hour-long wait and the price tag, but you will not regret ever coming here!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2014-02-08 5511 瀏覽
I've been wanting to try Little Bao for a while and never got around it since I hate waiting in line. The desire to try a restaurant tends to wane over time and just as I was about to lose interest, I finally got the chance to go. I made sure to show up right when they open at 6pm and it turned out that I had nothing to worry about since there wasn't much of a line anymore. Even after we finished our meal at ~7pm, the restaurant was still only half full on a Friday night. The restaurant was pret
I've been wanting to try Little Bao for a while and never got around it since I hate waiting in line. The desire to try a restaurant tends to wane over time and just as I was about to lose interest, I finally got the chance to go. I made sure to show up right when they open at 6pm and it turned out that I had nothing to worry about since there wasn't much of a line anymore. Even after we finished our meal at ~7pm, the restaurant was still only half full on a Friday night. 
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The restaurant was pretty small with a handful of counter seats facing the open kitchen and another row of seats facing the wall. The decor was cute and modern with tranquil colors mixed with some old mailboxes framed up on the walls. They started to pump out music which was great for ambiance but a bit loud for conversation. 
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The menu was simple which consisted of several dishes for sharing and 4 savory baos to choose from. Between the 2 of us, we got 2 savory baos, 1 dish for sharing and dessert as well. 
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Some hot sauce which tasted like sriracha was available on our counter, which went pretty well with the baos. 
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Pork Belly Bao ($78) - the bao was pretty tiny for the price. It was also difficult and messy to eat because the fillings tend to fall out when you take a bite. Besides that, the pork belly bao was pretty good though. The buns were very soft and fluffy with the underside toasted, which was a nice touch. It went very well with the pork belly which was nicely braised as it was soft and tender while the hoisin sauce and condiments enhanced the flavors perfectly. 
Pork Belly Bao
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Fish Tempura Bao ($78) - the fish tempura was pretty good as well. I liked the pickled lemongrass fennel salad, which was tart and refreshing to eat. The fish tempura was nicely deep-fried as the batter was pretty crunchy but I thought it didn't seem that fresh because it had a strong fishy scent. 
Fish Tempura Bao
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Mac & Cheese ($108) - this was an interesting fushion dish using the mac & cheese concept but replaced with steamed rice rolls and mentaiko cheese sauce instead. The overall texture was pretty delightful - I loved the crunchy bread crumbs on top which contrasted nicely with the soft steamed rice rolls and cheese sauce on the bottom. 
Mac & Cheese
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The steamed rice rolls were perfectly soft while the cheese sauce was slightly spicy. The flavor of the mentaiko wasn't very apparent though as the cheese probably overwhelmed it. I found the sauce to be a bit thick as well.  
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LB Ice Cream Sandwich ($48) - this was the dish I really wanted to try here ever since I saw pictures of it! The ice cream sandwich consisted of deep fried bao with green tea ice cream in the middle and condense milk. Unfortunately it was a let down. The texture of the deep-fried bao was too dry and hard now, which did not go well with the ice cream. The green tea ice cream was just alright as the matcha flavor wasn't strong enough. It was also very tiny - even smaller than the regular baos. For the price, I couldn't help but think that I could have gotten 2 Häagen-Dazs Green Tea Crispy Sandwich which actually taste better. 
LB Ice Cream Sandwich
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Conclusion - the food here was actually pretty decent as they were able to take simple food and execute it well, but just slapped with a high price tag. It was overpriced for what it is as the portions were just way too small. I didn't feel full at all. I would gladly come again if the prices were slashed by like half or 30%. The service was good though even though they don't have service charge. Our water glasses were kept full throughout the night. I guess it is still worth it to try it once to decide for yourself if it is worth it or not. The good thing is there doesn't seem to be any more lines - well at least on a week night.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$170 (晚餐)
Pork Belly Bao
2014-01-16 3051 瀏覽
吃過85 South和Mano的生日蛋糕,大家意猶未盡,便去了壽星女想試的Little Bao。九時多到達,被告知要等30至40分鐘。不打緊,反正我們都已有六七成飽,留了電話和名字,我們便走到對面街聊天等著。30至40分鐘並非妄語,我們真的等了40分鐘才可入座。店內座位不多,全都是Bar檯圓高櫈,所以有四個相連的空位騰出來我們實在幸運。Menu一目了然,就是有數款鹹包、一款甜包及好些供分享的菜式。先來鹹包Fish Tempura($78),這裡所用的包像北方的白饅頭一般沒甜味,但較其鬆軟一點。新鮮魚柳炸得金黃,皮薄脆肉嫩滑。亞森果及棕櫚糖混在一起味道獨特,再配上浸漬香茅茴香沙律,是具特色且又味美的一款。Pork Belly($78),肥美的豬腩慢慢燜煮後變得入味軟嫩,搭上韭蔥紫蘇沙律、海鮮茄醬和芝麻醬,味道半中半日的讓人想起中華料理的角煮まん。聽上去配搭新鮮出其不意,吃下卻又甚為合拍有趣,為是晚最愛。85 South的Mac & Cheese賣光了,來到方知這裡也有"Mac & Cheese"($108),便點來一試。用上腸粉和明太子芝士醬,老闆分給我們時更說一定要連著上頭的沙律一起吃
吃過85 South和Mano的生日蛋糕,大家意猶未盡,便去了壽星女想試的Little Bao。九時多到達,被告知要等30至40分鐘。不打緊,反正我們都已有六七成飽,留了電話和名字,我們便走到對面街聊天等著。
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先來鹹包Fish Tempura($78),這裡所用的包像北方的白饅頭一般沒甜味,但較其鬆軟一點。新鮮魚柳炸得金黃,皮薄脆肉嫩滑。亞森果及棕櫚糖混在一起味道獨特,再配上浸漬香茅茴香沙律,是具特色且又味美的一款。
Pork Belly
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Pork Belly
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Pork Belly($78),肥美的豬腩慢慢燜煮後變得入味軟嫩,搭上韭蔥紫蘇沙律、海鮮茄醬和芝麻醬,味道半中半日的讓人想起中華料理的角煮まん。聽上去配搭新鮮出其不意,吃下卻又甚為合拍有趣,為是晚最愛。
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85 South的Mac & Cheese賣光了,來到方知這裡也有"Mac & Cheese"($108),便點來一試。用上腸粉和明太子芝士醬,老闆分給我們時更說一定要連著上頭的沙律一起吃才好。可是明太子加到芝士裡頭味道便被蓋過去了,不鮮亦沒鹹辛,比明太子忌廉更乏味。腸粉跟醬汁也沒有很搭,還是喜歡正常的Mac & Cheese多些。
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最後,也是壽星女最期待的LB ice cream sandwich($48),炸過的包夾著了綠茶雪糕和煉乳,就像是炸饅頭夾著綠茶雪糕一般。可惜包身太硬,硬得咬下時有差點把口腔擦傷的感覺。綠茶雪糕綠茶味十分薄弱,我想煉乳也是其中把綠茶味蓋過的一員吧!壽星女幾乎每天都對著抹茶,吃這個自然是直呼完全沒綠茶味,大感失望。

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
45 分鐘 (堂食)
Pork Belly
Pork Belly