港鐵黃大仙站 A 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (38)
絕對攞足一百分嘅街坊茶餐廳位於黃大仙區,鑽石山區鳳德邨附近嘅茶餐廳首先食物質素100分服務態度一百分街坊感情一百分香港情懷100分多講無謂你食過一次,你就以後隻腳都自動行過來喜歡吃茶餐廳的朋友望一望張相就知有feel這些地地道道的香港街坊茶餐廳真是買少見少碩果僅存一般平民街坊價錢,而且質素可以保持得咁好一啲都唔hea 既然有一間仍然保持着這樣的地道風情和高質素的身為真真正正的香港人 絕對有責任繼續支持好味到,碗沙嗲牛麵都唔記得影相#茶餐廳#沙嗲牛肉麵#凍奶茶 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-07-08
940 瀏覽
7月7日靚媽想食星洲炒米,肥華要食乾炒牛河,知道此間茶餐廳在下午茶時段有呢两款食品,茶餐供應,所以同靚媽到此店用餐,靚媽點嘅星洲炒米,此店做得都有一般食店水準,可以叫做好食個類,但肥華點嘅乾炒牛河水準就有商確餘地,雖然此碟牛河上枱時係熱辣辣,感覺到鑊氣十足,而河粉色水圽勻每條河粉都有醬油色,單憑外觀此碟乾炒牛河算OK,但一食落口問題就來了,成碟炒粉都係淡而無味,而此店調味架又無豉油供應,肥華想用後天補救佢先天不足嘅問題亦做唔到,加上牛肉有一朕燶味,呢碟乾炒牛河係失敗之作,加上在下午茶時段此店茶餐收費,在此區亦唔算平,所以日後肥華都會考慮來唔來呢處用餐👎🙅‍♂️ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2022-01-14
644 瀏覽
同朋友行完大老山,諗住落黃大仙食個下午茶,就求其入左間門口有個傳統大招牌嘅茶餐廳開餐。下午茶餐B: 吉列豬扒配西多士 $35做運動消耗完熱量之後梗係要食返啲高熱量食物補充下。下午茶餐免費配熱飲。豬扒睇落好大塊,但其實揼到好薄,咬落香脆唔油膩。西多士花生醬餡份量適中,配糖膠牛油簡直係邪惡之選。下午茶餐H: 豬軟骨米線 $42茶餐廳好少會有豬軟骨食,餣得入味唔會死鹹,米粉軟硬適中,菜芯鮮綠。總結下午茶性價比高,食物水準正常發揮。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2020-08-26
615 瀏覽
每次黎親黃大仙,都一定會上黎富堡度食個早餐先走。除左因為野食好味,仲係因為覺得佢地好用心。腸仔煎蛋會比2隻蛋,腸仔上面會用刀幾刀,而奶茶都係用黑白奶去整。而且面1底仲要係用出前一丁而唔洗另加錢! 用心製作的美食先會有長期捧場客! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-11-04
740 瀏覽
Cha chan tengs are the one type of restaurant that pretty much symbolizes Hong Kong. There are so many of them from chain restaurants like Tsui Wah to modern hip ones with a retro feel. But what about the old ones. The ones that have been here forever and refuse to make it look retro and hip because it already is old.富堡茶餐廳 is an old cha chan teng located in Wong Tai Sin.  Menu is in Chinese only. There is no 10% service charge. The menu is also found on the walls of the place. It's small and cramped. But also packed with people.During dinner time, they have dinner sets and all day sets that cost $56. This includes a main, soup and drink. For soup you can choose the daily Chinese soup or cream of tomato soup. I followed boyfriend as this was his favorite place and had the cream of tomato soup. He seemed to like it more than me. I felt it was too much cream and not enough tomato flavor.We shared two mains. One was the satay fried rice noodle. Portions here was SUPER big. We couldn't finish and he ended up taking the leftovers home for later. The meat was very tender without the taste of meat tenderizer that is so often found in most cha chan tengs. There was enough sauce to not feel dry. The noodles were smooth but not mushy.We also ordered fish fillet with cream of corn sauce with rice. A huge portion as well. The fish fillet was fried nicely without too much coating to make it feel thick and heavy. The corn sauce was sweet and generous.Prices were fairly cheap for the amount of portions provided. Food also came out fast. Obviously everyone that dined here seemed to be regulars. 繼續閱讀
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