港鐵銅鑼灣站A出口 繼續閱讀
2838 9550
韓國烤肉餐廳,主打牛肉、豬肉,尤以秘制燒豬頸肉為招牌菜。 繼續閱讀
無肉餐單詳情: 每天供應少量素食菜式
11:30 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
牛肋骨 白灼豬肉生菜包 肉桂茶 秘制燒豬頸肉 辣醬炒年糕 燒牛肩肉
食評 (66)
I was a huge fan of this restaurant but had hadn't been to the new location yet. We were a group of 8. The service was absolutely horrid. The servers were rushed, rude, and were just tossing dishes at food at the table. Every restaurant though could have an off night, so we politely mentioned the issues to the manager who responded by lashing out in anger. We felt very uncomfortable and unwelcome. We quickly paid a very expensive, overpriced bill and couldn't wait to leave. It was a real shock to have a manager of a high end establishment not put the customer first. But its obvious after reading the many reviews of Kaya its clear this opinion is not unique. With so many amazing Korean establishments in Hong Kong, Kaya is defintely near the bottom of the list. Don't waste your time,  money here. I hope the actual owners read these reviews and make some changes. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-08-30
5326 瀏覽
I went with 5 other people and we were seated immediately. We went early though so it was not a surprise.The food was rather ok, a little expensive for what you get. The sides we had were good. I was pleasantly surprised and happy that their kimchi and kimchi pancakes were actually spicy (although it could do with a bit more spice). The free drink at the end (which I assume is diluted passionfruit juice, not sure) was rather nice. However, the free fruits that came with it were very oddly bitter, as if it had been injected with something, and I had to spit it out. However, the service could have some improvements. We had to ask for 5 bowls of rice twice as when we first ordered, it never arrived (even after we have finished our first batch of meat). Furthermore, I constantly had to repeatedly ask for a glass of cold water as it took forever to arrive. Furthermore, they were very eager on turning off our BBQ grill although we still had some being cooked. Aside from those, the food arrived early and they were eager on getting us out (which was understandable as there was a line outside). Overall, it was an OK experience. The food was ok-ly priced but portions could be a little bigger, especially the sides. However, the service could help with a little improvement.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-06-29
3319 瀏覽
好耐無韓燒喇,今日黎左依到食燒野加少少小菜咁樣,幾個人食一定夠哂食。伽倻韓國餐廳一開始就叫左個牛肋骨,依個我認為好好味,可能太耐無燒過野牛肋骨醃得好好味,有少少甜甜地又夠哂入味,肉質方面就夠哂軟,唔會太硬,好易入口,最正既就係佢燒極都會有肉汁,當然唔係燶哂,加埋生菜一齊食,清加濃,咁樣真係好好味味。之後就係一個綜合石鍋拌飯,依個有好多野食,又有前菜一個石鍋拌飯同埋一個蘿蔔清湯,好似一個定食咁,一個人應該岩岩好既,都唔錯,只係水準正常既野食,之後就一個甜品糯米紅豆捲,依個反而好出色,依個紅豆餡做得好鬆軟,仲要咁綿,最緊要既係唔會太甜,個糯米皮做好彈呀,好有咬口,有少少麻油既香味,真係唔錯但睇落有少少油,不過賣相都幾靚既,好好味。  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-06-12
2969 瀏覽
雪糕、沙律、茶漬飯,還有什麼食物可在炎炎的夏日喚醒我的味蕾?左思右想,終想到韓式冷麵了,可是人在銅鑼灣,韓國餐廳的選擇並不如尖沙咀多,在 OpenRice 搜索後,終找到很久前欲試的「伽倻」。以往從不少韓國餐廳的名稱中查究,認識到平日較少接觸的韓國名勝,這次我便找到位於伽倻山國立公園的伽倻山,它是韓國八大景色之一,更意外地也找到了具有1500年歷史,貌似古箏的伽倻琴。看來「伽倻」的名字在韓國享負勝名!韓國伴菜有五款,當中兩款泡菜味道較佳。長碟中的泡菜,大白菜菜質保留爽脆、辣味濃厚,辣中帶點甜和蒜香,顯出鮮醃泡菜的特色。而小圓碟的泡菜,經過幾天至一星期的發酵,菜質相對較軟腍,酸味突出!豬肉釀青椒茄子的溫度不會太高 ,第一時間被列入選擇之列。遠看青椒與茄子的排列有點像微笑中的青娃,兩碟醬汁彷彿就是青蛙的一雙大眼睛。青椒保留爽脆的口感,而餡料的豬肉令人印象深刻。碎豬肉不單富有層次感,香氣亦不錯,輕輕沾上蛋漿略煎,蛋香便乘著青椒及碎豬肉的香氣一併發揮,味道自然不造作!茄子本質吸力極強,質感經烹調後變得軟腍,「伽倻」的廚師為茄子保留不錯的濕潤度,油份相對較少,而被蛋漿香覆蓋的外層,蛋味要比青椒來得濃厚。喜歡的話,可將青椒和茄子蘸上帶輕鹹的醬油進食。牛尾湯是熱騰騰之物,理應不會選擇,但全因其為廚師的推介精選,而老公又甘於放棄他至愛的燜牛肋骨,於是便來點骨頭吧!用料不遜,兩塊大牛尾與兩塊中牛尾,肉骨勻稱,質感鬆軟、筋膜煙韌。煮湯後,仍能依稀嚐出淡淡的牛香。一呷湯頭,味道清鮮,牛尾湯整體也令人滿意,達到一定的水平!主角的韓式辣冷麵壓軸出場。原隻雞蛋、梨絲、青瓜絲、芝麻和紅紅的辣醬是韓式辣冷麵的基本材料。侍拍好照後,女侍應將麵條和食材一併剪成四份,以便黏作一團的蕎麥麵與醬汁和其他食材拌勻,進食也會較為方便。韓式辣冷麵做得頗正宗,醬汁的辣度也倒足夠,只是當蕎麥麵混和梨絲、青瓜等配料後,味道還是不及在韓國當地嚐到的那樣清香與開胃,大概是酸、甜、辣的配合,還尚久一點點連繫!奉上冰凍的肉桂茶作甜品。對我來說肉桂的味道過濃了,相信稍淡一點會更易於接受!整體來說,「伽倻」的出品已達到一定水準,要比一般香港的韓國餐廳出色,只是在某些細節上,還可以有著更完美的效果,就好像已到達伽倻山國立公園中,只欠踏上最美之處 — 海印寺與紅流洞溪谷上,繼續努力,追求完美吧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-02-25
3546 瀏覽
之前已聽說Kaya 的師傅是從新羅寶過來的,又是韓國人煮理,想必有一定的質素保證。Kaya 位處時代廣場對面,不難找。牛肋排骨套餐:可能下午將貨就價,肉有點刃,但可接受。多筋,明顯不是給最好的肉。又不至於入口即化,但肉汁多,有甜味,比食伴的牛肉套餐好吃多。伴菜:芽菜偏淡 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)