港鐵康城站 A 出口, 步行約8分鐘
鐵板扒餐在香港日漸式微,京都食堂希望延續這份味道,讓年輕一代有機會體驗這份滋味和氛圍。 無論是與朋友用餐還是家庭聚會,京都食堂都是最佳選擇,在舒適的環境中享受這份獨特的風味。
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
*最後落單時間: 21:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
【西貢區】【京都食堂】同朋友去咗康城睇展覽,喺康城搵埋嘢食。點知嗰日可能適逢係放假,成個康城鬼咁多人,間間餐廳都好似爆晒咁。我哋要行到溜冰場附近,先見到呢間日本嘢有位。好啦,咁就入去啦。入到去坐低見到佢哋有下午茶套餐,就各自叫咗一個嚟食,平啲吖嘛。我食 $62 嘅「特濃蝦湯帆立貝野菜稻庭烏冬」,正正常常啦,蝦湯未去到話特濃咁嘅級別,成本嘢嘅賣相亦都好普通。不過又咁講,佢呢個價錢有埋嘢飲,我配埋「日本 Sangaria 提子梳打」,加埋溜冰場風景同埋尚算周到嘅服務,咁呢碗嘢又唔算話貴嘅。朋友食 $88 嘅「三色丼」,有蟹籽、三文魚兩切、象拔蚌三切,飲「日本Sangaria清爽橙汁」,佢話一般啦。我哋叫咗兩款追加小食,有 $24 嘅四件「日式煎餃子」同 $32 嘅三條「芝士蝦春卷」,不過不失啦。埋單 $227,就冇乜機會有下次喇。。。(地址:將軍澳康城路1號The LOHAS康城3樓319號舖)#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #hkfood #food #instafood #yummy #foodlover #delicious #foodies #tasty #globaleats #tastyfood #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am西貢區 #將軍澳 #康城 #京都食堂 #下午茶套餐 #特濃蝦湯帆立貝野菜稻庭烏冬 #日本Sangaria清爽橙汁 #三色丼 #蟹籽 #三文魚 #象拔蚌 #日本Sangaria提子梳打 #日式煎餃子 #芝士蝦春卷 #1am1540 #1ambackup
約咗住康城嘅朋友~趁星期二睇戲🎬之前佢都帶過我食呢間日本餐廳~今次我哋就再食多次👯 (幾近戲院~)好彩朋友準時放工可以買定戲飛同埋叫定石頭鍋飯 唔洗等🥰生薑野菌牛肉石鍋飯 $78芝士吉列黑豚石鍋飯 $88兩個飯送上嚟嘅時候都熱辣辣香噴噴~仲做到有飯焦嘅效果😍不過如果紫菜可以再多啲就更好啦🤩我哋兩個為食鬼見到有優惠🤩即刻叫咗雪糕食🍨當晚有🍵綠茶同紅豆🫘兩個選擇我哋一致都認同紅豆係好食啲嘅🎖️🌟(社交平台讚好)送雪糕球2客💫✨朋友用咗Openrice訂座~晚市全單9折⭐️加埋一,兩個人食咗$166😋
Located at Shop 319, 3/F, The LOHAS, 1 Lohas Park Road, Tseung Kwan O, Kyoto Shokudo offers a delightful array of Japanese dishes that transport you straight to the heart of Kyoto. Among their impressive menu, the "Crab Delights Stone Pot" stands out as a must-try for seafood lovers.Crab Delights Stone PotThe Crab Delights Stone Pot is a culinary masterpiece that showcases the rich flavors and textures of fresh crab. Served in a traditional stone pot, this dish arrives at your table sizzling hot, ensuring that every bite is warm and comforting. The stone pot helps to retain heat, allowing the flavors to meld beautifully as you enjoy your meal.The dish features generous portions of succulent crab meat, perfectly cooked to maintain its natural sweetness and tenderness. The crab is complemented by a medley of fresh vegetables, including crisp bell peppers, tender mushrooms, and vibrant greens, all simmered in a savory broth that enhances the overall flavor profile. The broth itself is a highlight, rich and flavorful, with a hint of sweetness that balances the savory notes perfectly.One of the unique aspects of the Crab Delights Stone Pot is the addition of rice, which absorbs the delicious broth and crab juices, creating a hearty and satisfying base. The rice at the bottom of the pot develops a delightful crispy layer, adding an extra dimension of texture to the dish. This combination of tender crab, fresh vegetables, and crispy rice makes for a truly memorable dining experience.Ambiance and ServiceKyoto Shokudo boasts a cozy and inviting atmosphere, with warm lighting and traditional Japanese decor that creates a relaxing dining environment. The staff are attentive and knowledgeable, always ready to provide recommendations and ensure that your dining experience is exceptional. Their dedication to quality and service is evident in every aspect of the restaurant, from the carefully curated menu to the meticulous presentation of each dish.
Final ThoughtsThe Crab Delights Stone Pot at Kyoto Shokudo is a standout dish that perfectly captures the essence of Japanese cuisine. With its rich flavors, fresh ingredients, and satisfying textures, it is a must-try for anyone visiting Tseung Kwan O. Whether you're a seafood enthusiast or simply looking to explore new culinary delights, this dish is sure to impress. Be sure to visit Kyoto Shokudo and indulge in their exquisite offerings for an unforgettable dining experience.