港鐵炮台山站 A 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (4)
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
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食評 (92)
等級3 2024-03-22
178 瀏覽
我一星期總有2天三同六都返教會,所以好多時都係炮台山附近搵食,約靚姊妹炮台山呢間九份飽老實講我成日都食架啦~睇住佢細鋪搬大鋪,好多人食架~ 因為好食又唔貴😋🫠 最近見到出左下午茶39蚊,真心抵食喎~A餐: 蛋餅 鹽酥雞 珍珠奶茶B餐: 豬扒麵 鹵水雞翼 冬瓜湯大家有興趣可以去試下😇而家睇到佢都開多左幾間分店~ 黃埔啦~淘大啦~ 屯門啦~九份飽 (錦平中心)地址: 北角英皇道93號錦平中心地舖電話: 36195049 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-28
363 瀏覽
Seeing this restaurant moving from a small corner to a big shop along the main street, customers keep getting more and more, I was waiting for a chance that I need not to queue. This happy Friday, I was looking for places for dinner with my friend and seeing there weren't anybody waiting outside, we immediately went in.We ordered two bowls of deep fried pork chop noodle, deep fried sweet potato balls and ham and hashbrown egg roll. Deep fried pork chop smelled incredibly, cumin based. Extremely crunchy and savoury. Love the pairing with the cumin and coarse salt. Very savoury. Tender and juicy. Very well marinated. Noodle was alright, pretty small portion but the pork chop definitely could fill you up. Broth was alright, hot and meaty. Sweet potato balls were served a basket. Unexpectedly big. Good nibble dish. Slight sweet crispy crust with chewy monchi stuffed the sweet potato paste. Absolutely delicious. A perfect nibble of sweetness and crispiness. Love they used both yellow and sweet potatoes for the colour contrast while the stuffing was using the opposite colour. Great wow and sharp colouring. Ham and hashbrown egg roll was pretty heavy. We should order something lighter instead of a carb base. Hashbrown wasn't as crispy after wrapping in. Still kept its richness. Shredded ham didn't give much of the flavour but extra thickness of the whole wrap. We asked for sauce omission worrying getting soggy and too greased. Wrap kept its slight crispiness even sat for some time while very eggy flavour. Should have ordered the cheese one or the corn one for lighter filling. Overall, food was pretty worth it and economical. Unfortunately, service was terrible. Staff were rude, kept on yelling. Nobody arranged the seating or serving water or clean up. When approaching the closing time, their own kids came in waiting, instead of sitting they were all screaming and running around while other staff was carrying hot food. Dirty dishes were dumped into the basket loudly every time while instead of using a cart to carry them washing, staff kicked the basket to the kitchen leaving a long wet mark on floor. It was really untidy and unhygienic and dangerous to see all the scenes. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-10
283 瀏覽
今晚晚餐來一晚台灣夜•懷舊魯肉飯(大)🍚魯肉飯整得好入味唔會好乾又咸 個味道岩岩好值得一食•香酥雞扒魯肉飯呢個香酥雞扒好香口 而且唔會太厚皮 仲保留到肉既質地呢個都好味•玉米起司蛋餅呢個蛋餅超好味但一定要趁熱食個蛋餅入面有滿滿既粟米 真心推薦♥️再黎一個滷味拼盤入面有豆腐 雞蛋 豬耳朵 雞翼呢個中規中矩 不過不失再黎一杯茉香綠茶加珍珠 加豆花胚芽奶茶大滿足 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-12-08
474 瀏覽
久唔久都會嚟[九份飽]食lunch,無論味道定價錢都穩打穩陣🤟🏻不過lunch hour都幾多人嚟食,要預返時間等位🕰️✴️台南擔仔麵✴️有一粒貢丸、半隻滷蛋、一隻蝦同肉燥,餸就唔算多,不過勝在湯底濃味,配上手工麵食都幾好👍🏻✴️牛腩牛筋粉絲✴️肉量多又大嚿,粉絲吸滿牛肉湯嘅味道,中規中矩~✴️花枝丸✴️共5粒,花枝丸本身都幾彈牙,入面都食到花枝本人,熱辣辣炸起加分🔥✴️鮮奶愛玉凍芋圓✴️原本嘅黑糖底轉換成鮮奶底,鮮奶奶味就無乜,不過成碗糖水食落都幾順口👅愛玉凍好彈牙,配鮮奶又幾夾💛 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-11-30
352 瀏覽
我最近去了一家名為「九份飽」的餐廳,他們提供了一些經典的台灣小吃。以下是我對他們的食物和餐廳環境的評價:1. 肉鬆起司蛋餅:這款肉鬆起司蛋餅是九份飽的招牌菜之一。蛋餅皮煎得金黃酥脆,裡面夾著鬆軟的肉鬆和融化的起司。這種組合讓味道更加豐富,蛋餅的口感也更加多樣化。整體而言,這款蛋餅的味道很好,肉鬆的鹹香搭配起司的濃郁,非常美味。如果你喜歡蛋餅和肉鬆,這道菜絕對會讓你滿足。2. 懷舊魯肉飯:懷舊魯肉飯是台灣的經典美食之一,而九份飽也以這道菜聞名。他們的魯肉飯充滿了古早味,讓人回味無窮。肉塊燉煮得非常軟嫩,醬汁濃郁香氣四溢,搭配上米飯,口感絕佳。這道菜的風味和口感都非常特別,給人一種家的感覺。如果你想品嚐道地的台灣美食,這道懷舊魯肉飯絕對是一個不容錯過的選擇。關於餐廳環境,九份飽的裝修很有特色。他們可能運用了一些懷舊元素,讓整個餐廳散發出濃濃的古早味道。這種氛圍可以讓用餐的人感受到一種懷舊的情懷,讓整個用餐體驗更加溫馨和愉快。總的來說,我對「九份飽」的食物和餐廳環境印象深刻。他們的肉鬆起司蛋餅和懷舊魯肉飯都非常好吃,味道古早,有特色。餐廳的裝修也營造出一種懷舊的氛圍,讓用餐體驗更加愉快。如果你想品嚐道地的台灣小吃,我推薦你去「九份飽」一試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)