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食評 (3)
🥕傳統西班牙炸奶油火腿雞丸子:7/10 ($88)呢個丸子完全做得到外脆內軟😋😋,外皮炸得相當香脆嘅同時,餡又可以保持到柔軟細膩。味道方面,火腿味幾出,奶油味亦都幾香🥛🥛,加上適量嘅薯蓉,味道層次豐富💯💯。甜甜地嘅醬汁亦都平衡返丸子嘅鹹,令到食落去唔會覺得成道菜太鹹。🥕西班牙”安達盧西亞”銀鱈魚燴飯:7.5/10 ($388)西班牙燴飯係個幾考👨🏻‍🍳👨🏻‍🍳功夫嘅菜色,呢個飯睇得出師傅係火侯同埋時間方面都控制得唔錯👍🏻👍🏻。飯煮得微軟濕潤,粒粒分明,不會太糊,底層有一層薄薄飯焦,分佈均勻,而且唔會過燶。汁方面非常香濃,而且好入味😋😋。可惜銀鱈魚方面就一般般啦☹️☹️,調味唔太入味,亦到煮得過熟,保持唔到銀鱈魚魚本來鮮嫩幼滑嘅肉質。(呢個飯嘅份量都幾大,而且燴飯食落偏膩,建議3-4個人share😗😗)🥕西班牙特色醃製黑毛豬串配薯角:7/10($148)黑毛豬肉質非常鮮嫩🍖🍖,咬落去好淋好多汁,油脂分佈亦都好平均。調味方面,味道非常濃而且入味,充滿西班牙風情🇪🇸🇪🇸,但係食落去幾鹹,而且比較油。薯角炸得幾香脆,薯味亦都好重,但係食落去就偏鹹同埋油膩。 繼續閱讀
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4月8日與朋友一行六人去澳門,晚飯選了這間令人失望的西班牙餐廳 - Barcelona,整個澳門之旅最差的體驗。我們6:15分入座,叫了一些前菜和飲料,大約6:30分我們再加點了一些食物,當中的傳統西班牙海鮮飯我們點的時候被那位會說普通話的男員工告知要等大約35分鐘,因為出餐太慢我們中途有向旁邊兼顧調酒和下單的外藉員工查詢我們的餐點,大約7:15我們的海鮮飯還沒到,所以我們便向另一位女員工查詢,她說需要再多一點時間,直至我們等到大約7:45那位會說普通話的員工非常平淡且豪無歉意地走來並告知我們廚房並沒有烹調我們點的海鮮飯,問我們還要不要等但不知道要等多久,我們足足等了這個海鮮飯一個多小時, 一句不好意思也沒有!簡單來說他們的服務真的非常差,出餐也是有很大問題,食物不算美味。*千萬不要點橙汁,只是濃縮橙汁,應該是他們用來調cocktail用的)*眾多的食物當中只有乳豬算是美味,但也不是十分出色,而且所有食物份量也很小On April 8th, a group of six friends and I went to Macau. We had dinner at a disappointing Spanish restaurant - Barcelona, which turned out to be the worst experience of our Macau trip.We were seated at 6:15 pm and ordered some appetizers and drinks. At around 6:30 pm, we ordered some more food, including the traditional Spanish seafood rice. The Mandarin-speaking male employee informed us that we would have to wait about 35 minutes for the rice. As the food was slow to arrive, we asked the foreign employee who was serving drinks and taking orders next to us about our food. By around 7:15 pm, our seafood rice had not arrived, so we asked another female employee who said it would take a little more time. We waited until around 7:45 pm when the Mandarin-speaking employee finally came over and told us in a bland and unapologetic manner that the kitchen did not cook the seafood rice we ordered. He asked us if we still wanted to wait, but he had no idea how long it would take. We waited for over an hour for the seafood rice, and they did not even apologize!In short, their service was really bad, the food had significant issues, and it was not particularly delicious. * Don't order the orange juice; it's just concentrated orange juice, probably used for making cocktails, and not for drinking alone. * Among the many dishes we ordered, the suckling pig was the only one that was somewhat tasty, but it wasn't outstanding, and all the dishes were small in portion size. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2020-07-27
518 瀏覽
廚師好好客,一坐低就請我地試食佢嘅新產品,感覺真係好似佢地請人返屋企食飯咁。炸魚仔/烤青椒:廚師送嘅小食,簡單以鹽調味,食到魚仔啖啖肉同埋青椒甜,唔錯。炸芝士忌廉蘑菇球:因為近廚房,上菜可以熱辣辣,呢個蘑菇味濃,外層脆卜卜,好食。牛肉角:外皮炸得很酥脆,睇落好飽滿,但餡料比想像中少。烤焗乳豬:皮脆,肉有汁,醃得夠味,可惜份量細。海鮮意粉/飯:用料足,不過偏油,偏乾身。 繼續閱讀
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