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食評 (19)
等級4 2023-05-19
364 瀏覽
A restaurant that has at least a decade old. I passed by this restaurant since I was a kid but never tried it until today. From the menu posting outside, you could tell their food were incredibly cheap with variety. Greeting by a big smile staff while entering already made a warming first impression. The interior could tell the restaurant history. Seeing the customer's food, without a doubt they served in a huge portion.We ordered their meal set including a bowl of soup, minced mix noodle, Chinese chives and pork steamed dumplings(5 pieces); plus a small portion of steamed bak choi pork dumplings (12 pieces).All food came once. Soup was savoury and boiling hot. Not too oily nor too salty. The minced mix noodle was quite oriental that extremely meaty. It tasted like beef brisket stew sauce. Minced were juicy. Sauce was in generous amount that the bottom part of the noodle was pretty oily. Noodle was easily to chew off that was the traditional noodle type. Not bad but pretty heavy at the end.The Chinese chives pork dumplings and Bak choi pork dumplings were both very delicious. Wrapping was on the thick side but not chewy or dry. chinese chives were loaded and brought a strong earthiness. Bak choi brought a crunch to the stuffing as they were in chunky side. Pork was mixed in right amount that wouldn't be too meaty. Dumplings indeed their master dishes. Indeed this diner didn't disappoint me that it has its own uniqueness. Their food not only gave the quality but the home-y style. Homemade food are always delicious but hearty. And this is what it felt like. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-05-16
208 瀏覽
在香港待快一個月,開始想吃些北方麵食,想起十年前在新馬路瞥見的大大字「水餃」,這次過大海入住Airbnb 發現店家就在附近,所以留了肚子決定晚餐吃餃子🥟臺灣很多外省人,不乏好吃餃子館子,自己偶而也會和麵桿皮剁餡包餃子吃,只吃豬肉韭菜餡,其他不吃。這家店四個大字「北京水餃」,想必店主對自家出品的餃子有信心,在外面張望時老闆開門親切招呼,就直接向老闆點了韭菜水餃跟酸辣湯外帶。等餐時看到麵+餃子+豆漿的套餐覺得很有趣,應該是老闆觀察澳門當地人飲食習慣設計的,店內食客大部分都點套餐。店內有大大海報,寫著廚師是北京海淀人,想到讀書時的中國同學都是海淀區大學生,一起包過餃子過年,對味道很期待餃子個頭很大,皮不算薄但筋道,餡足,一顆抵機器做冷凍水餃兩個,韭菜滿滿,跟肉餡搭配比例均勻,超香酸辣湯很特別,可能是北方道地口味,有青紅椒絲、番茄、雞絲、蛋花,確實微酸小辣,份量很多,外帶分兩個碗裝。澳門飲食比香港便宜一點,總體CP值高,服務親切。能在澳門吃到北方水餃,很滿足! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-03-23
1784 瀏覽
近期愛上去澳門尋找美食發覺香港物價真的太貴了這裡的水餃套餐只須要26蚊已經可以有一碗湯一碗麵一份水餃除了水餃外,這裡還可以選擇煎餃或全煎北京炸醬撈麵Mop20味道鹹香惹味肉碎醬汁也足夠麵條是上海麵也有點似烏冬鴛鴦豬肉煎底餃子12隻 Mop33是白菜豬肉和韭菜豬肉的雙併傳統的水餃餃子皮的厚度適中滿滿的餡料,咬下去充滿肉汁經濟套餐有六款如果不想喝湯轉豆漿只需要加3蚊下次想試下他們的黑椒牛肉麵同埋全煎的餃子 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-01-03
755 瀏覽
昨晚經過新馬路的北京水餃店,第一次去惠顧,食物真的很便宜,雞絲麻醬面的醬很濃郁,炸醬面都不錯,九菜餃子大隻,肉類又不肥,扺食又好好味!下次來澳門一定再食過!香港食不到咁平又好味的小食! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
位於新馬路新填巷的北京水餃,鄰近福隆新街,今日中午經過新馬路,順便來這裏吃個 quick lunch。我每次去大多數點套餐,今次點的 C 餐 (加底),有雞絲麻醬麵、水餃 6 隻及一杯豆漿,全部加起來只是$28。如果唔加底,碗麵會細少少同只有 5 隻水餃 ,都只是 $25。老實講,這裡的水餃不是皮溥餡靚,但百分百全部用人手逐粒逐粒包同埋比較大粒,試過幾次坐在樓上親眼見到員工不停係度包餃子,然後一盤盤拎落去樓下廚房。在今時今日百物騰貴的澳門,麥當勞套餐都要三十以上的時候,這裡可以30蚊以下而又食得飽,真係十分難得!綜合評價: 食物>環境>員工*綜合性價比:抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜 (嘩! 無論怎樣一定要再來! 抵啊)*性價比1.  抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜(嘩! 無論怎樣一定要再來! 抵啊)2.  Wow! 物超所值(幾好啊!唔錯,有機會一定再來)3.  正常, (可以, 但這個價錢坊間有很多選擇)4.  物次價高(都不是太差, 但這個價錢坊間有質量更好的)5.  有比較大的改善空間(填胞肚算, 失望) 繼續閱讀
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