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食評 (4)
等級4 2023-11-12
580 瀏覽
Braised Grouper Skin & Goose Web in Abalone Sauce鮑汁崑崙鵝掌- Extremely Soft & Mellow Grouper Skin, melted in my mouth. Yet, people who tried it before stated that the skin should be more Crunchy & Springy- Goose Web was presented with a standard texture and taste, expectabelDouble-boiled Chicken Soup with Shark's Fin 燉雞湯翅- Soul-soothing & Umami Soup with generous amount of Springy Shark's FinDeep-Fried Stuffed Crab Meat金錢蟹盒- Bit oily & the crab taste was not significant Stir-fried Asparagus with Pork Belly Tips豬肚尖炒蘆筍- Crunchy pork belly tips - the whole dish was quite wet, not an up-to-standard stir-fried dishSing Gor's Signature Crispy Chicken勝哥招牌炸子雞- Skin wrinkles spoke more than words, not crispy- Meat was tender yet not Succulent Stewed Virgin Crab with Bitter Melon涼瓜奄仔蟹煲- Bitter Melon taste totally covered all the crab tasteSalted Fish Pork Patties Claypot Rice鹹魚肉餅煲仔飯- Salty & Oily. Not harmonious at all- Scorched Rice was Crispy Steamed Egg White with Milk and Coconut with Glutinous Rice Balls椰王蛋白湯丸- a sweet ending yet we were too stuffed with all the strong flavors beforehand Vibe- we were dine in a room which can just fit a table of 12 in a Macau residential building. Interesting Note- diners in the same table said that night was cooked by Sing Gor's son, which was not as good as Sing Gor  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-06
920 瀏覽
第一次來吃的時候真的覺得大部份菜式都好出色,釀蓮藕豬雜湯這個湯是有起沙的感覺,味道挺豐富的,湯料五花肉的肥肉較多,入口即溶好好吃,而蓮藕裏面釀豆都是第一次食,有一種食綠豆糭的感覺,味道令人驚喜。炸子雞這個強烈建議大家一上碟就即食,因為雞皮真的炸得很薄脆,又香口,雞肉本人就覺得味道正常。金錢蟹盒我最喜歡的一道菜,炸皮薄之餘不算太油,內饀有蟹肉芋頭,好惹味。鮑魚鵝掌豆苗豆苗煮得好入味,可以一次過吃很多,鮑魚好淋,鵝掌沒有吃。鰤魚炒生菜心鰤魚不太適合我這種不愛吃魚的人,一開始還以為是西芹,但原來是生菜心,質感超嫩。蟹肉蒸肉餅肉餅拌飯又是一個不錯的食法,不過這裏的肉餅都是屬於比較軟身的,蟹就沒有試。總括而言,這家私房菜暫時的水準都好平均,值得一試再試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-04-24
723 瀏覽
澳門最有特色的私房菜(沒有之一)!!首先我最喜愛的雞煲翅,每次上菜都仍然是熱辣辣,湯底香濃芬香撲鼻,翅的份量也非一般的多,非常出色的一道名菜。炸子雞- 外脆內軟,薄脆的雞皮包著juicy 的雞肉,加上黃金雞油比例,完美。獅頭魚炒生菜芯 - 生菜一棵就取其芯,可想而知有多鮮甜,獅頭魚肉鮮嫰可口,師傅說獅頭魚起肉非常考刀功,實在是一道又一道功夫菜。豬肚尖 - 很少地方可以吃到,但剛好今晚吃的比較煙靭,如果可以更爽脆便無敵了柚皮鵝掌豆苗 - 另一道傳統手工菜金錢蟹盒 - 這是每一次回來都必須必須點的,最難做到的,就是蟹肉和配菜比例一絕,而酥炸的盒子完全做到香脆而不油膩啊。每天最多只招呼兩台客人,所以訂位就需要提前幾星期了~ 💗 實在推介人均消費,大約1000+ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)