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當我還是覺得馬鞍山是美食沙漠的時候, 三哥的住家川滬小菜令我感受到久旱逢甘霖之意義. 不是連鎖食肆, 即叫即製, 有溫度有心機的烹調, 簡單但並非必然. 就算現在當區出現不少新類型和風格的餐廳, 依然沒有減少對三哥的尊敬, 至少它做了一個恰如其分的開荒牛角色. 其菜飯就是以大量青菜粒作賣點, 飯身偏軟但並不糊化, 切粒的爽口感也比切絲的強, 配以酥香而口感軟熟的鴨胸, 和酸甜平均的黑醋醬汁, 就是簡單的美味.擔擔麵的湯底質感濃稠得如花生醬, 除了用上大量磨得如糊的花生外, 也有細碎的花生粒, 麵身沾上前兩者, 吃起來的堅果香味和甜味也是其他連鎖食肆不會做的. 配以炸得香脆, 內裏肉汁豐富而肉質保持嫩滑之炸豬扒, 大人小朋友也會喜歡. 三絲年糕醬汁濃香, 年糕口感煙韌, 略嫌油份多了一點, 有點膩.San Gor is one of the earliest independent restaurant without big company support at MOS with the excellent vegetable rice, deep fried pork chops a
擔擔麵的湯底質感濃稠得如花生醬, 除了用上大量磨得如糊的花生外, 也有細碎的花生粒, 麵身沾上前兩者, 吃起來的堅果香味和甜味也是其他連鎖食肆不會做的. 配以炸得香脆, 內裏肉汁豐富而肉質保持嫩滑之炸豬扒, 大人小朋友也會喜歡. 三絲年糕醬汁濃香, 年糕口感煙韌, 略嫌油份多了一點, 有點膩.
San Gor is one of the earliest independent restaurant without big company support at MOS with the excellent vegetable rice, deep fried pork chops and Dan Dan Noodles. The Dan Dan noodles are full of peanut taste with crushed peanut and peanut pasty that need to spend more time and effort than common one. The pork chop and duck breast are also excellent in taste and texture.