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井巷子雖然說是主打川菜, 但其北京烤鴨是其中一家香港最出色的, 再加上它也有本店鋒膳的菜式如叉燒和羊腩煲, 說是單純的川菜餐廳也不盡是. 比起晚市, 午市的選擇比鋒膳更多元化, 雖然餐湯並非爵士湯, 但由炒飯, 燒味飯, 花膠撈飯去到大量的麵食菜式, 眼花撩亂, 基本上一個星期吃足七天也不會重複. 在吃主食之前, 先單點叉燒和炸排骨, 前者和鋒饍在口感和味也最過九成相近, 後者炸皮酥香, 內裡肉色粉紅而肉質鮮嫩, 水準上沒有什麼好批評的.主菜點了麻辣牛肉麵和胡辣羊肉麵, 麵底口感煙韌而不糊, 似陽春麵. 前者先麻後辣, 勁度十足但不會嗆喉, 後者辣度柔和, 多了的是胡椒的香氣. 湯頭易入口, 也有骨肉之香, 牛肉件頭夠厚, 脂肉平均, 吃起來夠爽; 羊肉熟成過後羶香味純厚, 湯頭配合肉味之表達, 吃起來一如以往地滿足.Jing alley is the branch of Drum Flower focused on Sichuan cuisine but the Peking roasted duck is one of the best in town. The Cha Siu a
主菜點了麻辣牛肉麵和胡辣羊肉麵, 麵底口感煙韌而不糊, 似陽春麵. 前者先麻後辣, 勁度十足但不會嗆喉, 後者辣度柔和, 多了的是胡椒的香氣. 湯頭易入口, 也有骨肉之香, 牛肉件頭夠厚, 脂肉平均, 吃起來夠爽; 羊肉熟成過後羶香味純厚, 湯頭配合肉味之表達, 吃起來一如以往地滿足.
Jing alley is the branch of Drum Flower focused on Sichuan cuisine but the Peking roasted duck is one of the best in town. The Cha Siu and other dishes from Drum Flower are also available. The lunch there has a variety of choose, from fried rice to soup rice to noodles. The spicy beef noodles and lamb noodles are very nice with complication of spicy flavour. The lamb is dry aged so the flavour is more concentrated. Cha Siu and deep fried pork ribs are also perfect for appetizers.