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這家米芝連加持的潮州菜餐廳, 位置有點隱蔽, 去到再安排在上層, 更有大隱隱於市的味道. 這裡最出名的是鹵水料理, 我自然點了鹵水鵝片, 比鵝肉貴些少, 但鵝片啖啖肉的樣子, 真的好多了. 鹵水味道偏甜, 帶些少甘香味, 不是驚為天人的味道, 就是簡簡單單. 鵝肉口感扎實, 鵝皮彈牙帶油香, 是合格有餘的一道菜式.茘芋香酥鴨有令人意想不到的驚喜. 表面脆皮香脆酥香而沒油膉味, 芋蓉香甜而順滑, 鴨肉夾著紫蘇葉, 同樣酥香而不油膩, 最底下的鴨皮炸過後香脆之餘也帶有基本彈性. 如此層次分明的香酥鴨已很難找到, 雖說炸得通透, 但吃起來沒有涸喉感, 相當難得.相比起來, 炒魚麵就有些少失望. 魚麵的魚肉含量比一般的高, 而田帶有些微魚香, 只是炒時落油太多, 吃起夾除了有點膩外, 也隱藏了食材本身的鮮味, 令味道有點孤寡而單一, 這點就要多加留意了.Chiu Chow Delicacies is not the restaurant with easy accessibility. Her Chiu Chow cuisine is really traditional such as th
茘芋香酥鴨有令人意想不到的驚喜. 表面脆皮香脆酥香而沒油膉味, 芋蓉香甜而順滑, 鴨肉夾著紫蘇葉, 同樣酥香而不油膩, 最底下的鴨皮炸過後香脆之餘也帶有基本彈性. 如此層次分明的香酥鴨已很難找到, 雖說炸得通透, 但吃起來沒有涸喉感, 相當難得.
相比起來, 炒魚麵就有些少失望. 魚麵的魚肉含量比一般的高, 而田帶有些微魚香, 只是炒時落油太多, 吃起夾除了有點膩外, 也隱藏了食材本身的鮮味, 令味道有點孤寡而單一, 這點就要多加留意了.
Chiu Chow Delicacies is not the restaurant with easy accessibility. Her Chiu Chow cuisine is really traditional such as the goose with brine. The brine has sweet and refreshing taste that make you feel like in Chiu Chow. The goose has good quality. The deep fried toro duck is a must try here. Not greasy but extremely crispy, the duck meat and duck skin are scented and you cannot stop eating. However the fried fish noodles are quite greasy that cannot full present the fragrance of the food ingredients.