419 瀏覽
首先,我點了 **人參雞湯飯(半隻)配紫菜飯**,價格為 $78。這道湯飯非常滋補,半隻雞煮得鮮嫩,湯頭濃郁,非常適合在寒冷的天氣裡暖身。配上的紫菜飯更是讓這道菜充滿了韓國風味。First, I ordered the **Ginseng Chicken Soup Rice (Half Chicken) with Seaweed Rice**, priced at $78. This soup rice is very nourishing, with half a chicken cooked to tenderness and a rich broth, perfect for warming up in cold weather. The accompanying seaweed rice added a touch of Korean flavor to the dish.接下來是 **鹽蔥牛舌配迷你韓式麻藥蛋飯**,也是 $78。牛舌烤得外焦里嫩,鹽蔥的搭配使其風味更加獨特。迷你麻藥蛋飯香氣撲鼻,口感豐富,讓人食指大動。Next, I tried the **Salted G
首先,我點了 **人參雞湯飯(半隻)配紫菜飯**,價格為 $78。這道湯飯非常滋補,半隻雞煮得鮮嫩,湯頭濃郁,非常適合在寒冷的天氣裡暖身。配上的紫菜飯更是讓這道菜充滿了韓國風味。
First, I ordered the **Ginseng Chicken Soup Rice (Half Chicken) with Seaweed Rice**, priced at $78. This soup rice is very nourishing, with half a chicken cooked to tenderness and a rich broth, perfect for warming up in cold weather. The accompanying seaweed rice added a touch of Korean flavor to the dish.
接下來是 **鹽蔥牛舌配迷你韓式麻藥蛋飯**,也是 $78。牛舌烤得外焦里嫩,鹽蔥的搭配使其風味更加獨特。迷你麻藥蛋飯香氣撲鼻,口感豐富,讓人食指大動。
Next, I tried the **Salted Green Onion Beef Tongue with Mini Korean Drug Egg Rice**, also priced at $78. The beef tongue was grilled to a perfect crisp exterior and tender interior, with the salted green onion adding a unique flavor. The mini drug egg rice was aromatic and had a rich texture, making it irresistible.
另外,我還加配了 **炸薯條** ($38) 和 **甜辣炸雞(4件)** ($38)。炸薯條外酥里嫩,配上特製醬料非常美味。甜辣炸雞則是外脆內嫩,每一口都充滿了甜辣的滋味,讓人欲罷不能。
## 飲品和甜點 | Drinks and Dessert
最後,點了兩杯飲品,一杯是 **薑橙熱飲** ($8),另一杯是 **柚子蜜(熱)** ($8),這兩款飲品在寒冷的天氣裡特別適合,既暖胃又解渴。最後的甜點是 **焦糖雪糕杯** ($76),香甜的雪糕搭配焦糖醬,為這次的用餐畫上了完美的句號。