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One of my favorite Italian cuisines in Central 🤩一坐低侍應就會送上三文魚青瓜多士作為welcome tapas❤️what a sweet treat!-Give a Flying Fig, Pan-fried Fole Gras with spiced apple compoteand fresh figs on buttered brioche呢道tapas一定一定要叫!真係太好味😋千萬唔好走寶!-Red Snapper "Robespiere", Tomato, capers & mild-spice piparras with white wine butter sauce 魚肉口感紮實,鮮嫩很滑,搭配醬汁很香口😋推介!-Perfectly Pink-ish (4pcs), "Gambas" - Sweet Prawns, braised to coral perfection dressed with chili and garlic一上檯已經聞到好香的味道🤤蒜蓉味道好濃郁,蝦肉彈牙好新鮮👍🏼-Southern Seas, Fre
一坐低侍應就會送上三文魚青瓜多士作為welcome tapas❤️what a sweet treat!
-Give a Flying Fig, Pan-fried Fole Gras with spiced apple compote
and fresh figs on buttered brioche呢道tapas一定一定要叫!真係太好味😋千萬唔好走寶!
-Red Snapper "Robespiere", Tomato, capers & mild-spice piparras with white wine butter sauce 魚肉口感紮實,鮮嫩很滑,搭配醬汁很香口😋推介!
-Perfectly Pink-ish (4pcs), "Gambas" - Sweet Prawns, braised to coral perfection dressed with chili and garlic一上檯已經聞到好香的味道🤤蒜蓉味道好濃郁,蝦肉彈牙好新鮮👍🏼
-Southern Seas, Fresh Scallop Ceviche alonaside âvocado
mousse with a shallot-lemongrass vinaigrette 帶子切片厚度適中口感新鮮入口即溶😋搭配source令口感更豐富👍🏼
-Pulpo a la Gallega, Tender Galician Grilled Octopus - steamed,
grilled, served on creamy mashed potatoes八爪魚腳好厚身,烤得好香口,口感軟綿😆
-甜品係Basque Burnt Cheese Cake with
Mixed Berries Sorbet, 如果唔想太甜一定係揀呢個甜品,超好吃
-QM Colada (Coconut Milk, Pineapple Juice, Milk Cream)椰奶味香濃仲有無花果味都濃郁🍹
-Virgin Sangria都係一如我預期酸酸甜甜好Fresh,好好飲🍹