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台中起家的 可不可熟成紅茶,於海港城海運大廈開設海外首間分店。獨特的台式復古美學,讓人細味由台灣與世界各地的好茶所製成的各款手搖飲品,品嘗台灣茶文化的精髓。招牌的 熟成紅茶 是可不可的入門茶品,選用來自斯里蘭卡的茶葉,帶有濃郁果香及茶香,口味經典。特色茶品 柚香茉芽,由茉莉綠茶和西柚混合而成,帶有清新的葡萄柚果粒,酸甜果味帶來清爽氣息。From Taichung to its first overseas branch in Harbour City, KEBUKE’s vintage Taiwanese aesthetic allows you to savor a variety of handcrafted drinks made with the finest teas from Taiwan and around the world. Their signature black tea is a perfect introduction of KEBUKE, made with tea leaves from Sri Lanka, boasting a rich fruit