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收銀阿姐態度差,無禮貌,對小朋友呼呼喝喝,一入去就好似欠左佢咁,咩嘢人嚟㗎,除非佢自己係老闆娘,如果唔係真係倒佢老闆米。坐低,見枱上餐牌食物也不外如是,普通茶餐廳貨色,不過連濕口啲嘅粉麵都冇,望下隔離食嘅嘢又唔似吸引,食剩嘅居多,個女人真係憑咩有咁嘅態度?橫掂未落單,起身走人,無謂貼錢買難受。行出去嘅時候,個阿姐仲會做個趕客’快啲走、快啲走,過主’嘅手勢添 😌 依啲咪就係香港地道情懷囉,哈哈。我都唔需要你有餓媽卡些嘅態度,但基本對人嘅尊重係好重要㗎。Don’t go there, unless you want to be scolded like a prisoner. You don’t deserve being treated like that really!! The woman at the cashier is so rude to you the moment you set foot in there. It’s definitely not a kids-friendly place either.The food there?? Nah… you have a
橫掂未落單,起身走人,無謂貼錢買難受。行出去嘅時候,個阿姐仲會做個趕客’快啲走、快啲走,過主’嘅手勢添 😌 依啲咪就係香港地道情懷囉,哈哈。
Don’t go there, unless you want to be scolded like a prisoner. You don’t deserve being treated like that really!! The woman at the cashier is so rude to you the moment you set foot in there. It’s definitely not a kids-friendly place either.
The food there?? Nah… you have a lot better choice in the neighbourhood, nothing special there, apart from the appalling attitude of the staff. 🤩
If you give me Gordon’s attitude, I would expect more from the food… but unfortunately it’s a ❌❌❌❌.