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之前住九龍塘嗰陣成日都會去九龍城食飯踩單車,可惜已經係十年前嘅事了⌛️我地唔係食泰國菜就係去位於南角道嘅城寨風味,今次再訪已經搬左去九龍城廣場啦📍店舖裝潢以九十年代嘅寨城作靈感,店內每個角落都有展示充滿中國風嘅懷舊畫作同藝術品🖼️ 佢地主打粵式fusion菜,將創新嘅元素融入傳統菜色創造出多款秘製菜式㊙️ One of the most popular restaurants in Kowloon city will definitely be Wall City Flavour. They specialise in Cantonese fusion cuisine, offering all sorts of unique dishes.秘製紅燒乳鴿 $58/1隻Roasted Pigeon in Housemade Sauce 乳鴿原隻上碟,大小適中但好厚肉🍗 乳鴿燒至外脆內軟,每啖咬落都肉汁四溢💦 自家製嘅醬汁鹹甜平衡,經過長時間嘅醃製令精華滲透肉內✨ 肉質嫩滑又結實,甘香嘅脂肪充斥口腔👅The pigeons were roasted to perfection, providin
One of the most popular restaurants in Kowloon city will definitely be Wall City Flavour. They specialise in Cantonese fusion cuisine, offering all sorts of unique dishes.
秘製紅燒乳鴿 $58/1隻
Roasted Pigeon in Housemade Sauce
乳鴿原隻上碟,大小適中但好厚肉🍗 乳鴿燒至外脆內軟,每啖咬落都肉汁四溢💦 自家製嘅醬汁鹹甜平衡,經過長時間嘅醃製令精華滲透肉內✨ 肉質嫩滑又結實,甘香嘅脂肪充斥口腔👅
The pigeons were roasted to perfection, providing a nice contrast of textures between the crispy skin and tender meat. The sauce was not too salty, and each piece of meat was marinated well.
啫啫芥蘭煲 $138
Sizzling Chinese Kale Pot
The pot was able to keep the dish hot throughout the entire meal. Chinese kale had a nice crisp, fried with savoury minced meat and dried shrimp for extra flavours.
生滾潮式蠔仔粥 $168
Chao Style Oyster Congee
生滾嘅粥底同湯飯好相似,米飯唔會煮到好軟爛,保留到粒粒分明嘅口感🍚 蠔仔飽滿多汁而且份量十足,鹹香嘅味道湯底增添鮮香🦪
This type of congee prevents the rice from boiling down, so you can still feel each grain in its original form. The oysters were plump and fresh, which made the soup base so umami.