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ꪔ̤̮ 黑松露雜菌燴飯 $108黑松露雜菌燴飯一黎到已經聞到好香既松露味🤩 燴飯非常creamy濃郁😽 個陣黑松露味令你一啖接一啖停唔到口!🤣Black Truffle Mushroom Risotto was super duper rich and creamy😍 The aroma of black truffle was definitely irresistible🤤 Must try!!!✨評分: 9/10🌟ꪔ̤̮ 蒜香白酒蜆肉意粉 $88蒜香白酒蜆肉意粉口感同味道適中 唔會太淡太鹹🙈 不過蜆肉既鮮味同酒香就略為欠奉😟 而且都偏油膩💔 Spaghetti Alle Vongole had the right texture, similar to Al Dente🍝 The flavor was fine, not too bland nor salty👌🏻 while it’s quite oily🥲 評分: 6/10🌟ꪔ̤̮ 香蕉蜂蜜沙冰 +$23跟餐既香蕉蜂蜜沙冰會跟埋一塊焦糖脆脆 賣相唔錯👍🏻 沙冰幾重既香蕉味同埋蜜糖既甜味🍯 個人非常欣賞呢杯天然唔會死甜既沙冰😻Banana
黑松露雜菌燴飯一黎到已經聞到好香既松露味🤩 燴飯非常creamy濃郁😽 個陣黑松露味令你一啖接一啖停唔到口!🤣
Black Truffle Mushroom Risotto was super duper rich and creamy😍 The aroma of black truffle was definitely irresistible🤤 Must try!!!✨
評分: 9/10🌟
ꪔ̤̮ 蒜香白酒蜆肉意粉 $88
蒜香白酒蜆肉意粉口感同味道適中 唔會太淡太鹹🙈 不過蜆肉既鮮味同酒香就略為欠奉😟 而且都偏油膩💔
Spaghetti Alle Vongole had the right texture, similar to Al Dente🍝 The flavor was fine, not too bland nor salty👌🏻 while it’s quite oily🥲
評分: 6/10🌟
ꪔ̤̮ 香蕉蜂蜜沙冰 +$23
跟餐既香蕉蜂蜜沙冰會跟埋一塊焦糖脆脆 賣相唔錯👍🏻 沙冰幾重既香蕉味同埋蜜糖既甜味🍯 個人非常欣賞呢杯天然唔會死甜既沙冰😻
Banana with Honey Smoothie served with a caramel cracker on top🤞🏻 The smoothie was made with fresh banana🍌 You could really taste the banana in here with a hint of sweetness from the honey🥰 Really liked and recommended it🤍
評分: 8.5/10🌟
ꪔ̤̮ 海鹽芝士奶蓋抹茶 +$32
海鹽芝士奶蓋抹茶亦好啱個人口味😆 海鹽芝士奶蓋入口順滑而且夠哂厚身同濃郁 誠意十足💕 抹茶雖然比想像中較淡😳 但夾埋一齊絕對係個唔錯既組合😎
Sea Salt Milk Foam Iced Green Tea was perfect for my liking🥳 It had a smooth texture that reminded me of sea salt milk foam with a rich taste🥛 Green Tea wasn’t rich as my expectation but the whole combination was absolutely amazing🍵
評分: 7.5/10🌟
ꪔ̤̮ 伯爵茶珍珠梳乎厘班戟 $118
Four O Five絕對係觀塘一間唔易發現又出名食梳乎厘班戟既cafe😛 梳乎厘班戟好重蛋香同好鬆軟(睇片就見到喇😌)珍珠亦夠哂煙韌彈牙🤎 可惜係濃伯爵茶醬有啲澀味 扣咗唔少分數🤌🏻 係呢個名氣底下我期望整個配搭係會好出色的😭
A hidden gem of cozy cafe in Kwun Tong that was famed for soufflé🥞 Soufflé here was eggy and fluffy😚 You could see how soft it was in the video📸 Tapioca Pearls were chewy👌🏻 Earl Grey Sauce was rich but astringent yet🥹 With this reputation, I would expect a lot more🫣
評分: 6.5/10🌟
Four O Five Coffee & Eatery (觀塘)
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