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·͜· 瑪格麗米酒 $98成日係韓劇見到既瑪格麗米酒份量頗多 比較適合同3-4個朋友小酌一下🍶 入口酒味唔會太濃而且帶米香🌾 但個人會想佢再甜少少 咁就更加易入口了😎Makgeolli with a huge portion size was more suitable for 3-4 ppl🙈, especially when you’re hanging out with your friends🫶🏻 The alcohol taste was not too strong👌🏻, and with a hints of sweetness from the rice🍚 I just hoped it could be more sweeter personally😆評分: 7/10🌟·͜· 牛肉韓式拌飯 $88 韓式拌飯用上菠菜、芽茶、紅蘿蔔、翠肉瓜、青瓜片等蔬菜配上牛肉同紫菜而成😋 食落好香既麻油味 而且健康得黎又夠飽肚🥳 加咗辣醬會令成個味道更加豐富😚 另外好友善既員工,出式既服務絕對會係再黎既原因😻Beef Bibimbap had lots of vegetables whic
成日係韓劇見到既瑪格麗米酒份量頗多 比較適合同3-4個朋友小酌一下🍶 入口酒味唔會太濃而且帶米香🌾 但個人會想佢再甜少少 咁就更加易入口了😎
Makgeolli with a huge portion size was more suitable for 3-4 ppl🙈, especially when you’re hanging out with your friends🫶🏻 The alcohol taste was not too strong👌🏻, and with a hints of sweetness from the rice🍚 I just hoped it could be more sweeter personally😆
評分: 7/10🌟
·͜· 牛肉韓式拌飯 $88
韓式拌飯用上菠菜、芽茶、紅蘿蔔、翠肉瓜、青瓜片等蔬菜配上牛肉同紫菜而成😋 食落好香既麻油味 而且健康得黎又夠飽肚🥳 加咗辣醬會令成個味道更加豐富😚 另外好友善既員工,出式既服務絕對會係再黎既原因😻
Beef Bibimbap had lots of vegetables which was so nice🥕🥒🥬 The aromatic sesame oil enriched the whole taste💫, and it’s super rich, healthy and filling🤎 It was more divine with adding the spicy sauce🌶 The friendly staff will be the reason why I revisit it💕
評分: 8.5/10🌟
·͜· 芝士煎雞蛋卷 $78
非常推介!將雞蛋煎得好嫩滑既芝士煎雞蛋卷🥚芝士既份量多到可以無限拉絲😍 非常邪惡😈 蛋卷用蕃茄醬寫成미인이네요🥫 意思係有人係靚女 언니話係我 氹得我幾開心🤣 而且酸甜既蕃茄醬令整體層次感提升唔會太膩✨
Highly recommend this cheese pan fried eggroll as it’s super duper eggy, tender and cheesy🧀 the words on top mean someone’s beautiful (I was so happy that unnie said is me shyyy🙈) The sour & sweet tomato sauce🍅 definitely enlightened the whole flavour🥰
評分: 10/10🌟
·͜· 韓式無骨炸雞配甜辣醬半份 $78
韓國人成日都討論到底糖醋肉要부어먹다 淋醬吃定 찍어먹다 沾醬吃ㅋㅋ 언니 推介堂食係沾醬而外賣係淋醬食😌 咁先可以令甜辣醬入面既蒜味平衡到炸雞既黑胡椒味🍗 千奇唔好單食🥶!!!唔係冇咗個風味同埋會好鹹的🫣
Half Fried Chicken has a strong black pepper flavour and it’s a bit salty🧂while the juicy and crispy chicken goes well with the spicy sauce which can balance the whole taste🤤 as it’s has garlic inside🧄
評分: 8/10🌟
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