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食評 (20)
兩年前 @racines.hk 新開張 黎食左個lunch估唔到呢兩年sup一聲就過左 恭喜取下一星之席🌟今次返黎試dinner menu 只有一個set $1688/6 coursesWine pairing 3/5 gls $698/998 🥂Chef @rdupeyre 將食材化身藝術 道道都要拎起電話🤣首先當然係#Sourdough x Smoked Butter🧈佢的包包加入四種不同種子 最Signature係面頭蓋頂的脆脆 牛油都要拍片 之後一路上菜知我隻手有幾忙🤣To start with.. #AmuseBouche 有三款 款款有驚喜有誠意最喜歡匙羹上的Chicken Liver Parfait 幼滑但Powerful#ChickenLiver 在口腔爆發 而香氣久久不散之後係現代美化版的沙律 加入#Foie Gras 鴨肉 魚肉Artichokes 上有薄薄一層黑醋汁啫喱 減少肉膩感味蕾衝擊 不同口感的食材在口內融和而不失個別色彩之後係#Oyster dish 呢個係MVP之一青泡沫下係雞油菌 Sabayon 豬腳 伴Creamy生蠔x2菇類sauté 得惹味 牛油香提升生蠔鮮味再繼續 就係冷暖versions的fish dishes 🐟#Bouillabaisse 啖啖濃郁 倒入脆皮的紅衫魚 八爪魚 薯仔係呢個時候再encore左第二次包包 要食盡個湯🤭Main courses 有pigeon(+$208)/beef 建議各一 試晒兩款首先係原隻Pigeon比你影張相 先煎後焗 外皮香脆而肉嫩加上柬埔寨香料 陣陣spices香氣 配菜都絕不馬夫無花果內釀入鴿肉再焗至香軟 celeriac蓉加上lavender 淡淡花香唔會搶去風頭 為整體巧妙地加入一絲elegance牛肉配上beef jus 焗茄子 紫蘇魚子醬 第一次試呢個組合紫蘇的fragrance 混和魚子醬的鹹香及口感 (+$98)Cheese係法國菜不能少 次訪所以早知會係特別的模樣但都依然驚喜到!Chef中意做成cheese course 更顯功架芝士Sorbet球 加上藍莓蓉 Focaccia脆粒 遊走於鹹甜之間最後同樣MVP! 栗子榛子的nutty香 meringue碎條的口感同Alba White Truffle的獨有香氣 (+$118/1g) 要加✨✨菜單每一道菜都充滿細節 口感同味道都層次分明豐富每一口都令人感受到主廚的用心和熱情🌟會再再回訪📍Racines @racines.hk by Chef @rdupeyre 上環差館上街22號地舖🌎#iam上環foodaholic 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-09-05
4683 瀏覽
首先恭喜Racines餐廳摘得米其林一星🎉🎉🎉First of all, congratulations to Racines for earning a Michelin star 🎉🎉🎉這家小小的餐廳就像是藏在城市裡的寶藏,只有十幾個座位,有一半的座位是廚房吧台,拉近了主廚和客人的距離,讓人感受到濃濃的家庭氛圍!This little restaurant feels like a hidden treasure in the city, with only a handful of seats, half of which are at the kitchen bar. This setup brings the chefs and guests closer together, creating a cozy family atmosphere!Racines的兩位主廚,Adrien和Romain,他們從小就認識,曾經在法國的米其林餐廳一起打拼,還在香港的Shangri-La和Four Seasons磨練過,最後決定攜手創辦這家南法餐廳。Racines這個名字其實充滿意義,在法語中是「根」的意思,他們用美食帶我們回到他們的家鄉,讓每一口都充滿了故事和情感。The two chefs at Racines, Adrien and Romain, have known each other since childhood. They worked together in Michelin restaurants in France and honed their skills at Shangri-La and Four Seasons in Hong Kong before deciding to open this Southern French restaurant together. "Racines" means "roots" in French, this is so meaningful! Through their food, they take us back to their hometown, making every bite filled with stories and emotions.我們那天去的時候,主廚Adrien不在,只有幽默風趣的Romain在掌廚。他的手上還刺有米其林星星的圖案,讓我感受到他對烹飪的熱情,真是太可愛了!而且這裡的廚房是開放式的,坐在吧台前可以親眼目睹美食的誕生,真的是視覺和味覺的雙重享受!🍽️✨On the day we visited, Chef Adrien is day off, and only the humorous and charming Romain was in charge. He even has a tattoo of the Michelin star on his arm, which shows his passion for cooking—how adorable!!!!! Plus, the kitchen there is an open kitchen, so sitting at the kitchen counter allows you to witness the creation of the dishes firsthand. It’s truly a feast for both the eyes and the palate! I love it so much!!! 🍽️✨服務生們也超級熱情,不僅會為你介紹菜式和酒,還會時不時和你聊聊天,讓整個用餐過程充滿了歡樂的氛圍。The staff is incredibly warm and welcoming, not only introducing the dishes and wines but also chatting with you from time to time, filling the dining experience with joy.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️酸種麵包 - 加入了四種不同的種子,外脆內軟。Sourdough - mix with four kind of seeds, skin is so crunchy but soft inside.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️煙熏牛油配果醬和紅甜椒粉 - 煙熏味很明顯,牛油和果醬一直都是好搭檔,愛慘!Smoked butter with plum jams and paprika - smoked smell is strong, butter and jams always match, love it so much!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️3道開胃小點 - 沒聽太清楚用了什麼食材,但很好吃!一口下去濃郁的香氣在嘴裡爆炸開來的感覺,不誇張,其中一道應該是雞肝醬,和Amber的鵝肝棒棒糖有異曲同工之處。3 Amuse bouche - I didn't catch exactly what ingredients were used, but it was delicious! One bite and the rich aroma exploded in my mouth—no exaggeration! One of the dishes was probably a chicken liver pâté, which had a similar essence to Amber's foie gras lollipops.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️朝鮮薊沙拉 - 配以肝、胗、豆角Camus Artichoke salad - with Fole Gras, Gizzard, Green Beans⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Tarbouricch 生蠔 - 配以雞油菌、沙巴雍、豬腳。我本身是不吃生蠔,原本以為是熟的,但其實也是很生🤣不過還是能接受的,不懂生蠔的我也能吃得出來品質很好很新鮮。Tarbouricch Oyster - with Girolles, Ceps Sabayon, Pork Feet⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️完全忘記這是什麼了🙉只記得很好吃🥹Can’t really remember what is this🙉I only remember taste so good🥹⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️野生紅鯔魚 - 馬賽魚湯、八爪魚、茴香。馬賽魚湯是法國普羅旺斯地區的一種傳統魚湯,起源於港口城市馬賽。Mediterranean Red Mullet - Bouillabaisse, Octopus, Fennel. Bolhabaissa is a traditional Provençal fish soup originating in the port city of Marseille.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️美國Brandt牛肉 - 茄子、黃香李、紫蘇。這牛排真的超棒的!絕對排在我心目中的前三!Brandt Beef - Eggplant, Mirabelle, Shiso. This beef was absolutely amazing! Definitely is one of the best three beef I had ever!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Brittany 鴿子 - 無花果、西芹頭、薰衣草。Brittany Pigeon - Figs, Celeriac, Lavender⭐️⭐️⭐️Burgundy Clacbitou - Sorbet, Blackberry Chutney, Arugula⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Root Jerusalem Artichoke - Hazelnut, Ice-Cream, Dulce Chocolate這次的菜單幾乎每一道菜都充滿細節,口感和味道都層次分明、豐富,讓人忍不住一口接一口,每一口都讓人感受到主廚的用心和熱情。主菜有牛肉和鵪鶉,口感非常棒!軟嫩多汁,軟不是軟爛的那種軟,而是保有了肉該有的彈性和肉香。我絕對會再回訪!This time, almost every dish on the menu was filled with details, with distinct and rich layers of texture and flavor that made it impossible to stop at just one bite. Each mouthful reflected the chef's dedication and passion. The main courses included beef and pigeon, and the textures were fantastic! They were tender and juicy—not the kind of soft that falls apart, but rather a softness that retains the meat's elasticity and flavor. I will definitely be back💖6 courses menu - $1688Brittany Pigeon - $326Osmose wine pairing 5 gls - $99810% service charge👨🏻‍🍳味道 Taste:5/5🤵🏻‍♀️服務 Service:5/5🏠環境 Environment:4/5💰價錢 Price:4.5/5💖回訪 Return visit:5/5 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-07-09
5736 瀏覽
This restaurant has just got its Michelin 1-star status in 2024 and is located on Upper Station Street in Sheung Wan, an old yet chic neighborhood that I immediately fall in love when arriving. The entrance of the restaurant has a classy feel which reminds me of nice diners we visited in Europe.The restaurant is pretty small in size, with a few dining tables and also counter seats facing the kitchen. We have booked a dining table and got assigned to the one nearest to the counter, so able to see some of the activities going on in the background.The staff explains the menu to us, and also introduces the origin of Racines, which means roots in French, as Chef Romain and Adrien want to showcase cuisine from their home, Nice and Toulouse. The ‘Genese 6’ is a 6-course menu at $1,688. Instead of wine pairing, I decide to go for a bottle.Picking a champagne because of its versatility for food, I have opted for Champagne Eric Rodez Blanc de Noirs ($1,550). With the grapes from Ambonnay Grand Cru, and majority of the blend has not undergone malolactic fermentation, there is good freshness and elegant fruit.The bread is a collaboration between the restaurant and a local bakery, with the chefs providing the recipe to the bakery, making the Cereal Sourdough with Black Sesame, paired with a smoked butter with some Piment d’Espelette chili powder, on a port wine jam on top. Very good.There are three Amuse Bouche. The first is Chicken Liver Parfait, with some duck terrine, served on a spoon. The second is Broccoli Tarte, made with broccoli puree and basil, together with French and local clam in a clear consommé ‘shell’.  Both are flavourful and great in taste.The remaining one is Croquette, with the deep-fried breaded mashed potato ball having fillings of tomato and Bechamel sauce. It is not oily, with a crisp crust but not hard, and the rich and delicious stuffing is very pleasant too. It is my favourite among the three small bites.The first course features Tarbouriech Oyster. The famous producer raises the special oysters in Thau Lagoon, the third largest lake in France. The lightly poached oyster has nice mineral taste, and is mixed with Tzatziki, a salted yogurt and cucumber dipping sauce with lots of fresh herbs like coriander and mint, together with some sugar pea, grilled seaweed, and Kaviari Ocietra caviar ($98 supplement). The umami of the seaweed, combining with the savoury of the caviar, sweetness from the peas, and the sauce generates a feast of sensory delights in flavours. Truly wonderful.The second course features Mediterranean Tuna. The pan-seared tuna is wrapped with a paste of anchovy and olives to give additional layers of flavours. On the bottom is a paste made with some fresh almond to provide nutty flavours to the dish. Together with some fresh tomatoes, peach, French and fava beans, and the beautiful sauce made with fresh tomato juice, peach, almond, red pepper, ginger, garlic and verbena oil, the whole dish is harmonized, with the different elements integrated well, reminding me of flavours we had in Nice on a visit. Fantastic.The third course features Britanny Lobster, serving in two ways. The first part is the Lobster Roll, deep-fried in tempura style, with some breadcrumbs on the surface. The lobster meat has been mixed with dry orange peel, chopped chickpeas, pickled apricot, sage, and coriander. The sweetness and flavours of the lobster meat is phenomenal, testifying to the attention of the chefs in only having best quality ingredients in the dish.  The second part of the Britanny Lobster, with the tail lightly poached with the tomalley of the lobster itself before grilling it over charcoal. The chef has prepared a sauce of great flavours, made from the lobster shell, chicken jus and harissa. On the side is the mashed chickpea, which has been cooked with some North African spices. In the middle is the chickpea salad with some pickled apricot, seasoned with coriander and mint oil. While the taste is gorgeous, the portion size of the lobster tail is frankly quite small. Good that the chickpea is also wonderful in flavours.We get to pick our own knife for the main course, in which both of us have chosen Britanny Pigeon ($188 addition). The charcoal-roasted pigeon breast is encrusted with a layer of olives and capers, cooked perfectly, very tender, juicy, and flavourful. On the side is the organic eggplant, which does not have the usual bitterness, with anchovies and olive on top, along with an eggplant puree. The jus is made from the pigeon and cooked with liquorice, to balance out the flavours. This is my favourite dish in the evening, with each element fantastic and delicious. Amazing.Coming to the fifth course, which features Burgundy Clacbitou, a type of cheese made from raw goat milk. The cheese is made into a sorbet, adding with pineapple chutney to give sweetness and fragrance, and the arugula balancing with a hint of bitterness from the greens, with some cheese foam at the bottom. Very pleasant, it is refreshing and palate cleansing. As Ivy was coughing quite badly and the doctor advised her not to eat anything cold, Chef Romain helps to arrange a Crème Brulee for her instead.The sixth and last course features Celeriac Root. The chef creatively uses the vegetable to make a dessert, mixing the celeriac root with passionfruit seeds at the bottom, followed by some ricotta cheese, a passionfruit sorbet with honey, crisps made from coffee and almond, and some marigold leaves on top. A nice dessert that is not too sweet, with the different components harmonizing in flavours. A wonderful finale for the menu. Again, Chef Romain has kindly arranged a Lemon Meringue Tart for Ivy to substitute.The Petits Fours are put inside two beautiful tin boxes, with the bigger ones having Madeleine and Almond Tuile, while the smaller one contains Chocolates of Almond and Hazelnut. Both are great complements to coffee and finishes our evening on a high note.The bill on the night is $6,186. All the staff are friendly and helpful, with Chef Romain a cheerful chef, who comes to interact with customers, checking in on the food and socializing. He also took extra effort to accommodate our request to change the desserts. Even though it is very packed and might not be the most comfortable seating environment, in terms of food quality and customer service it has the intimate and enjoyable ambience we like. Knowing that the menu will be changed in August, there are ample reasons for us to return again. 繼續閱讀
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適逢🐝生日,🐝🦒去今年拎咗Michelin 1星🌟嘅cozy餐廳Racines慶祝。兩位主廚細細個就認識,一齊喺法國Michelin餐廳同各自喺香港嘅Shangri- La同Four Seasons做。再一齊拍檔開咗呢間Racines (Roots in French)南法餐廳,用食物帶領我地番去佢地嘅Roots🇫🇷Chef同Staff都好熱情,每上一個菜都會詳細介紹,食到一半會走黎同你吹吹水。又叫你揀刀然後講番嗰故事你知,好似去咗場法國之旅☺️Genese 6 $1,688pp首先上嘅係Sourdough🍞配上自製嘅Smoked butter with plum jam🧈。Sourdough mix咗4種seeds,上而crunchy嘅skin脆到好似cracker咁,而內裏非常非常軟熟🥺無論係flavour同texture🐝🦒都覺得係unbeatable!!!💯🦒:係我食過最好食嘅sourdough🤣Amuse bouche 有3道,最令🐝深刻嘅係雞肝Parfait,既creamy滑溜又濃郁,加上mustard seed aftertaste好有層次感。不過唔食內臟嘅🦒表示唔識欣賞🤣第一道course係Spanish大紅蝦。聽到Staff介紹用咗Nice嘅薰衣草橄欖油去烹調🪻我地add on 加嘅魚子醬連埋lemon zest同鹽之花細碎顆粒嘅口感令成個dish加咗好多分🥹Frog legs同seabream冇太大驚喜但去到main又幾impressive。🦒嘅brandt beef有smoked過,煙熏味濃,🦒話好食過之前所有同佢慶祝食過嘅扒😂🐝嘅Pigeon都唔錯,先煎後焗但keep到juicy,烤得嫩滑且唔油膩!之後有3道refreshing嘅dish同甜品。其中傳統法式甜品Madeleine🥧裝喺Chef家鄉出產嘅鐵盒入面,送上黎嘅時候仲係暖笠笠好香奶油味🥰入口鬆軟,口感綿密,🐝好中意🫶🏻食食下,staff仲唱住生日歌遞咗個chocolate cake,隔離枱嘅客人又跟住唱,搞到🐝紅都面哂🥵然後隔離枱又係慶祝生日,到我地唱番歌比隔離枱🤣最後Staff送上兩張Chef hometown嘅postcard💌雖然黎緊8月係去Paris唔係南法,但之後有機會好想去南法一嘗美食🐟🦐🦪同睇薰衣草🪻Overall係一個舒服casual嘅fine dining experience🤤Complex flavour in simple dishes,由Sourdough到Dessert都感受到兩位Chef對佢地Roots嘅熱愛❤️環境💺:💺💺💺.8/5味道🌞:🌞🌞🌞🌞.4/5CP值💰:💰💰💰/5回頭度👀:👀👀👀👀/5 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-12-12
5900 瀏覽
餐廳氣氛好好,staff同chef都好friendly。食物有驚喜,雖然係溫馨小酒館,但食物水準好高,比酒店餐廳更高😆 一開始黎左個麵包好好食,好大個,新鮮出爐,配佢地自己整嘅牛油實在太好味!都未開始已經食左半個😂 菜式都比較輕盈清新唔會話好漏。甜品都好特別,健康清新,係artichoke 🤣絕對會再去的法式餐廳🥰7個course$1788,埋單$2500/位,有叫酒同加左白松露同魚子醬😆我本身係唔食法式個種乳鴿,怕有種血腥嘅感覺。但佢呢間個乳鴿整得好食,一啲血腥味都冇好彩有試到。乳鴿係佢地signature dish 繼續閱讀
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