港鐵灣仔站 A2 出口, 步行約4分鐘
Dining duration: MON - FRI
Lunch: 90 mins - Lunch Set Menu
Dinner: 120 mins - A La Carte Menu
Brunch: 120 mins - Brunch Set Menu
Lunch: 120 mins - Lunch Set Menu
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
11:30 - 15:00
11:30 - 15:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
呢間打卡餐廳居然推出Sole☀️Luna🌙 Dinner set,2個set各有特別。呢到環境靚靚坐得舒服,特別日子黎慶祝🍾一定掂,佢哋啲職員好yo會好熱情主動傾偈。個set包括前菜,主菜、意粉甜品,性價比高。一坐低就有酸種麵包,配橄欖油同黑醋。Luna🌙鵝肝醬配無花果醬意大利麵包本身都好鍾意食鵝肝,鵝肝醬嘅份量超多,入口柔滑香口冇嘢可以取代😋鵝肝嘅香氣配上甜甜地嘅無花果醬味道好夾。血橙鮮蝦他他呢個前菜醬汁帶少少酸,味道好新穎之前冇咩地方食過,蝦咬落爽脆,份量都幾多成碟鋪滿晒。瑞可達芝士開心果半管麵(素)近來開心果真係大熱,開心果同芝士混合之後,奶味香濃😋每一啖都好似食緊開心果奶,但帶鹹香,半管麵大大塊,有咬口。M3 牛後腰肌板肉配火箭菜及番茄呢個位置唔係好常見,含有恰到好處的油脂,有非常豐富的肉汁😋牛肉仲係粉紅色,本身切得比較厚身咬落去有口感,上面落咗少少岩鹽已經好能夠帶出香味!Tiramisu入邊嘅lady finger充滿咖啡香氣,忌廉打得幼滑😋每個分層都做得細緻,唔算好甜。Pirata (灣仔)灣仔軒尼詩道239號30樓
Bookmarked this restaurant for years and finally got a chance to spend my evening here celebrating my best friend's birthday.Staff was welcoming with bright smiles all the time. Appreciated to arrange a seat with some privacy. Restaurant design was modern and cozy. We SOLE set covering two appetisers, one main, one protein and a dessert. Tuna tartare came clean and neat. Staff asked if helping to pour the parsley sauce. It was absolutely appealing with the sauce. Bright green with tie-dye like pattern. It was appetising. Tuna cubes were in perfect size. Tangy and refreshing. Could taste a hint of dill but mild. Love the herbiness. Burrata with cold cuts were also drooling to eat. Burrata was well drizzled with good quality olive oil and cracked black pepper. Burrata was so soft that melted into mouth. Creamy to coat the charred peach and cold cut. Perfect with the sweetness and savoury ham. Arancini was kind of let down. I was so looking forward to try their arancini which could barely find any Italian serving with arancini. It was deep fried perfectly with gooey centre. Couldnt taste much rice texture which could imagine how indulgent the texture was. Sadly, mushroom flavour and pieces were barely tasted. However, their marinara was kind of saving the dish, it brought a good tomato acidity flavour to the dish. Risotto carbonara was another surprise. I was going to ask for cracking black pepper which I usually does. After a well mix, their bacon bites gave a good crunch and smokiness. It was well sesaoned. Neither heavy nor rich at all. I was impressed. Perfect portion. We picked cod alla livornese. It was a light protein dish. Even it's again in tomato sauce, it was not boring at all. By adding olive pieces, sauce was extra savoury with the olive itself taste. Perfect well with the soft cod pieces. Cod was cooked perfectly and coated well with the sauce. Potato cubes were also mixed together with. Tiramisu was served at last with a surprising mini birthday celebration. Thanks Pirata team, it was so warming and memorable. We enjoyed a lot. Absolutely in love with their classic. Topped crunchy cocoa nibs were my favourite. Not as heavy as many tiramisu tasted. Perfect portion to round up tonight.A dining experience I wish to come back again and again. Staff was helpful and efficient to keep refilling water and change plates between dishes. Observant to serve mains and dessert after dishes. Highly recommend.
環境暗暗地,裝修有格調。今次試食Restaurant Week menu ($398 per head)。🤔餐包:普通嘅酸種包,唔熱,硬硬哋少少酸,冇咩特別。橄欖油味淡。Classic Burrata:充滿鹹香嘅Parma ham 撈埋creamy嘅burrata cheese同埋火箭菜,口感有新意得來亦都好豐富。好味 !Vitello Tonnato : 牛仔肉口感有啲似切到好薄嘅燒西冷牛肉,唔算嫩滑。值得一讚嘅係佢嘅汁幾香濃Creamy,撈埋一齊令到個牛肉滑左亦都好味咗。🤔Meatballs : 豬肉丸粒粒鬆軟嘅口感,再配以蕃茄醬。味道正常。Signature Butcher’s Cut (+$48) : 牛扒質感鬆軟,食落有汁。偏瘦,冇肥肉果種油甘香。整體唔錯,但係稍嫌味道淡咗少少,加返多啲鹽可能惹味啲。Amalfi Risotto: 龍蝦意大利飯,口味比傳統嘅龍蝦汁清淡,帶少少檸檬香味。鮮甜得來又唔會太膩,口感creamy,又有新鮮感,值得一讚。大蝦燒得都有炭燒味。Cacciucco Seafood Stew (+$28) :呢個海鮮鍋就好失望。首先海鮮比較單薄,得一隻蝦,三隻青口,同埋一堆八爪魚。個味道太鹹太濃,又有少少酸酸地。唔好味,唔推介。👌🏼甜品: Tiramisu:軟軟嘅芝士配上傳統嘅咖啡同酒味,值得一讚嘅係有粒粒嘅朱古力口感。Panna Cotta:唔會太甜,都有啲粒粒口感。整體嚟講,餐廳食物都水準唔錯(除左個海鮮鍋唔推介)。而restaurant week 嘅menu 都好豐富,亦都帶出咗餐廳嘅優點,值得推介。環境:★★★★★ 食物: ★★★★☆ 推介: ★★★★☆
fusion菜| Pirata |灣仔今次叫咗佢哋嘅Sole Menu 有晒前菜,主菜同甜品,唔洗諗唔使煩😆—————————-Starter 🫶🏻 吞拿魚他他清新又美味嘅開胃菜,魚肉切得剛好,鮮甜可口,搭配少許醬油和香油,味道更加提升。🫶🏻 布袋芝士配高柏火腿及白桃濃厚嘅芝士同火腿嘅鹹香完美結合,加上白桃嘅清甜,口感層次分明。Mains🫶🏻 卡邦尼意大利燴飯燴飯煮得恰到好處,吸收咗濃郁嘅醬汁,口感滑溜。配上香濃嘅培根同芝士,真係十分滿足。🫶🏻 番茄意式燴鱈魚配橄欖及薯仔鱈魚嫩滑,配上清甜嘅番茄醬,味道鮮美。橄欖同薯仔嘅搭配,增添咗口感同層次感,讓整道菜更加豐富。Desserts 🫶🏻 提拉米蘇呢度做得特別好!鬆軟嘅蛋糕層同濃郁嘅咖啡味搭配得恰到好處,口感豐富—————————-📍灣仔軒尼詩道239號30樓—————————-Overall 💗💗💗💗
Vitello Tonnato 牛肉肉質細嫩,加埋個Dressing 配搭一流!Rating: 4/5 Arugula Salad有芝士係面,但略嫌sourcing太多,味道太濃Rating 3/5 Prawns Tagliolini蝦新鮮,好味道!手工意粉,帶有少少辣配搭非常夾Rating: 5/5 Pappardelle Courtyard Ragu鴨味,肉味一流,闊條意粉一流!加上芝士粉可為一絕Rating: 4/5 Tiramisu咖啡味好濃!好好食!必叫Rating 5/5 Panna Cotta略嫌dressing太多太甜但整體滑身可口Rating 3/5 $198 加一 Lunch set Dining city 真係性價平之選!!