11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
If you love beautiful and delicious roll cakes, tiramisu, waffle and icecream, and you don’t mind sitting a bit closer to the adjacent table (it’s a little crowded during peak hours), definitely check this out. It’s one of the busiest cafes in Prince Edward, and their desserts are absolutely amazing. I’d begin with the desserts: their taro and earl grey roll cakes were to die for. The sponge cake was supple and well rolled like a towel, the cream was silky rich and there was soft stretchy fresh mochi inside! They honestly made me go woooh! Pistachio mochi tiramisu is a must-try too. Topped with crunchy toasted pistachio, the green mascarpone was rich, sweet and full of nutty flavours. Most amazingly there were chewy mochi cubes inside, I’ve never had tiramisu with mochi before. It was dinner time, we had two risottos. Salted egg risotto with stuffed crab was a surprising East-meets-West recipe. It tasted legit and savoury, loved it. Burgundy & mushroom risotto was served with tender braised beef cheeks. Drinks: I had the passion fruit & pineapple yogurt smoothie and it was so good! Refreshing, well blended, properly fruity and yogurty at the same time, and there were granolas and dried pineapple added too, what a great texture! Hot ginger honey with lemongrass was a nice winter drink. On the side: very crispy yuzu chicken wings, and delicious fried squid tentacles with mayo. The batter was mixed with seaweed and very appetising.
前幾天約了舊同事去一間人氣cafe食晚飯,晚上六點左右去到餐廳已坐了8成滿,用餐途中一路有客人進進出出,到離開餐廳時仍有不少客人在門外等候,可見生意真的很不錯😮小編今次的用餐體驗亦很好,波希米風格凝造出清新悠閒舒適的氛圍,餐廳食物有水準,店員服務態度友善,值得再回訪🫶🏻.𐐂Dinner Set𐐚(套餐奉送是日餐湯/沙拉及飲品).。食品。./餐湯/.❥ 法式蟹肉龍蝦湯 (升級:+$38)套餐包括了沙拉/是日餐湯,是日餐湯是甘筍湯,但我倆都決定要升級🤭✌🏻龍蝦味夠香濃,鹹度和濃稠度都恰到好處,湯中還有一絲絲鮮甜蟹肉,好滋味.❥ 黃金蟹肉意大利飯 $138本身單純以為「黃金」是指顏色似黃金,原來是真的加了咸蛋黃在飯裡面🤣,口感有點起沙的感覺,但沒有很乾很難下咽,反而充滿了咸香,減少了油膩感,還有菇類、洋蔥粒和三色椒,個人覺得比起以往吃到的燉飯更容易入口👍🏻反轉隻蟹蓋可見塞滿了餡料,有墨魚粒、洋蔥、蟹肉和薯仔粒,表面煎得焦香.❥ 意式芝士肉醬焗千層麵 $108侍應有特別提醒這道菜要等一段時間才能上,一層一層的麵皮夾雜著滿滿的芝士和肉醬,焗得軟熟而沒有乾硬的部份,肉醬不會太鹹,和奶香的芝士以及酸酸甜甜的蕃茄醬混合在一起,更是滋味無窮另外還加了一些茄子片,茄子軟綿細滑./追加/.❥ 芝士/蒜蓉焗生蠔 (4隻) +$68我們有兩人,點了兩款口味各2隻,這樣就可以平分到一人兩款口味都可以食到😋一上桌就香氣撲鼻🤤生蠔大大隻,鮮甜肥美,多汁飽滿😍口感滑嫩💕兩款口味都不錯,芝士的奶香creamy和蒜蓉的鹹香,都各有各的惹味 (不過個人更愛蒜蓉🤭).❥ 脆炸魷魚鬚 +$28粉漿不會過厚,酥脆香口,還帶有海苔的清香,魷魚新鮮彈牙,蘸下他他醬,食到停不了口🤭./甜品/.❥ 紫薯芋泥麻糬卷蛋 (自家製蛋糕) +$38蛋糕濕潤度剛剛好,口感輕盈綿密鬆軟,忌廉中帶有香醇細滑的芋泥餡,不會過甜,入口即化,中間的麻糬軟糯QQ的,多重口感,整體上形容就是清甜順口😋 .❥ 伯爵茶麻糬提拉米蘇 +$48以精美的玻璃杯盛著,格外美觀~提拉米蘇的意大利軟芝士口感順滑,散發出好濃郁的伯爵茶香😍有點驚喜💕茶味相當突出,清新的感覺中和了一般傳統提拉米蘇所帶來的甜膩感👍🏻內裡同樣藏有軟糯QQ的麻糬,口感和味道上都增添了層次感./飲品/.❥ 熱玫瑰鮮奶咖啡(特色飲品半價:$21).❥ 鮮蘋果汁大大一杯,味道天然清甜.(人。◕‿‿◕。)歡迎來追蹤我~ FOLLOW FOLLOW ME ❣ 喜歡的就給個贊👍🏻鼓勵支持我👉🏻👈🏻
我哋諗呢間都真係好多人都識了🤣 但我哋就一直未有機會試佢,因為佢真係長期都咁多人等🥹 嗰日收工見唔算太多人等,終於可以試吓佢😍Sᴇᴛ ғᴏʀ 2 $408是日餐湯煙肉薯仔忌廉湯,因為有薯仔,所以口感好濃郁,湯質亦都好杰撻撻😙 仲有啲煙肉用嚟吊下味,都唔錯嘅蜜糖柚子雞翼雞翼Sɪᴢᴇ都唔細,炸到脆卜卜,食落口仲熱辣辣,肉質嫩滑仲好Jᴜɪᴄʏ,蜜糖嘅微甜加埋柚子嘅微酸,用嚟開吓個胃啱哂😚龍蝦汁虎蝦闊條麵份量中規中矩,有兩大隻虎蝦,肉質爽彈,啖啖肉,闊條麵食落麵幾有彈牙,唔會好冧,成個闊條麵都充斥住濃濃嘅龍蝦味,真係索一索精神爽利🤪美國安格斯肉眼牛扒塊扒上到枱就見到燒得好靚,Sɪᴢᴇ都幾大同埋幾厚身,牛扒真係要咁食先爽,我哋叫咗五成熟,呢到要讚吓個廚師掌握個生熟度掌握得好好,食落肉質嫩滑,牛味幾香濃,非常Jᴜɪᴄʏ,呢個大推👍🏻芝士/蒜蓉焗生蠔 +$68見佢有個Aᴅᴅ ᴏɴ生蠔,即刻叫埋嚟試吓,一共4隻,就算熟咗都好,隻隻都好大粒,超級飽滿,表面有一大堆蒜蓉或者芝士,但都食到隻蠔嘅鮮味,蒜蓉相對重口味,但好惹味,芝士就食個香味,兩款都好正😍伯爵卷蛋 +$48呢款甜品嘅伯爵茶味非常霸道,濃郁到癲,佛手柑嘅香味濃到不得了,伯爵茶控真係必點❤️ 個卷蛋都好軟熟,麻糬提供咗額外嘅口感,層次豐富啲😚開心果麻糬提拉米蘇 +$48呢款甜品見好多人都點,我哋唔執輸,再加錢試吓佢,好彩有加到🥹 好食到癲,雖然開心果味又係好霸道,但個Bᴀʟᴀɴᴄᴇ做得好好,Tɪʀᴀᴍɪsᴜ嘅味道都無消失到,Tɪʀᴀᴍɪsᴜ個完成度都好高,個Cʀᴇᴀᴍ都好幼滑,值得加錢食👍🏻由於舖仔面積唔算大,所以座位相對會迫少少🤏🏻 但氣氛好熱鬧,無論係二人約會定一班朋友嚟聚都好適合,食物質素偏高,服務態度亦好好,個效率亦都好高,基本上都唔會有吉碟喺枱面,值得一讚👍🏻
其實今次再來係為左佢地期間限定嘅新甜品. 因為有個住太子嘅朋友話有新甜品. 知道呢間一向多人排隊, 今日放假就早D去食午餐同埋確保甜品唔會賣曬. 一貫嘅有親切店員同舒適店內環境 , 可以好好享受午餐, 但提一提大家佢地嘅冷氣比較唔吝嗇. 可以帶定件外套. 午餐set : 法式香草燒羊架 配薯菜有成三件羊架,火喉剛好, 肉好嫩滑不羶多汁, 配香草醬, 伴BB薯仔西蘭花一流高質 ! 要餐湯:蕃茄湯,用料足, 好濃郁, 酸中帶甜開胃。美國醬燒BBQ豬肋骨配意粉要左沙律- 蔬菜新鮮嫩, 配胡麻醬,美味爽口。加配: 必脆炸魷魚鬚, 呢個又係黎親都何必點, 好食打抵食, 粉漿薄炸得香脆, 口感酥脆. 醬燒BBQ豬肋骨配意粉 - 豬肋骨熟度剛好. BBQ 醬惹味. 終於到主角上場開心果麻薯提拉米蘇 - 滿滿開心果果碎. 開心果cream 超滑smooth 但又唔會太甜, 最底層有好多麻糬同蛋糕 一流配搭. 頂級享受. 紫薯芋泥麻糬卷蛋 -一貫水準. 鬆軟香濃紫薯味,中間芋泥,麻糬, 多重水口感. 親切嘅服務, 一流嘅食物, 大眾價錢. 暫時係我喺太子區頭3位嘅餐廳! Owens地址: 太子砵蘭街412號地舖
Went to this cafe in Prince Edward with colleagues for afternoon tea. .I ordered the cake set, selecting Earl Grey Mochi Tiramisu. Topped with cocoa powder, the dessert featured layers of chewy mochi, earl grey tea-infused Italian soft cheese and rich coffee wine-soaked finger biscuits. I added HKD28 for Fried Squid. The squid had a crispy exterior and a pleasantly chewy interior. It tasted slightly plain, and the tartar sauce added some flavour to it. Both my colleagues ordered the Brunch Set. One of them ordered BBQ Pulled Pork Burger with Fries.She added HKD38 for the Purple Sweet Potato Taro Mashed Mochi Egg Roll. The egg roll had a sweet and soft purple sweet potato cake outer layer, wrapped with fragrant taro paste filling and soft glutinous mochi inside. Another ordered Spanish Iberico Pork Chop with Fries. The pork chop was tender, savoury and thick.She added HKD38 for Basque Mochi Cheesecake. Topped with rose petals, the cheesecake was rich in butter and strong cheese flavour with a smooth creamy texture. Our set included soup of the day and a drink. The pumpkin soup was the soup of the day, and I got Honey Lemon Citron Tea for my drink. .The cafe was immensely popular. Despite arriving around 1420, we had to wait for almost an hour. It was a bit funny that they kept seating two guests instead of combining tables to accommodate three guests, which would have reduced our wait time. Luckily the staff was friendly and polite, just I thought the arrangements could have been better🙈. .The cafe has a delicate Bohemian style decor, and their desserts were especially exquisite. The price of the food was relatively economical.