港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 A1 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 00:00
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Mixed Grill Arab Mixed Salad Falafel Hummus Kebab
食評 (6)
等級1 2021-08-01
712 瀏覽
極力推介雖然門口其貌不揚,裝修也非常殘舊, 同層充滿坑人按摩店, 但食物竟然媲美米芝蓮五星 個門口錦樣衰搵極都搵唔到,打電話比個老闆差點想放棄不上去,都唔知點解會搵到,一試上癮極力推介亞拉伯羊肉飯跟羊肉飯個羊肉濃湯簡直=天堂hummus鷹嘴豆醬+babaganoush茄子醬手工炭爐烤麵包有falafel情意結的我尋遍全港終於找到有水準的falafel炸豆餅卡巴卷第一次吃完一餐飯個快感持續6小時以上如果不介意地方殘舊的話,真的很高性價比+健康美味會再來 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-07-03
411 瀏覽
開頭見到個名叫Kebab以為有kebab食所以去入到去係冇既 menu啲野講真揀唔落手就勉強叫左咖喱雞 個味好奇怪我好少會話啲野難食 但覺得真係好難食又貴又唔抵 咖哩雞$75 飯要加$40個咖哩好怪 唔知佢係咩國家既野食香蕉奶昔makesense $35實在叫唔落所以2個人咁樣食算同埋佢啲野好污糟咁 食得好唔安樂個杯有唇印 水都收左10蚊成間鋪冇其他人 真心中伏仲有其他中東定印度人係到食水煙食完拿拿聲走埋單214連埋加一但老細冇錢找所以只係收左200蚊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2021-03-10
368 瀏覽
自製長假期中的一個晚餐,約了一個朋友試新餐廳,來了這一間中東餐廳。餐廳在二樓,店員是中東人(但我不清楚他們是來自哪個國家),會說英文,很友善。我們被安排坐個窗邊的卡位,窗戶外可以清楚看到在海防道另一面的清真寺,窗外陣陣涼風,景觀不錯。打開餐牌,餐牌有中文及英文說明,店員也會用英文介紹菜式,點菜沒有太大困難。我點了樣子很清新的阿拉伯沙拉Fattoush,賣相很吸引的燒烤魚 Grilled Fish。店員推薦了三角豆醬 Hummus 及混合沙拉Baba Ghannour雙拼,跟阿拉伯包一起吃,還推薦了雜錦燒烤 Mixed Grill。飲品我點了混合果汁 Mix Fruit Juice,店員推薦了薄荷檸檬汁 Mint with Lemon Juice 給我的朋友。兩個人的晚餐,盛惠$498,還要把燒烤打包帶走😂,很滿足。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
重口味正宗中東菜。足料羊肉湯。環境舒適。友善服務。可以一試。Authentic Middle Eastern cuisine.Very good lamb soup and falafel.Overall good quality food.Friendly service.Bright and Spacious. I've been here twice - once for dinner and once for lunch. It's situated at a fairly run down building so that might deter some from coming. Even though the decor seemed a bit aged, the restaurant, overlooking the Kowloon Park, is pretty spacious and comfortable.The menu is pretty comprehensive, with a comprehensive menu of the essential middle east cuisine such as various types of kebabs, curries, fried rice, falafel, baba ganoush, pizza and pasta.They also serve lamb soup and seafood soup.Lamb soup:The lamb soup was wonderful. Filled with tasty lamb chunks, various types of herbs and chopped vegetables, it was hearty and tasty. The lamb taste wasn't too strong, even though who don't usually eat lamb enjoyed it.Mixed kebab:There was lamb and chicken. The chicken was a bit dry but the lamb was succulent and marinated with a lot of herbs, which was tasty.The rice was a bit soggy for my taste but others enjoyed it. The potato chips were crispy on the outside and soft inside.Pizza:Surprisingly, someone actually ordered pizza at a Middle Eastern restaurant. It turned out to be not bad at all. The crust was very crunchy and the toppings were good.Mixed baba ganoush: I can't remember the exact name of the dish but it's one the same page as the baba ganoush (eggplant puree). There was the original baba ganoush, one with garlic taste, a very creamy one with lemon taste, (one I can't remember) and a very special type of salad. All these were excellent with the equally wonderful naan. Falafel & others:The three pieces of falafel were substantial and also tasty. It's not as dry as the usual ones you get elsewhere. I've ordered this everytime I came and I really enjoyed it. The chicken curry was also pretty good.The manager and the waitresses were all very friendly.All in all, a very enjoyable experience. Recommended. P.S. * $10 dollars for each bottle of mineral water per person. Regard that as a minimum charge on top of the 10% service charge.* Hookah available at night.* No alcohol is served but you could bring your own drinks without any extra charge.  繼續閱讀
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等級1 2014-05-15
1038 瀏覽
pasta裡面係凍ge,明明menu寫明$65pasta(無寫過水都要收錢),最後收我100只可以怪自己笨仲以為遊客區入面唔會有甘猖狂的食店點了一個minced beaf pasta, menu 上寫$65店內沒有人懂粵語,問佢可唔可以要d水,佢俾左1枝樽裝水我(最後我先知10蚊1枝)pasta味道完全唔值呢個價錢,個白汁只有中小學canteen質素汁suppose應該系液體,但我見到一粒粒固體在裡面最重要系,食食下我發覺裡面系凍ge 仲有1個waiter在店內食煙當時我自己1個女仔去食,除左外籍客人,全部都系丫叉我認自己怕事,擔心一但complain就會走唔出呢個地方最後埋單,個pasta價錢好似變魔術甘,由65變成75唔知系我數學差,定系邊很個數學差   75(menu上寫65)+10+唔很知幾多%的service charge=100個waiter心虛到連我想望多張單一陣都唔俾,佢問:"OK?"之後就收走張單伸手ling錢 我從來未試過甘堅決寫衰一間餐廳,今次系第一次除非閣下好想中伏,好想被穩笨,否則絕對唔好幫襯 繼續閱讀
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