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10:00 - 02:00
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Deutsch Burger
食評 (38)
等級2 2014-10-30
2405 瀏覽
第一次黎依間食,友人幫我揸主意叫左依個招牌薯條炸魚粗薯條炸得好脆身,配埋旁邊既sauce味道好夾好惹味,因新鮮炸起,傾耐左計放左一陣都仲係好脆然後個炸魚真係值得推介,外皮一樣甘脆,皮好薄,咬落好鬆軟,兩樣都係外脆內嫩!而且食落一d都唔油膩,好乾爽Mcsorley就係一間bar黎,提供不同類型小食,其中出好多炸物,按你既喜好選擇你中意既酒,場內提供多部電視比你睇體育賽事,然後配埋野食一流享受,好適合一班志同道合既朋友們黎gathering環境舒適且優美,昏暗格調讓人放鬆 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-07-03
2293 瀏覽
Came here for brunch and the environment was much nicer than anticipated.At the front, there were lots of tables with a bar in the middle for social gatherings and there were also tables with privacy.A nice sunny spot.There was a good selection on the brunch menu.Tried the scrambled egg with crab and truffle.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★scrambled egg with crab:There was not much crabmeat in the scrambled egg and the artificial truffle oil was too over powering.The roast potatoes were a bit too hard.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★The bill:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $140Service: OKService charge: noYummy factor: Could be betterNapkins provided: yesNoise levels: NoisyGlass of water provided: NoneEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-01-01
1871 瀏覽
McSorley's was a great place for burgers. It used to be the best burger place for me, and we came here quite often for drinks. We don't need to wait for seats which is great. My boyfriends came here for drinks with his bosses regularly, like at least once a week. It was cool on Monday since we can use the Asiaexpat card so the burger is buy one get one free!But last night, which was the New Year's Eve, just a bit disappointed me. After my boyfriend having few drinks with his bosses, we were about to celebrate and count down. We asked the staff (then the staff asked the manager) if we could get a balloon for our friend's kid but he refused. The staff felt sorry to tell us about this. We were quite shocked that a balloon didn't cost anything and we have spent quite a bit in this place over the year. They couldn't even give us one balloon to a kid. I would not ever introduced my friends and colleagues to this place anymore.  繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-07-31
1529 瀏覽
Arrived rather early before they got their rush, as last time we went it was very busy due to the popularity- this time it was very quiet.New menu, which I thought was very good- prices have gone up which doesnt really surprise me- they DID have the best burgers in town and have to make the most out of the popularity. However, when you put the prices up, the one thing you SHOULD NOT do is make the portion size smaller. The 'chips' have been replaced by American fries (I thought it was an Irish pub, not American), and unfortunately there was not real taste of potato on the inside- very crispy, almost making me think that they had been double fried.After a couple of fries, I investigated the burger a bit more. I had the Texas BBQ Burger- the burger patty has now diminished in size (quite a lot) and the BBQ sauce now tastes like a tabasco, spicy sauce which is rather depressing.Unfortunately after 5 years in Hong Kong, I have to say it is no longer 'The Best Burger In Town' but closer to a rip-off. The only way to keep a customer happy when you put prices up is to at least keep the portion sizes the same. As a person with Irish blood, I was not overly happy with the 'fries' and can assure you not many Irishmen would be!Service was good, just a shame about the above.Have I recommended it before? Yes.Would I recommend it now? No. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2012-01-05
1064 瀏覽
下午到SOHO,大約都2點,成間餐廳只有我們一台客!!店員都不知在忙什麼,基本上係無咩理過我地!!3個人ORDER左雞翼做前菜!!炸得香脆可口!!!BLUE CHEESE BURGER好香cheese味r!!!!blue cheese係種口感軟身,極香既芝士!!本人好中意!!!但友人不是太好就會覺得佢好溜同埋臭.....個burger既皮焗得脆脆地,好可口呀,塊牛肉又厚又juicy!!!塊bacon都整得好脆!!!入口真係幾種口感,好好味!!!love it!!!!!!!!!Carbonara好出色!!!!!!好香好creamy!!!!!!!!!!必食推介!!!!其餘兩道菜!!!一個係煎三文魚扒!!!吾使講甘多食晒!!!!!!!另一道curry beef.........不知所謂!!!!!!吾使講甘多無食過甘滯!!!!!!!牛肉好"鞋",個汁又無味.....完全食吾晒..........淨左好多!!!不是因為size大(只有burger size較大),而係order得太多........ 繼續閱讀
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