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食評 (5)
等級4 2025-02-22
34 瀏覽
After my meal, I decided to drink a double espersso before the flight.The pricing is quite reasonable and the double espresso was quite generous for its portion.However, I already ordered the drink 30 minutes before boarding. However, it took really long for my drink to be prepared almost 20 minutes. It was lucky I ordered a double espresso so I could down it quickly but it was still quite panicking when 10 minutes till boarding and your drink is still not prepared. I will still give this an OK review but please ensure you have sufficient time. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-11-16
662 瀏覽
中伏,見裝修唔錯以為有一定水準。點知咖啡超級苦,加埋奶都拯救唔到,連茶記都好飲過佢,結果飲咗兩啖頂唔順無飲!!個牛角包淋過海綿蛋糕,真係唔明白點解一個酥皮類嘅包都可以咁淋。呢間嘢可以話淨係得個樣,坐位又少,結果都係要take away。兩樣加埋都成70蚊,講真,我去bake house 買隻牛角包,再去其他 coffee shop 買杯嘢飲都唔使咁嘅錢。係見就腳先走去試佢一次,真係要用句可一不可再黎形容呢件事。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-11-09
641 瀏覽
Kavanstop 本身早年已經進駐到機場中間因為疫情暫停過一陣子今年由Nodi 接手再次回歸小店保留咗原來嘅綠白幾何圖形設計💚🤍亦加入咗唔少本土元素(山脈、高樓大廈、知名景點)⛰️食物以簡單Puff Pastry 為主🥐另外有沙律亦有三文治🥪準備出門嘅朋友仔不仿預留時間拜訪🔖 Blueberry Muffin 🫐應該係吃過最好味嘅藍莓鬆餅番熱後入面嘅藍莓果醬剛好半溶蛋糕質感亦鬆軟👍🏻🔖 Latte (Oat Milk ✅)另外有手沖咖啡供應❣️64號閘口都幾遠、請預留充足移動時間 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
入咗禁區之後竟然仲有得飲精品咖啡😍😍😍,真係好正仲可以一路飲咖啡,一邊享受機場景色✈️✈️咖啡偏向nutty ,同時都提供手沖,仲有多款咖啡豆可以選擇, 如果班機近64號登機閘口,記得去Chill 下啦🥰🥰 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-03-11
993 瀏覽
Great flat white with good aroma by Nodi.My departure gate was at Bay 2 but I purposely spent time and walked to Bay 64 for a nice cup of coffee. There used to be Illy and Dean Deluca in the airside but sadly all had closed down. A nice cup of coffee can really make your day. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)