港鐵灣仔站 A3 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
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Seafood  Pancake
食評 (8)
等級3 2024-08-28
2263 瀏覽
在繁忙的灣仔區,HANU作為麗新餐飲集團旗下的新佳作,正以其優質的韓牛 🐂🥩和多種韓式美食 🍜🍱吸引著食客的目光。餐廳的名字“HANU”源於韓語“한우”,意為“韓牛”,這也正是他們的主打特色之一。🤩🏢🌟HANU走的是休閒風格,內部設計時尚而輕鬆,營造出愉悅的用餐環境 🌈。無論是與朋友聚餐 👯‍♂️還是家庭聚會 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦,這裡都能讓人感到放鬆和舒適。餐廳的佈局合理,燈光柔和 💡,給人一種溫馨的感覺,非常適合享受美食的同時,享受與親友的歡聚時光 🎉。HANU提供的韓牛是最高等級的1++ 🥇🐄韓牛扒套餐,肉質鮮嫩細膩,脂肪含量相對較低,口感滑順 😋。與美國牛排相比,韓牛的肉味不那麼濃郁,而與日本和牛相比,它的脂肪含量又較少,適合喜歡清淡口味的食客 🌿。韓牛的稀有性和嚴格的出口管制,使得每一塊肉都顯得尤為珍貴 💎。根據韓國政府的規定,所有牛肉都需經過等級評定,1++級別的韓牛相當於A5級和牛,肉質上布滿大理石花紋,入口時油脂的香氣瞬間散發,令人陶醉 😍。在HANU,我嘗試了以下套餐和小食:⭐️韓國五花腩套餐 (HKD 208) 😋🥓這道五花腩套餐讓我驚喜不已 🎊。香氣四溢的韓國五花腩,搭配上新鮮的蔥絲和大醬,味道十分出色 🌶️。拌菜方面也非常豐富,包括韓國野菜 🥬、南瓜 🎃、醬鵪鶉蛋 🥚和泡菜 🥒,色香味俱全,令人食欲大開 🤤。⭐️經典韓牛套餐 (HKD 298) 😍🥩這道經典韓牛套餐,包含100g的1++西冷部位。肉質鮮嫩,油脂分佈均勻,入口即化,令人讚不絕口 👏。每一口都能感受到肉的鮮美,真是肉食愛好者的絕佳選擇 🍖。⭐️炸雞 (3件裝,HKD 88) 🍗🍟我還嘗試了HANU的炸雞,外皮金黃酥脆,內裡保持肉質的鮮嫩多汁 🤤。炸醬的味道恰到好處,不會過於厚重,令人驚喜 🎉,絕對是與朋友分享的完美小食 🥳。如果你在尋找一個放鬆的用餐環境和美味的韓式料理,HANU絕對是個不容錯過的選擇!無論是優質的韓牛 🥩還是豐富的小食 🍱,這裡都能為你帶來一場愉悅的體驗 🌟🥳🍽️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-08-25
2387 瀏覽
𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐊𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐟 𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐔 🐄The name "HANU" originates from the Korean word "한우," which means "Korean beef."HANU specializes in the highest-grade 1++ Korean steak set, offering a variety of cuts such as Sirloin, Ribeye and Chateaubriand. Starting from HK$298, the steak sets include soup, unlimited servings of signature Korean banchan and seaweed rice. The Regular K-Steak Set features the sirloin cut, known for its chewy texture and rich, meaty flavor. For those looking for an elevated experience, the Premium K-Steak Set provides two different top-grade Korean beef cuts in one meal. The ribeye cut with its marbling of fat running through the meat that offers a tender, succulent, and sweet flavor, while the Chateaubriand represents the most tender and smooth part of the beef tenderloin.In addition to the beef options, HANU also provides the Korean pork belly set, catering to friends who prefer pork over beef, allowing them to dine together with the beef enthusiasts. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-13
1762 瀏覽
Another day of client meetings in Wanchai. Decided to try new eatery for Hanwoo Lunch.Went for the Premium Set (HK$498).Here’s what we had. -Kimchi tofu soup- too spicy for me.-Grade 1+ + Hanwoo ribeye and chateaubriand- served in generous 60g portions; exquisitely marbled, tender, and bursting with the rich, beefy flavor that Hanwoo is renowned for. -Seaweed rice.-Unlimited refills of flavorful banchan, including bean sprouts and spinach.-Add-on: soft-boiled eggs-Add-on: fried chicken.In summary: good Korean beef to satisfy my Hanwoo craving. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-02
2180 瀏覽
HANU is the latest addition to Lai Sun Dining that serves premium grade 1++ Hanwoo steak in a casual setting at reasonable price points starting from HK$298. Those with an insatiable appetite would be pleased to know that each set comes with soup and unlimited servings of banchan and nori rice.The night of our visit we ordered the Premium and the Regular Hanwoo Set to share. Also ordered a Red Rice Makgeolli to try. Red Rice Makgeolli is made using a traditional method of double fermentation of red rice, which retains the unique acidity and carbonation of Boksoondoga.The Premium Hanwoo Set features ribeye and Chateaubriand. The ribeye was tender and had some nice marbling. Chateaubriand, the most tender and smoothest part of the tenderloin, was indeed very tender.Surprisingly though I preferred the Regular Hanwoo Set that features the striploin that is more textural and meaty in flavours. Overall a decent place for a casual meal when you have a Hanwoo craving. The steak would have been more enjoyable had it been served on a properly preheated cast iron. The one they used was only for aesthetic purpose. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-07-09
2979 瀏覽
灣仔有一間主打韓牛的新餐廳開業,並且店名HANU也是源自韓語「Hanwoo 」的意思,以一種時尚輕鬆的小酒館風格來供應韓牛美食。餐館以供應套餐為主,分有頂級韓牛、經典韓牛、烤牛肉及豚肉套餐四款,每款套餐都會配上湯品、多款拌菜及紫菜飯,當中更可無限添加拌菜及紫菜飯。最為昂貴的頂級韓牛套餐所供應的就是頂級的1++級數韓牛,部位分別為肉眼及夏多布里昂,前者油脂豐富,質感軟腍,後者則肉味香濃帶甜,肉質更為柔軟,是最為頂級的選擇。配搭的拌菜款式甚多,正好與韓牛配合得宜,絕對可以添吃幾碗紫菜飯。除了套餐外,還可單點一些美味的韓食,好像炸雞、人蔘燴牛尾、柚子汁韓牛沙律及韓式煎餅等等。既然是以小酒館形式經營,酒精飲品必不可少,當中首推韓國生米酒,以白米釀造的口味較為甘甜,但苗子更為喜歡以紅米釀造而成的紅米酒,甜度及酸度較為平衡,正好中和了韓牛的油膩,值得一試。如果大家有興趣這間新韓牛餐廳,快點一試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)