港鐵上環站 E2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:45 - 23:00
11:45 - 23:30
11:45 - 23:00
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食評 (206)
等級2 2024-03-24
989 瀏覽
The service here was amazing. We started with a half container of mussels in white wine sauce for an appetizer. It was loaded with mussels and the sauce was perfect. My daughter ordered a Porter House steak, that had to be about 2 pounds. The server even had it cut by the chiefs for her. She ordered medium and the cook was exact. She paired it with Satan Beer,which had its own glass for the pour. I had the burger with fried egg and fries. The burger was cooked medium well. It was a mix of minced waygu and beef. It was delicious and what I appreciated was the bun holding up and not tearing or turning soggy half way through eating. 繼續閱讀
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Love the decoration so so much hereee haa, perfect exotic feeing with classic woody bench, whole environment is indeed chill and cool(;What I appreciate most here is, as a water monster, I drink a lot of water, and the staff is helpfully filling us water frequently to make sure your glass won't be empty haaa xpp so have to thump up for it cheersss, really rare restaurant I would give 5 out of 5!!! And I like her smile haa, and so well talk with her!Whole Lobster Risotto, north west atlantic cricket lobster, prawn confit tomato, white wine and fresh herbs is highly recommended, niceee taste and sauce, lobster meats are so fresh yumm yumm, so chewable, even it's a but hard to get the meat out of the lobster legss haa, still a lovely combinatuon, so happy just seeing the whole lobster placing on the table haa, the taste indeed super good, with strong tomatoes but you won't think it's too sour, right in the middle the taste! Waffle Bomb Alaska, homemade waffle sandwiches pressed, together with vanilla Ice Cream slab, topped with a towering meringue filled with hidden chocolate Ice cream is cuteeee too. I almost forgot the hidden chocolate ice cream, it's such a surprise still see the chocolate mixture insides haa, though I do love vanilla ice cream more, usually I like chocolate haaa, homemade waffle isn't bad too, it'd be better if being more crispy haaaa, overall is lovely, just a bit too sweet for topping meringue, I can't afford too much of thissss laaa xpppSpecially mentioned is, I'm so surprised cause they singing a song for my birthday lovexxx and put a candle on the top of the cake haaa, it's cuteeee thanks for the arrangement, do think they are servicing with their heart instead of just a job, thxxx lovexxxenvironment*:menuo Come and have a try, gonna surprise you in very good way, exotic environment with comsy bench, you'd call in love it like me haaa 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2020-12-15
6001 瀏覽
呢間係小編其中一間好鍾意❤️的餐廳 除左野食好食之外 餐廳歐陸式的環境令人有種置身係外國一樣的感覺🥳 而且定價不高 份量又大 好適合放工同同事去Happy Hour🍻 或者同朋友聚會的地方 好值得推介 👍🏻💯燒烤豬肋骨-Schnitzel and Frites ($195)豬肋骨醃得非常入味 燒烤醬酸酸甜甜好開胃😋 朋友話唔會好酸🤢 完全接受到 怕酸都可以食到 肉質淋 不用用力切已經可以脫骨 啱晒我呢個無牙婆👵🏻 另外值得一提係蘋果沙律🥗 好爽脆好fresh 而且可以解膩 仲有就係番薯條🍠 新鮮炸起熱辣辣 推介👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻招牌忌廉青口鍋🍲-Frites House Mussels (1/2kg/$245)呢款係餐廳的招牌菜 基本上每枱客都必點😆 除左忌廉 仲有Hoeaagarden🍺 喇沙 白酒🍸 蕃茄🍅 地中海得味 真係花多眼亂🤩 青口肥美肉厚😍 而且大大粒好juicy 另外配上粗薯條同酸種🍞包 可以沾汁食 非常惹味 真係食到停唔到口🤤 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2020-11-23
4926 瀏覽
今日同朋友放假一齊食好嘢🤤去咗一間幾有feel嘅餐廳😍,叫做"Frites Belgium on Tap"。同埋見佢又做緊半價promotion,所以決定試試佢😍。我地叫咗嗰0.5Kg招牌青口煲($245)。開頭冇咩expectation,因為覺得依啲應該都係啲普通嘢嚟。點知一食落口正到呢😍😍😍😍勁好食,唔會話得浸白酒味,又唔會太咸,嗰汁係濃稠度係啱啱好。啲青口唔算好大隻,但起碼正正常常唔會有怪味,隻隻都算新鮮。嗰青口煲重送薯條同一塊麵包。塊麵包浸落啲汁到真係冇得輸😍😍😍。我自己主菜就叫咗Fish & Frites($195)。份量真係好大份,味道亦都非常好味。我覺得依個價錢其實唔錯。炸魚嘅炸醬唔會話太厚,魚肉都算嫩滑,好好食😍。環境同員工服務態度都好好,餐廳氣氛都好開心,非常推薦大家試下👍🏻👍🏻。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2020-11-06
3918 瀏覽
一到週末就好喜歡和朋友來聚聚這已經是我第三次來了已經訂了下一次的位置了最喜歡來這廛古位於中環的分店一來有折扣優惠二來人比較少位置也坐得舒服每次都一定會叫蟹肉沙律蟹肉沙律配麵包一絕,麵包香脆可口,蟹肉加青瓜口感一流。雞肉凱撒沙律沙律菜夠新鮮雞肉口感一流夾埋一齊食好好食😋今次因為是中午黎,所以叫到個brunchPancake唔會太乾,好鬆軟加埋Syrup 甜得黎加佢軟綿綿的奶香,不錯。但炸雞少左啲,同埋硬左啲,同埋乾左啲😆😆😆炸蕃薯條這個好有驚喜⋯⋯蕃薯條本身已經好好食😋佢細細條易入口,但有啲炸得唔夠香脆,如果炸得再香脆啲會更開心,如果切得粗條啲會更有咬口,食落會更有層次。個配搭的醬係又Chilly mushy and lime 汁製作而成好食,但配搭薯條會更適合。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)